New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

"So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda."

You're confusing two separate issues.

But....confusion seems to be your mode and madness.

I never said Obama couldn't fire any who didn't fit in his vision, did I.

"And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? "

There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.

Now....for any others who suffer from the same short-term memory loss that clearly interferes with any learning on your part:
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign.

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Buying ads is one thing. Having posters posing on FaceBook and no doubt here as well arguing in ways to either divide us OR champion Trump cost how much? That's not added into the equation, yet they had an entire building full of people dedicated to it. That had a lot more impact. How many people pay attention to ads? Some maybe, but the constant claims made by Russian posers to poison social media? THAT is what had real influence.

So it happened. The next logical step is figuring out if the candidate being favored --or anyone else-- was "in on it." That is what the Mueller report did. It made perfect sense to look at his campaign. He was not found guilty of anything. A few of his campaign people were caught in shady deals, but not in relation to the Russian influence. So it has been over and done with for quite some time.

I still don't see why you are bringing it up again.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

"So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda."

You're confusing two separate issues.

But....confusion seems to be your mode and madness.

I never said Obama couldn't fire any who didn't fit in his vision, did I.

"And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? "

There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.

Now....for any others who suffer from the same short-term memory loss that clearly interferes with any learning on your part:
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign.

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Buying ads is one thing. Having posters posing on FaceBook and no doubt here as well arguing in ways to either divide us OR champion Trump cost how much? That's not added into the equation, yet they had an entire building full of people dedicated to it. That had a lot more impact. How many people pay attention to ads? Some maybe, but the constant claims made by Russian posers to poison social media? THAT is what had real influence.

So it happened. The next logical step is figuring out if the candidate being favored --or anyone else-- was "in on it." That is what the Mueller report did. It made perfect sense to look at his campaign. He was not found guilty of anything. A few of his campaign people were caught in shady deals, but not in relation to the Russian influence. So it has been over and done with for quite some time.

I still don't see why you are bringing it up again.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

"So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda."

You're confusing two separate issues.

But....confusion seems to be your mode and madness.

I never said Obama couldn't fire any who didn't fit in his vision, did I.

"And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? "

There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.

Now....for any others who suffer from the same short-term memory loss that clearly interferes with any learning on your part:
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign.

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Buying ads is one thing. Having posters posing on FaceBook and no doubt here as well arguing in ways to either divide us OR champion Trump cost how much? That's not added into the equation, yet they had an entire building full of people dedicated to it. That had a lot more impact. How many people pay attention to ads? Some maybe, but the constant claims made by Russian posers to poison social media? THAT is what had real influence.

So it happened. The next logical step is figuring out if the candidate being favored --or anyone else-- was "in on it." That is what the Mueller report did. It made perfect sense to look at his campaign. He was not found guilty of anything. A few of his campaign people were caught in shady deals, but not in relation to the Russian influence. So it has been over and done with for quite some time.

I still don't see why you are bringing it up again.

This is the only actual evidence of the Kremlin's plans and desires:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
You're confusing two separate issues.
How so?
There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.
Of course there was interference. A foreign government incognito influencing our voters on social media and hacking into the DNC and then releasing it to the world is unacceptable.

Except for the fact that after more than three years, the Mueller Report, and ODNI declassification of testimonies of fifty-three people previously hidden by your friend Schiff and now exposed shows that Obama was behind, funded and directed the frame up of Flynn and the Russia, Russia debacle in a failed coup d'etat to overthrow the 2016 election of Donald Trump...
Valarie Jarrett, born; Shiraz, Iran. Is the ring leader of Obamakov's plan to arm Iran and kill the Jews.

Anyone with a brain has known this for well over 10 years. Brennen, CIA, alleged Muslim convert worked hand in hand with Jarrett and Kerry to bring down Israel.

God sent Trump to destroy what they tried to do to America and Israel.

Thanks, God, and keep up the good work Trump.
You're confusing two separate issues.
How so?
There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.
Of course there was interference. A foreign government incognito influencing our voters on social media and hacking into the DNC and then releasing it to the world is unacceptable.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new. They've attempted to do so for decades now. What's amusing however is that the very same Obama who assured us that we nothing to worry about when it came to Russian interference BEFORE the election when the experts were predicting a Clinton landslide...suddenly becomes deeply concerned about it when Trump upsets Clinton! Let's be honest here for once! Russian "interference" is simply the excuse that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party used to explain why the American people wouldn't vote for their candidate!
"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

Lest we forget the involvement of the MSM and the governments of Italy, UK, Australia, and Ukraine. You don't get that many involved without orders from the president!

Obama isn't going to prison...HE'S GOING TO HANG!

This was a coup attempt plain and simple!
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

"So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda."

You're confusing two separate issues.

But....confusion seems to be your mode and madness.

I never said Obama couldn't fire any who didn't fit in his vision, did I.

"And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? "

There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.

Now....for any others who suffer from the same short-term memory loss that clearly interferes with any learning on your part:
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign.

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Buying ads is one thing. Having posters posing on FaceBook and no doubt here as well arguing in ways to either divide us OR champion Trump cost how much? That's not added into the equation, yet they had an entire building full of people dedicated to it. That had a lot more impact. How many people pay attention to ads? Some maybe, but the constant claims made by Russian posers to poison social media? THAT is what had real influence.

So it happened. The next logical step is figuring out if the candidate being favored --or anyone else-- was "in on it." That is what the Mueller report did. It made perfect sense to look at his campaign. He was not found guilty of anything. A few of his campaign people were caught in shady deals, but not in relation to the Russian influence. So it has been over and done with for quite some time.

