New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.
What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.

The real question is whether these folks 'skate' or not.

What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.

You're right to be scared. It is ALL falling apart on you. All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.

You rats are caught.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.
So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out?
The defense of GPS Fusion's role in the creation of the dossier is the facts. Facts you can't refute. So you baselessly smear Simpson. It's pathetic.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

Did you even read that New Yorker puff piece? Talk about someone drinking the Kool Aid! That author took everything that Simpson claimed as gospel and it's laughable! At that point Steele had already run away from his claim that everything in the dossiers was true. Once his ass got hauled into British court and he was forced to testify under oath his story totally changed! Now all of a sudden the dossiers were never supposed to have been released and they were just "scenarios" that might have happened! A claim that's also laughable because Steele spent months peddling his dossiers to every media outlet they thought they could con into running them and he NEVER described them as scenarios that MIGHT have taken place!
People are going to start going to jail - the real traitors.
But.................the DOJ just dropped charges against Flynn so.....................

Yes, your entire plot is unraveling. Let's talk about Roger Stone, I could see a certain Obama judge not only off the bench, but behind bars on that one....
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.
Really? What in the dossiers has been verified? Steele took facts that he got off of an internet search and then wove a series of total fabrications into those facts and sold them as "dossiers" he obtained from confidential sources in Russia! NONE of the salacious crap that got so much coverage right before the election has ever been shown to be true! NONE OF IT!
What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.

You're right to be scared. It is ALL falling apart on you. All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.

You rats are caught.

What do I need to be scared of? It's the rats on your side that are dirty. A corrupt DOJ headed by Trump's bagman that I have no doubt will attempt to manufacture evidence to suit their narrative. But I don't worry. These things always come back to bite you in the ass. And for you righties, things are going to get really "bitey" over the next couple of years. But you just keep hoping that the DOJ sewer rats at the top will be able to come up with something to save Trump's hide come November. Remember, keep hope alive!
So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out?
The defense of GPS Fusion's role in the creation of the dossier is the facts. Facts you can't refute. So you baselessly smear Simpson. It's pathetic.

The fact is that the Obama administration bought Kremlin disinformation in an attempt to tamper with and alter the 2016 election. Anything close to "fact" in the dossier put together by a foreign spy were documents already widely availible in the press. It was a fraud, top to bottom, intended to rig the election, then used as the basis for an attempted coup.
All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.
Billy the Bagman has just shown us the lengths to which he will go to do Trump's bidding. It wasn't the first example. There's no reason to believe Durham's work will be any less dishonest, deceitful, and duplicitous than Barr's. It's all about putting out a false narrative for the sake of Barr's client, Individual 1.

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Thursday sharply criticized Attorney General William P. Barr’s handling of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, saying that Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.
Mr. Barr could not be trusted, Judge Reggie B. Walton said, citing “inconsistencies” between the attorney general’s statements about the report when it was secret and its actual contents that turned out to be more damaging to President Trump. Mr. Barr’s “lack of candor” called into question his “credibility and, in turn, the department’s” assurances to the court, Judge Walton said.

What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.

You're right to be scared. It is ALL falling apart on you. All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.

You rats are caught.

What do I need to be scared of? It's the rats on your side that are dirty. A corrupt DOJ headed by Trump's bagman that I have no doubt will attempt to manufacture evidence to suit their narrative. But I don't worry. These things always come back to bite you in the ass. And for you righties, things are going to get really "bitey" over the next couple of years. But you just keep hoping that the DOJ sewer rats at the top will be able to come up with something to save Trump's hide come November. Remember, keep hope alive!
In the history of this country there has never been another Administration as corrupt as the Obama Administration! They used the IRS against political opponents! They lied to FISA Courts to obtain wiretaps on their political opponents! They used aliases and secret email accounts to hide the way they conducted business from Congressional oversight! They allowed weapons to be sold and smuggled across another nation's border to narco terrorists who then used those weapons against innocent people!
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.
Really? What in the dossiers has been verified? Steele took facts that he got off of an internet search and then wove a series of total fabrications into those facts and sold them as "dossiers" he obtained from confidential sources in Russia! NONE of the salacious crap that got so much coverage right before the election has ever been shown to be true! NONE OF IT!

Jeez..a lot of it. And yes, I believe someone has that "salacious" tape. And they'll use it when the moment is right.
Revisiting the Trump-Russia dossier: What's right, wrong and still unclear?
All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.
Billy the Bagman has just shown us the lengths to which he will go to do Trump's bidding. It wasn't the first example. There's no reason to believe Durham's work will be any less dishonest, deceitful, and duplicitous than Barr's. It's all about putting out a false narrative for the sake of Barr's client, Individual 1.

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Thursday sharply criticized Attorney General William P. Barr’s handling of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, saying that Mr. Barr put forward a “distorted” and “misleading” account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.
Mr. Barr could not be trusted, Judge Reggie B. Walton said, citing “inconsistencies” between the attorney general’s statements about the report when it was secret and its actual contents that turned out to be more damaging to President Trump. Mr. Barr’s “lack of candor” called into question his “credibility and, in turn, the department’s” assurances to the court, Judge Walton said.

Now releasing documents showing democrat corruption is not to be believed..... Fuck You!

