New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.
None of this is true. They're all lies, and you cannot prove any of it.

It's all over the news, ChiCom troll. What the fuck retard, that's what this is all about - your little bitches on your leash, the democrats, engaged in treason. That's a fact.

What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.
Did the DOJ have all the justification it needed to question Flynn about his contacts with Kislyak?

Yes. It was within their jurisdiction to follow up on the Flynn-Kislyak conversation, along with Flynn’s false statements to Pence and Spicer. At a minimum the fact that the Russian government would know that Flynn had lied left him open to potential blackmail by a hostile foreign power............surely a realistic counterintelligence concern.

Was the FBI authorized to do this investigation even if the prior investigation in to whether Flynn was a Russian operative had been closed?

Yes. The standard for opening an assessment is quite low. It is explicitly less than “‘information or an allegation’ indicating the existence of ... [a]n activity constituting ... a threat to national security,” which is required to open a preliminary investigation (DIOG 6.5). Opening an assessment requires only that there be an “authorized purpose” and a “clearly defined objective” for the assessment. In particular, the DIOG makes clear that an assessment is appropriate when “there is reason to collect information or facts to determine whether there is ... a national security threat” (DIOG 5.1; emphasis added). And as part of an assessment, the FBI is allowed to conduct interviews, including of the possible subject or target (DIOG 18.5.6).

Billy the Bagman has made the horseshit argument that when the FBI—aware of extensive Russian interference in U.S. politics in order to benefit the Trump campaign—learned that the incoming national security adviser requested that Russia not respond to the sanctions that were imposed in response to that interference and then lied to other government officials about that, it could not even “collect information or facts to determine” whether this created a counterintelligence threat.

Is the use of prosecution of Flynn's son as leverage grounds for dismissal of the case?

No. Leaning on a potential defendant for cooperation using the criminal liability of family members as leverage is not unheard of. This does not mean the practice is beyond criticism—but the handling of Flynn’s case is not some kind of aberration, let alone the sort of conscience-shocking thing that might justify a dismissal.

And to the extent any nod-and-a-wink arrangement on Flynn Jr. would raise any kind of Giglio issue, it certainly does not with respect to Flynn, who was obviously aware of the predicament his son faced and any role of his plea in alleviating it. That issue would only arise, as the Covington email reflects, if Flynn’s testimony were used against someone else and any arrangement with respect to his son were not disclosed.

Flynn’s consulting group, with which his son was employed, engaged in practices that raised legal questions under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, exposing both father and son to potential criminal liability.

Are any of the documents found in Jensen's review of the case grounds for dismissal?

No. The way the documents suggest that FBI officials discussed the case and made adjustments to their plans is typical of criminal investigations, former federal prosecutors say, even if seeing these internal discussions put in writing isn’t as common.

More importantly, the documents don’t make the false statements Flynn pleaded guilty to — lying to the FBI about his conversations with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak — any less false. Nor are they the kinds of documents that prosecutors were legally obligated to produce for Flynn’s lawyers.

Is Flynn's motion to withdraw his guilty plea defensible? Yes.

Is Flynn's motion to throw the case out due to prosecutorial malfeasance defensible?

No. Flynn’s new lawyer cites notes given to her by Jensen, which were presumably written by then-FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, as supposed smoking-gun evidence that the FBI was seeking to entrap Flynn in a lie. The trouble with that argument is that absolutely nothing forced Flynn not to tell the truth in that interview. And while FBI officials appear to have discussed the strategic purpose of the interview, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

Flynn Redux: What Those FBI Documents Really Show
A lot of people seem to be expecting Michael Flynn's sudden vindication. They should take a deep breath.

Why The Latest Flynn Entrapment Claims Are As Bogus As The Last Ones
The pandemic has changed many things, but it has not changed Michael Flynn’s habit of overhyping claims of FBI entrapment...

The Justice Department’s Faulty Arguments in the Flynn Case
Under the logic of the government’s motion to dismiss the charges against Michael Flynn, the FBI can’t investigate whether someone is a Russian agent unless it already has evidence that the person is a Russian agent.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'
Does any of the bullshit you keep throwing on the wall change the undeniable fact that Russia worked to get Vlad's favorite candidate elected and Don eagerly accepted that help? No.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.