I still don't see why you are bringing it up again.

We now know Obamakov was involved in the conspiracy to bring down Trump any way he could. It started with FISA and Flynn and we have actual texts between the FBI lovebirds stating the White House wants to know everything we're doing. You need to keep up if you're going to opine. Obamakov is now lashing out once the documents were released proving he was involved. Durham is closing in on the official jackass of the Democrat party and it's going to continue to come out that Obamakov was directly involved.

Turns out the Black Messiah was a traitor to our country. He pissed on our Constitution. And everyone now knows it.
And Obama is on TV today talking about the injustice of letting Flynn off the hook. He's still in denial. One would think that those involved in the coup would shut up and lawyer up.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?
You use the word uncovered in describing their actions over Russia. The correct term is created.
Now that the facts about the Flynn perjury trap are no longer deniable
It's never a good sign when a fabricated lie appears so early in your thread.

"Why the enmity?"

What enmity? Obama's concerns were spot on. Which is why Trump ultimately fired Flynn.

"Mr. Flynn’s name came up during a broader discussion about personnel issues, the former administration officials said. Mr. Obama’s concerns about Mr. Flynn, which were first reported by NBC News, were largely about his management of the D.I.A. and predated the later concerns about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak.

But one of the former administration officials said that Mr. Obama was also aware of Mr. Flynn’s well-publicized trip in 2015 to Moscow and other contacts with Russia.
The revelation on Monday about Mr. Obama’s warning came hours before Sally Q. Yates, the former acting attorney general, was scheduled to testify in the afternoon in front of a Senate committee that she later raised her own concerns about Mr. Flynn’s Russia contacts with the incoming Trump administration."

Anyone with more than just a brain stem, which immediately disqualifies the OP, knows the Iran agreement was the best available solution to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. More importantly, it was working until Vlad's favorite candidate sabotaged it.

If you have any other horseshit you'd like to peddle I'm always glad to rip it to shreds.
Judge Sullivan is a Clinton-appointed CIA thug.
He'll do what the PTB tell him to do.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

One problem with Trump and Obama, and with those they fire, is that no one should be talking about why someone is fired. Fired is fired. The president has the right to fire anyone for any reason.

Obama's firing to keep Flynn quiet about Iran shows just how honorable Flynn is because he left quietly, compared to the assholes running to the left and the press when Trump fires them.

Obama's firing of Flynn was to cover up an attempt by Obama to give nuclear arms to a regime sworn to the destruction of Israel and of the United States so, whether legal or not, it was dangerous to the nation and intentional by Obama to cover up that he was literally and intentionally working toward the destruction and annihilation of Israel, and great harm to the United States.

But you lied, of course, because it is only by lying that the left can join the conversation: no one has said Obama was a criminal for firing Flynn. That's a totally, and intentional, lie and reflects on your character in and out of forums...

The criminal act by Obama was to follow up the firing with a made up, illegal, dishonest, investigation on Flynn , Trump, and others. He tried to prevent the election of Donald Trump by using the machinations of government rather than open and honest political debate.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of their interference, and their decision to choose one ca
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications — but not "coordination" — between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
And Obama is on TV today talking about the injustice of letting Flynn off the hook. He's still in denial. One would think that those involved in the coup would shut up and lawyer up.
Obama speaking publicly really surprised me!

The documents that have been released in the Flynn case are really damning to obama! It ain't wise to have his yap flapping in the breeze!
You're confusing two separate issues.
How so?
There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.
Of course there was interference. A foreign government incognito influencing our voters on social media and hacking into the DNC and then releasing it to the world is unacceptable.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new. They've attempted to do so for decades now. What's amusing however is that the very same Obama who assured us that we nothing to worry about when it came to Russian interference BEFORE the election when the experts were predicting a Clinton landslide...suddenly becomes deeply concerned about it when Trump upsets Clinton! Let's be honest here for once! Russian "interference" is simply the excuse that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party used to explain why the American people wouldn't vote for their candidate!

Due respect is sometimes no respect.. But I digress.

Suddenly Obama decided the Russians interfered, after the election, as you said. So that means that Obama intentionally ignored the evidence coming in about Russian interference and lied about it to cover it up. Yes, it's a fact. Obama intentionally allowed the Russians to interfere in the United States election. Why? Because the Russians wanted Hillary to win, not Trump.
to explain why the American people wouldn't vote for their candidate!
They did. 3M more than voted for President Shithole. IOW, the Bigot-in-Chief was rejected by a majority of Americans. His infidelities, his stealing from a charity, his defrauding students of his school, his cheating on taxes, his pathological lying, his habit of consorting with criminals............was rejected.
Valarie Jarrett, born; Shiraz, Iran. Is the ring leader of Obamakov's plan to arm Iran and kill the Jews.

Anyone with a brain has known this for well over 10 years. Brennen, CIA, alleged Muslim convert worked hand in hand with Jarrett and Kerry to bring down Israel.

God sent Trump to destroy what they tried to do to America and Israel.

Thanks, God, and keep up the good work Trump.

I don't know what God did but I'm sure glad Trump was here at this point of time. And I'm not discounting your comment.
The president has the right to fire anyone for any reason.
Not really. Did Nixon have the right to fire Archibald Cox? Arguably yes. Was he justifiably impeached for that and other matters? Yes. It's called ABUSE OF POWER.

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