New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

berg80 is really;
The only interference that was "unprecedented" was the Clinton Campaign paying foreign nationals to smear their opponent!
Yet another lie. Steele's sources were not paid. Steele did not even know who GPS Fusion's client was. Read Glenn Simpson's book.

I have to say it's incredibly frustrating to be debating people who rely on nothing but lies. The debate is never able to advance because I have to spend time debunking the foundation on which your beliefs are based. Which, 90% of the time, are lies.
Steele's sources? You still don't grasp what really took you, Berg! Steele didn't HAVE sources! He made up shit and pretended it came from unnamed Russian sources! He admitted that when he got sued for libel in the British Courts!
Glenn Simpson? Are you kidding me! He's the guy that masterminded the entire Clinton dirty tricks campaign and you want to take HIS word for what happened?
Steele's sources? You still don't grasp what really took you, Berg! Steele didn't HAVE sources!
OMG! I hadn't heard that one before. I'm happy to have a fact based debate with a rational, informed person. You are neither.
Steele's sources? You still don't grasp what really took you, Berg! Steele didn't HAVE sources!
OMG! I hadn't heard that one before. I'm happy to have a fact based debate with a rational, informed person. You are neither.
Did Steele stand behind the veracity of his "dossiers" when he was taken to court in the UK, Berg? Simple question...give me an answer!
"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

Lest we forget the involvement of the MSM and the governments of Italy, UK, Australia, and Ukraine. You don't get that many involved without orders from the president!

Obama isn't going to prison...HE'S GOING TO HANG!

This was a coup attempt plain and simple!

Your conclusion is correct, but your prediction, isn't.

Now, the pessimist in me sees Hussein as continuing to be honored and feted by the Left.
They will never admit the horrible mistake they saddled America and the world, with.
The best we can hope for is Trump continuing to unravel his curse.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?
You use the word uncovered in describing their actions over Russia. The correct term is created.

You ol' wordsmith, you!

Really? 126 million unique users in the United States? You should do like other leftists and just make false statements without links. When you post links, and those links prove you wrong and provide evidence that you knew you were wrong and were ignoring the facts, it just makes you look bad.

ber80s quoted article said:
Facebook does not know, however, how many of those 126 million people actually saw one of those posts, or how many may have scrolled past it or simply not logged in on the day that one of the posts was being served in their News Feed.

Stretch also says in his testimony that Facebook estimates 11.4 million people saw ads purchased by the Internet Research Agency between 2015 and 2017. But the full, organic reach of content posted by the troll farm-linked pages was more than 10 times higher.

Nevertheless, Facebook says in its testimony that the posts from those pages represented "a tiny fraction of the overall content on Facebook."

"This equals about four-thousandths of one percent (0.004%) of content in News Feed, or approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content," Stretch writes.

No one saw their ads. I've been on this site for far too many hours in the past couple weeks and I can't tell you any details about a single ad that was displayed. Sorry, site owners; they just didn't get my attention; they were mostly for things I looked at and bought weeks ago. There have also been many political ads from right-wing sources or 2nd Amendment sources.. That's the extent of my memory of any ads.
A Thank you from Sane Americans to John Soloman, Sara Carter, Catherine Herridge, Greg Jarrett, Mollie Hemingway, Lee Smith, Byron York, and Kimberly Strassel for being tenacious to slowly peel back the onion on the Fraudulent illegal sham prosecution of General Flynn. May he become a rich man suing the shit out of Comey, the FBI and many more.

"They kept it open for the express purpose of trying to catch, to lay a perjury trap for General Flynn."

Now that the facts about the Flynn perjury trap are no longer deniable
It's never a good sign when a fabricated lie appears so early in your thread.

"Why the enmity?"

What enmity? Obama's concerns were spot on. Which is why Trump ultimately fired Flynn.

"Mr. Flynn’s name came up during a broader discussion about personnel issues, the former administration officials said. Mr. Obama’s concerns about Mr. Flynn, which were first reported by NBC News, were largely about his management of the D.I.A. and predated the later concerns about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak.

But one of the former administration officials said that Mr. Obama was also aware of Mr. Flynn’s well-publicized trip in 2015 to Moscow and other contacts with Russia.
The revelation on Monday about Mr. Obama’s warning came hours before Sally Q. Yates, the former acting attorney general, was scheduled to testify in the afternoon in front of a Senate committee that she later raised her own concerns about Mr. Flynn’s Russia contacts with the incoming Trump administration."

Anyone with more than just a brain stem, which immediately disqualifies the OP, knows the Iran agreement was the best available solution to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. More importantly, it was working until Vlad's favorite candidate sabotaged it.

If you have any other horseshit you'd like to peddle I'm always glad to rip it to shreds.
Judge Sullivan is a Clinton-appointed CIA thug.
He'll do what the PTB tell him to do.

I hope you're wrong.....

Sullivan has a history with Brady...

"The newly turned-over material leads the Journal to conclude that the FBI “set up a situation designed to coax Mr. Flynn into saying something it could later claim was at odds with the transcript.” Judge Emmet Sullivan has so far seemed reluctant to credit a Brady defense for the general. Yet the judge heroically overturned the case against Senator Ted Stevens over Brady violations. Will the new material in General Flynn be enough?