"It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory."

Gotcha in another lie.

There would never have been any FISA warrant sans the dossier.

1. "The Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged "foreign policy adviser" to Donald Trump and the last frayed thread of the Russian collusion story. The FISA court was not told who had paid Steele to create the "salacious and unverified" dossier -- in the words of the showboating former FBI Director James Comey -- much less about Steele's personal hatred of Trump."
Carter Page: Agent 000

2. BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

3. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after theFBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"...a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump...."
Even when he already knew it was "non-credible

You're really hurtin,' huh?

Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Using as a source? Extreme right wing bias, poor fact checking record.

Using scurrilous sources for your fake news arguments never works. Only gullible fools looking for validation of their wingnut ideas and lies believe them.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Using as a source? Extreme right wing bias, poor fact checking record.

Using scurrilous sources for your fake news arguments never works. Only gullible fools looking for validation of their wingnut ideas and lies believe them.

So you can't deny the truth.....all you can do is carp about where the truth comes from?

How very Liberal of you.

What I just posted would be understood and accepted by anybody with any judgment at all, as well as anybody that follows the news and was capable of understanding same, but apparently you don’t fall into either of those categories.

Maybe it’s time for you to have a brain scan….it’s possible the squirrel has died.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Again, your BS is easily dismissed. You really need to come up with some new material. Cutting and pasting the same baloney in different threads isn't very creative. It's one of the things that gives you away. I could say the same things about your rules for Republicans and Conservatives. And I have almost four decades of policy failures on that side of the aisle to point to. Mueller (a lifelong Republican) was appointed by Jeff Session's backup (after said AG smartly realized that he could end up going down for Trump)...also a Trump appointee I believe. Everything that followed was Trump's doing. He's his own worst enemy. If not for Mitch McConnell and a handful of true believers in the Senate, he'd be gone. Again, the dossier was started as opposition research and was not the basis for the FISA matter how much shit the right throws at the wall.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.

"It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory."

Gotcha in another lie.

There would never have been any FISA warrant sans the dossier.

1. "The Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged "foreign policy adviser" to Donald Trump and the last frayed thread of the Russian collusion story. The FISA court was not told who had paid Steele to create the "salacious and unverified" dossier -- in the words of the showboating former FBI Director James Comey -- much less about Steele's personal hatred of Trump."
Carter Page: Agent 000

2. BAIER: Democrats are criticizing a lot, as you can imagine. I’m sure you’ve heard. But they’re jumping on one particular part of the memo in particular. Number four, the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

3. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after theFBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"...a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump...."
Even when he already knew it was "non-credible

You're really hurtin,' huh?


Again, easily dismissed. This is pretty accurate from what I can see. I know you alt-righters are desperately searching for something to deflect from the failures of your lord and master. This subject ain't it.
Steele dossier - Wikipedia
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.

It WAS the basis for the FISA warrants! Without the Steele "fiction" that FISA Court judge would never have issued the wiretap orders! As for Clinton's margin of victory? Imagine how much she would have lost by if her people hadn't run the sleazy campaign that they did!
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.

You're lying again.

The former dossier had not a single thing to do with the one Hillary bought and the Deep State used.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'

Get lost Russian troll. Your BS is easily dismissed. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants. Well, there goes that conspiracy theory.

To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

Again, your BS is easily dismissed. You really need to come up with some new material. Cutting and pasting the same baloney in different threads isn't very creative. It's one of the things that gives you away. I could say the same things about your rules for Republicans and Conservatives. And I have almost four decades of policy failures on that side of the aisle to point to. Mueller (a lifelong Republican) was appointed by Jeff Session's backup (after said AG smartly realized that he could end up going down for Trump)...also a Trump appointee I believe. Everything that followed was Trump's doing. He's his own worst enemy. If not for Mitch McConnell and a handful of true believers in the Senate, he'd be gone. Again, the dossier was started as opposition research and was not the basis for the FISA matter how much shit the right throws at the wall.

One of my gifts, it appears, is forcing Leftists to default to vulgarity when I expose them to the truth.
You, of course, a case in point.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.


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