New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Interestingly enough, Democrats / snowflakes declared President Trump could shoot someone in public and be defended / get away with it
Correction............his negligence could lead to the needless deaths of thousands of Americans and Trumpleheads don't care.

President Trump has literally saved 95% of the 2.2 Million originally marked for death.
Thank You President Trump
No, I have cited, listed, linked, shown undeniable, overwhelming evidence proving former President Barak Obama knew exactly what his criminal Cabinet, National Security Advisor, National Security Counsel, his Deputy US AG, US AG, NIA Director, CIA Director, FBI Director, and agency officials were doing - which was affecting the largest criminal political scandal in US history.
Actually, you haven't. Not even close. What you've shown is Obama appropriately ordered a review of what the intel agencies knew about Russia's interference in the 2016 election on Vlad's favorite candidate's behalf.

Other than that, you're up to your eyeballs in horseshit.

That literally never happened.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.

What they did to Flynn is only a small part of the big picture: The wiretapping and surveillance on others, including Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and more than likely including Donald Trump himself, the phony "dossier" which was paid for by Hillary, the FISA warrants, the subsequent Mueller investigation, and the Impeachment conducted by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.

All of those were a failed attempt to seditiously overthrow a duly-elected President, and it all points to the top, namely Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Like I said, this is the biggest political scandal this country has ever seen and someone is going to pay dearly for it.
So how long does this nothingburger have to produce nothing before the Trump cultists here admit they were scammed again?

Trump cultists, can you give us a rough time frame? We want to know when to come back here and laugh even harder.
So? There was nothing illegal done.

Yet to be determined. Obstruction of Justice for failure to turn over documents under a court order. Also falsely setting up a Cabinet Official in the FBI's words in order to "get him fired or get him to lie."

Coyote, this stuff is all coming out before the election. Bad for the Dims......

I don't think so. The failure to turn over documents was that Flynn's first attorney hadn't turned over everything (and no indication it was deliberate, it was a small number of things).

There was no "false setting up" - Flynn had already lied, which was what caught their attention. He was offered a lawyer. He chose to lie. He pleaded guilty twice. He said up front he wasn't tricked.

Coyote, is not ethical when there is zero evidence that you have committed a crime to have cops try to get you fired or induce a crime. That is entrapment and very bad.

And it was the FBI that failed to turn over documents not Flynn's lawyer.

They did not "induce" a crime, that's the thing. Even Flynn said he wasn't trick. He had EVERY opportunity to tell the truth. Why didn't he?

Maybe you didn't read the FBI memo where they admitted to setting up Flynn. You know, "Let's get him in a lie or find some way to get him fired."

Is that how you think ethical cops behave?

As for Flynn, the FBI threatened to destroy his family and put his son in jail. What would you do Coyote? Would you admit to lying to save your family?
IOW, if you oppose Dear Leader you must be a criminal. That's exactly the kind of thing they say in fascist countries.
The country is half filled with people that oppose Trump. To say all those people are considered "criminal" is
absurd and b.s. hyperbole.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting
Obama has been given a pass his entire life. His failed presidency was given a pass. His failed policies, cash for clunkers, solyndra, shovel ready jobs, obamacare, all given a pass. We all know why. He will be given a pass on this also. We all know why.
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page
Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
What they did to Flynn is only a small part of the big picture: The wiretapping and surveillance on others, including Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and more than likely including Donald Trump himself, the phony "dossier" which was paid for by Hillary, the FISA warrants, the subsequent Mueller investigation, and the Impeachment conducted by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.

All of those were a failed attempt to seditiously overthrow a duly-elected President, and it all points to the top, namely Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

"More than likely", so you're just resorting to making stuff up?

Manafort is in prison for years due to his corruption. Roger Stone is a thug in an expensive suit. He'll be in jail for a few years too. No one has claimed that there was any illegal surveillance of them and we haven't seen wiretaps of either of them.

Carter Page is the one and only person who has any claim to being treated poorly and he was so tangential to the campaign that he could hardly even be considered a part of it.
So, how is this NOT worse than watergate?

Because it wasn't political. It was legal.

Obama did not direct any actions against the Trump campaign and nothing in the government was used in any attempt to sway the outcome of the election.

Whether Obama "directed" surveillance or actions against Trump is not yet known because we have yet to get him under oath. But Clapper has admitted that Obama knew about it.

So it's pretty much a certainty that both Obama and Biden were aware of it and in the least, did nothing to stop it. That alone is disgraceful and inexcusable.

Comey already testified that the president was vaguely informed of the investigation into some people related to the Trump campaign.

Flynn was never under surveillance. His conversation was picked up because he talked to the ambassador. Flynn himself has stated he was well aware such conversation would be recorded by the administration, given his long history of working in intelligence.

What they did to Flynn is only a small part of the big picture: The wiretapping and surveillance on others, including Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and more than likely including Donald Trump himself, the phony "dossier" which was paid for by Hillary, the FISA warrants, the subsequent Mueller investigation, and the Impeachment conducted by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.

All of those were a failed attempt to seditiously overthrow a duly-elected President, and it all points to the top, namely Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Like I said, this is the biggest political scandal this country has ever seen and someone is going to pay dearly for it.

Not sure Biden was really in on it to any great degree.

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