New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

You need a real lesson on what is what. Michael Flynn was never the Trump campaign. Michael Flynn was a private citizen. good job Obama and company for having your intelligence find the traitors who were communicating policy with russia behind your back. Your article is not credible, when it tried to include Flynn as part of the Trump campaign. The Federalist should be smarter than to include such nonsense.

When or if the meeting was held, it had nothing to do with the Trump campaign, and everything to do with an ordinary citizen, engaging in treason.

Where do you keep getting treason? You're pulling that, like all the shit you're pulling, out of your ass. Do you even know what treason is?
It was so easy to rip that article apart. Talking about Flynn was part of the campaign or administration? Lol! Flynn had no official title at the time, and there was no administration other than the Obama administration. He was an ordinary citizen conducting foreign policy behind the back of Obama. WTF?

You realize that it has been a long-standing practice for incoming teams to start meeting with foreign leaders during the period from the election to inauguration, don't you? Obama's team did it. Bush's team did it. Clinton's team did it and the others before them.

You're really an idiot, slining treason and you don't even know the meaning of the word, calling a transition team member just an ordinary citizen with no other role. You're just proving your ignorance of history and political process.
There is zero evidence of any perjury trap.
The whole concept of a perjury trap is a deceitful canard designed to excuse Trump's refusal to answer Mueller's questions in person.

Trump wouldn't fall into Mueller's perjury trap so that proves that Flynn wasn't the victim of a perjury trap. Got it.

Even the 10 second Google shows the term in common use as early as 1981 but it probably goes far, far, back from there; it's just not necessary for me to look further because you've already been proven to be a liar, once again.
There is no such thing as a perjury trap, and Trump himself told us he fired Flynn because he lied to Mike Pence. Now he wants to do a 180? I don't think so.

Really? Because like actual law professors have been writing about it for 41 years - just from my 10 second Google.. Probably a real search would prove actual lawyers disagreed with you longer than 40 years ago. That makes you a completely fucking idiotic liar.
The president has the right to fire anyone for any reason.
Not really. Did Nixon have the right to fire Archibald Cox? Arguably yes. Was he justifiably impeached for that and other matters? Yes. It's called ABUSE OF POWER.

Are you stupid or just a habitual liar? Serious question; you're certainly one or the other.

Nixon was never impeached, idiot.
He resigned instead. He was going to be impeached, had he not resigned. It's the same thing.

Of course it's the same thing to you. You're the product of modern public education. If little Johnny wants 2+2 to equal 3 then, to him, it equals 3. If little BWK wants resign to equal impeached, then to little BWK, resigned is impeached, Constitution be damned. Little BWK doesn't like the Constitution.
Hussein Obama involved in the Flynn scandal?????


Never going to happen. Nothing was found.
Might not be Stzrok but some of the Obama chain of command will be indicted...starting with the lawyer under Stzrok who altered FISA documents, Comey, Brennan and maybe as high up as Susan Rice and Obama himself.

And if they're not then Mitch and Lindsey will subpoena them all one by one and hold them for contempt or lying under oath. Hillary, Comey , Brennan, Clapper, Stzrok- all lied we know already.

A very legitimate tool of law enforcement is to get the underling and then start working your way up.
Every single treason act that the past Administration thugs did....runs through Hussein Obama.

I hope his time is coming, sooner rather than later.
The "fact" of the matter is when Steele was put under oath...he claimed the dossiers were never supposed to be taken as f
So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda.

Maybe that is what Presidents do? Seems to be.

And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? Would you have ignored it? Both the articles you supplied were from 2018 AFTER the infamous Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. Do you see no possible tie to the Trump campaign when the emails SAID the Russian government was assisting the Trump campaign?

"So Obama chased out Flynn because he opposed the Iran deal. That makes Obama a criminal. Yet it was perfectly alright for Trump to fire how many people, like Sessions, Tillerson, et al. for not going along with Trump's agenda."

You're confusing two separate issues.

But....confusion seems to be your mode and madness.

I never said Obama couldn't fire any who didn't fit in his vision, did I.

"And as far as the Russia probe, are you seriously criticizing Obama and the Intelligence Agencies and the FBI from looking into the widespread Russian interference in the election they had uncovered? "

There was no such interference, so there was nothing to uncover, you dolt.

Now....for any others who suffer from the same short-term memory loss that clearly interferes with any learning on your part:
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign.