We’ve long since called on Judge Sullivan to reject General Flynn’s guilty plea. Our concern then — December 2018 —was the use by prosecutors of section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, a notoriously vague law that invites abuse. Add to that the Brady issues. The phrase the Journal uses to describe the government’s failure to hand over information in the prosecution of General Flynn is “beyond dispute.”

The thing that gets us here is the failure of the liberal press. It has long loved the Brady Rule. The New York Times has been particularly eloquent when it comes to Brady violations by, say, prosecutors in New Orleans. On the 50th anniversary of Brady, the Times backed “open files reform,” under which prosecutors’ files would be generally opened. Yet Brady abuses in the Flynn case have found the liberal papers loath to speak up for their own principles in the Trump era."
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

One problem with Trump and Obama, and with those they fire, is that no one should be talking about why someone is fired. Fired is fired. The president has the right to fire anyone for any reason.

Obama's firing to keep Flynn quiet about Iran shows just how honorable Flynn is because he left quietly, compared to the assholes running to the left and the press when Trump fires them.

Obama's firing of Flynn was to cover up an attempt by Obama to give nuclear arms to a regime sworn to the destruction of Israel and of the United States so, whether legal or not, it was dangerous to the nation and intentional by Obama to cover up that he was literally and intentionally working toward the destruction and annihilation of Israel, and great harm to the United States.

But you lied, of course, because it is only by lying that the left can join the conversation: no one has said Obama was a criminal for firing Flynn. That's a totally, and intentional, lie and reflects on your character in and out of forums...

The criminal act by Obama was to follow up the firing with a made up, illegal, dishonest, investigation on Flynn , Trump, and others. He tried to prevent the election of Donald Trump by using the machinations of government rather than open and honest political debate.

Interesting post, and view.
And Obama is on TV today talking about the injustice of letting Flynn off the hook. He's still in denial. One would think that those involved in the coup would shut up and lawyer up.
Obama speaking publicly really surprised me!

The documents that have been released in the Flynn case are really damning to obama! It ain't wise to have his yap flapping in the breeze!

The first thing one gives up to be a Democrat is intellect.....a close second is shame.

They don't care....they just carry on.

Case in point is the rapist, Bill Clinton. A normal person would hide from the public spotlight.
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal

What Flynn objected to was Obama laundering our money through Swiss banks, then loading it all in planes and gifting it to the terrorist regime in Iran. Iran plans to wipe a nation of people off the face of the earth. Obama decided to help them reach that objective. He was the money behind the terrorism. He was the money behind ISIS. He was the arm of the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama never saw a Muslim he didn't love...
Flynn was right.

Well.....he is Muslim......

Isn't there a rule that says you have to quote something with a link? If not, there should be. Your link is pointless and useless. If you have something to say, say it, and quote the article to back you up.
See post 38.

He tried to get Mitch McTreason to sign on to a bipartisan letter telling the public the US government had become aware of Russia's interference. McTurtle refused.

Well, I'm not going to read the article because, from your comments, it is pointless. That Mitch McConnell doesn't sign a statement doesn't prove anything. It's not McConnell's job to know or reveal intelligence. It's the job of the Whitehouse and Executive Branch. There's no doubt that Obama knew. They've admitted over and over that they knew.
Really? 126 million unique users in the United States? You should do like other leftists and just make false statements without links. When you post links, and those links prove you wrong and provide evidence that you knew you were wrong and were ignoring the facts, it just makes you look bad.
Just how much Kool-Aid do you have to drink to believe 126M Americans receiving Russian generated content..............

Facebook will inform lawmakers this week that roughly 126 million Americans may have been exposed to content generated on its platform by the Russian government-linked troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency between June 2015 and August 2017, CNN has learned.

.should be shrugged off? Putting aside the magnitude of the impact, not having a problem voting for a man who encouraged and solicited Russian help puts you in an amorphous category somewhere between gullible and unpatriotic.

Not to mention that the release of illegally hacked material thru Wikileaks, which cost Putin next to nothing, had the most impact on the mind's of voters.
A Thank you from Sane Americans to John Soloman, Sara Carter, Catherine Herridge, Greg Jarrett, Mollie Hemingway, Lee Smith, Byron York, and Kimberly Strassel for being tenacious to slowly peel back the onion on the Fraudulent illegal sham prosecution of General Flynn. May he become a rich man suing the shit out of Comey, the FBI and many more.

"They kept it open for the express purpose of trying to catch, to lay a perjury trap for General Flynn."

Please don't leave out Sydney Powell, Flynn's new lawyer:

Lead attorney for Gen. Flynn Sidney Powell argues the government intentionally hid documents in order to protect their prosecution of him.

“…a guilty plea is supposed to be knowing and voluntary….we have evidence that it was coerced….”

Flynn’s previous lawyers “had a secret side deal with the prosecutor….”

“…they hid all the evidence we’ve uncovered that shows he is completely innocent….”

The original law firm, with Eric Holder as a partner, had a deal with the government to make sure he pled guilty.

The FBI needed the prosecution of Flynn in order to keep the obstruction hoax against Trump, going. “Comey knew that they had no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign.”

“…we have messages that the 7th floor was in on this…and that’s Comey and McCabe.”

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