New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Obama should be in prison.

Holy crap.

Most corrupt administration ever

We knew about this in the release of the Stzork and Page love texting

Yes, but he was just released.

Only 3 years to get it handled.

Obama knew all about it.

Most corrupt administration ever
Yes obama knew about it according to Stzork and Page

He knew, and he should be prosecuted.
we had a banana Republic when obama was president. Yes so this will never happen again he should be tried for treason and hanged after conviction
Haven’t you assholes hung enough black people?
fuck it you racist piece of shit if the crime warrants hanging I don't give a fuck if you're purple you hang and what happened under obama watchful eyes warrants hanging so no other want to be dictators tries that same shit.
Jesus fuck. What did Obama do to warrant hanging? Really. Tell us.

You stupids fucks are blaming Obama for the actions of trhe FBI & Mueller when this was all undser Trump's watchful eye.
1. according to Stqork and Pages text obama wanted to be informed of their progress
2. obama assassinated American citizens denying them due process to a fair and speed trial.
3. obama ran a banana Republic form of government.
4. obama spied on the political opposition
5. either obama pre the text was in on the illegal actions or totally incompetent but being incompetent isn't worthy of death
I love how you assfucks defend a terrorist. A US citizens goers to the Middle East & trains bombers to kill citizens & innocents. You wanted Obama to send a sheriff to arrest him? Really? Taking out that terrorist is no different than the police killing a shooter in a clock tower. Police kill US citizens all the time.

Obama's administration was far more open than Trump's or Bush's.

Obama's FBI investigated a man who was caught in a Russian wire tap.
you asshat American citizens have a Constitutional right to due process.
the government depending on who is in power can always deem the political opposition as terrorists. Is that how you want it to go down?
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal

What Flynn objected to was Obama laundering our money through Swiss banks, then loading it all in planes and gifting it to the terrorist regime in Iran. Iran plans to wipe a nation of people off the face of the earth. Obama decided to help them reach that objective. He was the money behind the terrorism. He was the money behind ISIS. He was the arm of the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama never saw a Muslim he didn't love...
Flynn was right.
Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the FBI plot to get rid of President Trump. Crossfire Razor was the operation to slice up and remove the members of the administration like Flynn, Manafort, Carter Page, even low level associates like Papadopoulos. Keep removing support and attacking Hurricane Trump and he would surely fall.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications — but not "coordination" — between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

And yet, Obama lied to the Americans, claiming there was no interference, and ignored the evidence that the interference was going on - evidence that the left later blamed Trump as if Trump was in a position to know or to investigate, evidence that Obama had in his hand prior to the election.

No, it wasn't Trump who colluded. It was Obama and his Justice Department, including the FBI, who had evidence of Russian interference and, instead of acting on that interference and trying to prevent it, they turned their heads so it could be used against Trump if elected.

Yes, Mueller did report that the Russians interfered. He also reported that there was ZERO collusion by the Trump team. So quit twisting the truth to support your lies.

The only American criminal involvement, perhaps even traitorous involvement, was Obama, Biden, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and any others who assisted them.
So that means that Obama intentionally ignored the evidence coming in about Russian interference
Nope. He tried to get Mitch McTreason to sign on to a bipartisan letter telling the public the US government had become aware of Russia's interference. McTurtle refused.

Obama faced a dilemma. Announce the Russians were trying to help the Orange Fraud and risk being accused of trying to throw the election to Clinton, or try to more subtly make Americans aware of the interference to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
to explain why the American people wouldn't vote for their candidate!
They did. 3M more than voted for President Shithole. IOW, the Bigot-in-Chief was rejected by a majority of Americans. His infidelities, his stealing from a charity, his defrauding students of his school, his cheating on taxes, his pathological lying, his habit of consorting with criminals............was rejected.
Try to stick with the topic, orange-brain.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of their interference, and their decision to choose one ca
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications — but not "coordination" — between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Oh, bullshit! The only interference that was "unprecedented" was the Clinton Campaign paying foreign nationals to smear their opponent! The Obama Administration then turned around and used what they KNEW was a series of fake dossiers paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC as the basis to obtain a FISA Court warrant to spy on the campaign of the opposition party!

To be blunt...what took place makes Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal PALE in comparison!
And Obama is on TV today talking about the injustice of letting Flynn off the hook. He's still in denial. One would think that those involved in the coup would shut up and lawyer up.
Obama speaking publicly really surprised me!

The documents that have been released in the Flynn case are really damning to obama! It ain't wise to have his yap flapping in the breeze!

If Obama were smart he'd shut is big fat lying mouth and hope this blows over. But he's got extremely thin skin so that's not going to happen.
The only interference that was "unprecedented" was the Clinton Campaign paying foreign nationals to smear their opponent!
Yet another lie. Steele's sources were not paid. Steele did not even know who GPS Fusion's client was. Read Glenn Simpson's book.

I have to say it's incredibly frustrating to be debating people who rely on nothing but lies. The debate is never able to advance because I have to spend time debunking the foundation on which your beliefs are based. Which, 90% of the time, are lies.
Obama's stuttering stammering response about his concern for the "Rule of Law" was hilarious. He spent 8 years walking all over the "Rule of Law" to push through what he wanted.

Obama yapping about the rule of law is laughable. He couldn't get immigration law changed in the legislative branch so he ignored the law. That was a pattern throughout his 8 years, can't get something passed in congress just ignore the law.

Isn't there a rule that says you have to quote something with a link? If not, there should be. Your link is pointless and useless. If you have something to say, say it, and quote the article to back you up.
See post 38.

He tried to get Mitch McTreason to sign on to a bipartisan letter telling the public the US government had become aware of Russia's interference. McTurtle refused.

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