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Buying ads is one thing. Having posters posing on FaceBook and no doubt here as well arguing in ways to either divide us OR champion Trump cost how much? That's not added into the equation, yet they had an entire building full of people dedicated to it. That had a lot more impact. How many people pay attention to ads? Some maybe, but the constant claims made by Russian posers to poison social media? THAT is what had real influence.

So it happened. The next logical step is figuring out if the candidate being favored --or anyone else-- was "in on it." That is what the Mueller report did. It made perfect sense to look at his campaign. He was not found guilty of anything. A few of his campaign people were caught in shady deals, but not in relation to the Russian influence. So it has been over and done with for quite some time.

I still don't see why you are bringing it up again.

This is the only actual evidence of the Kremlin's plans and desires:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
My understanding is that Steele, who is an ex-spy, used his old contacts in Moscow to get the information. They were intelligence contacts willing to talk to a foreign agent (Steele). You think they cleared that with Putin? lol

That is why Steele put up the clear disclaimer when the dossier went to the FBI that IT HAD NOT BEEN CORROBORATED.

Sure the Democrats would find those rumors useful, you would think, but they never released it, did they? Was any of the dossier used during the campaign? NO.
For God's sake, Old Lady...the Clinton Campaign made sure salacious details from the dossiers were leaked to the public in the weeks leading up to the election! They did it late enough that the Trump campaign wouldn't be able to expose it for the crap that it was but early enough that a compliant main stream media would go with the story right before people went to the polls!
Much of the Dossier has been born out to be true. You are lying.
Really? First of all it's DOSSIERS plural! Secondly, there are true parts of the dossiers but those are just the parts that Steele wove into his little work of fiction to give it a hint of truth! It's what con men DO when they're selling bullshit! Steele got parts of the dossiers from Google! They're crap and the FBI knew it!
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of their interference, and their decision to choose one ca
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications — but not "coordination" — between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Bullshit AGAIN! Mueller didn't even write that report! That piece of propaganda was produced by all of the Clinton minions that perpetrated that farce! Did you see Mueller testify in front of Congress? He couldn't answer simple questions about the report! "Sweeping and systematic fashion"? What a crock! That was the narrative that the Clinton camp has been putting out as the excuse for why she lost since the election happened and it's no more true NOW than it was THEN!
Am wondering why he pled guilty twice if he was innocence?

So Strzok would have his men stop raping his wife - you fucking traitor moron.

It was a coerced confession. They threatened his family - CREDIBLE threats.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of their interference, and their decision to choose one ca
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications — but not "coordination" — between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Too bad Mueller the Senile couldn’t actually prove any of his OPINIONS on that. Facebook ads, of which the vast majority saw 2 of (If they even paid attention to the ads popping up) swayed the election? Hardly. Keep relying on that roll of toilet paper that Mueller didn’t even have a hand in.
He proved obstruction. How do we know? He said Trump can be indicted for obstruction when he leaves office.
Too bad he proved only that my dog has more intelligence than him and you combined. So why wasn’t that in your bullshit impeachment? Oh yeah, because it didn’t exist except in Mueller’s dementia.

Democrats didn’t include Russia materials in the impeachment but there is nothing to stop them from impeaching Trump again.

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled that the DOJ has to hand over the Grand Jury testimony to Congress right fucking now.
Barr has been stalling on this since the Mueller Report dropped.

Trumps Russia troubles aren’t over. I notice he couldn’t wait to call his handler to tell him he has succeeded in getting Flynn off. I guess Trump thinks he’ll be able to lift those sanctions now.

Thats not going to happen. Neither Pelosi nor McConnell will allow it to happen.
You think the Democrats are going to try and impeach Trump again? Really, Dragon Lady? Did you not watch what happened with the last attempt? Let me be blunt. I don't think the American people will stand for more of the bullshit that Adam Schiff and his cronies put us through the last time.
So? There was nothing illegal done.
Except for intentionally peosecuting and bankrupting an innocent American hero by using illegal government tactics.

But why worry about small stuff when people are going to church and worshipping God against state mandates?
You think the Democrats are going to try and impeach Trump again? Really, Dragon Lady? Did you not watch what happened with the last attempt? Let me be blunt. I don't think the American people will stand for more of the bullshit that Adam Schiff and his cronies put us through the last time.
Never underestimate the stupidity causes by a Totalitarian mob's unquenchable lust for power.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

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