THese documents were written by DEMOCRATS who thought thier crimes would never be uncovered... I hope several thousand more come out that allow us to hang these traitors!
Did you even read that New Yorker puff piece? Talk about someone drinking the Kool Aid! That author took everything that Simpson claimed as gospel and it's laughable! At that point Steele had already run away from his claim that everything in the dossiers was true.
He NEVER made that claim.

"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the “hoax” of Trump’s denunciations. Trump’s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, “These people simply have no idea what they’re talking about.” He emphasizes that his network of sources “is tried and tested” and has “been proven up in many other matters.” He adds, “I’ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. It’s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.”

Steele points out that the most critical criteria for judging disinformation is “whether there is a palpable motive for spreading it”; the ultimate Russian goal in 2016, he argues, “was to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president, and therefore, the idea that they would intentionally spread embarrassing information about Trump—true or not—is not logical.”

Steele, according to Simpson and Fritsch, is equally dismissive of those who claim that the Russians spread disinformation in order to discredit him. “The stakes were far, far too high for them to trifle with settling scores with me or any other civilian,” he said. “Damaging my reputation was simply not on their list of priorities. But helping Trump, and damaging Hillary was at the very top of it. No one denies that anymore.”
The FBI Obama-related Inquisition set Flynn up, confused him, told him he was not under investigation, and that nothing important would come of this routine discussion. Just the opposite was true. They were looking to catch him by lying to him and creating a false scenario that would make him feel guilty if he fell for the bait. So much for their back-pats and atta-boys they threw in to entrap an innocent man and the patriot that General Flynn has been for many a year of giving himself and putting himself at risk for the sake of the American people.

Such carryings-on that Comey's FBI committed at the behest of Stroczk and his galpal whatszername doesn't deserve to be discussed in the same sentence of American heroes. At least, not in my humble opinion.

Even so, it took the Coup plotter 7 months to coerce the "confession" from Gen. Flynn. In that time, they bankrupted him, he lost his house, and they attacked his family, with KGB goon Strzok on tape telling Flynn that if he doesn't confess the FBI will arrest his son and put his grandchildren in foster care (sell them into slavery).

This is the MOST VILE display in American history, it is treason and the perpetrators must pay with their lives as warning to ANYONE who would think to try this again.

And at the center of ALL of it;
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Yes, it's funny how Barack Obama's name comes to light on every bad thing that was done to President Trump, his staff, and his supporters, out to innocent voters who have been Republicans all of their adult life. This destructive attempt to take out people who are Republicans needs to be addressed, and why is Obama in the big fat middle of trying to destroy President Donald Trump. Other former Presidents get out of the picture and stay out of the picture in order to help the American people get used to someone else making decisions. Obama has done nothing but a hatchet job on President Trump, and has pushed his nastiness to breaking the law at every point and turn.
What ChiCom manure are you referring to? You just keep thrashing the hate. It will be your side's undoing. The constant drumbeat of the alt-right to see if any shit sticks to the wall? Trump's bagman dismissing charges against Flynn. The attempt to manufacture evidence to satisfy a right wing narrative in time for the election...all in the middle of one of the worst public health and economic crisis in our history. Yeah, glad to see people on the right have their priorities straight.

Our little BTK Killer is a troll paid by China to post CCP propaganda. That is however irrelevant to the fact that you traitors had a VERY bad week. We have admissions that Potentate Obamugabe was at the very least aware of the attempt to frame Ltg. Flynn and set his thug Sally Yates on him, using the KGB as she did. It even shocked Susan Rice, who isn't exactly "miss ethics," but even she found it a bridge too far.

And then there are the records from Adam the lying little Schitt's Soviet star chamber. So you fucking traitors had dozens of witnesses who outright exonerated the president, but went forward with your coup anyway? You fucking traitor pigs. And WHEN were you vile scum doing this? Right when your masters were unleashing the Wuhan virus on the world.

But you're caught now. Bad times are here for you traitor piles of shit.

Wow. That's a lot of bile in one post. Again, you righties will be the instrument of your own undoing. I'm looking forward to you people being shoved into the minority over the next decade.
Trump's bagman (Barr) dropped the case against Flynn. No one makes a deal unless they're guilty. We'll see if Flynn skates or not.

You're right to be scared. It is ALL falling apart on you. All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.

You rats are caught.

What do I need to be scared of? It's the rats on your side that are dirty. A corrupt DOJ headed by Trump's bagman that I have no doubt will attempt to manufacture evidence to suit their narrative. But I don't worry. These things always come back to bite you in the ass. And for you righties, things are going to get really "bitey" over the next couple of years. But you just keep hoping that the DOJ sewer rats at the top will be able to come up with something to save Trump's hide come November. Remember, keep hope alive!
In the history of this country there has never been another Administration as corrupt as the Obama Administration! They used the IRS against political opponents! They lied to FISA Courts to obtain wiretaps on their political opponents! They used aliases and secret email accounts to hide the way they conducted business from Congressional oversight! They allowed weapons to be sold and smuggled across another nation's border to narco terrorists who then used those weapons against innocent people!

Nice try. 8 years. No grand juries convened, no indictments handed down, no prison sentences given. But you right wingers just keep parroting the alt-right nonsense. IRS didn't just investigate conservative groups, they investigated liberal groups too. It just doesn't suite your narrative to say so. It was about the tax exempt status of these groups. Something I believe you can award that to the whole Citizen's United ruling. No one lied to obtain FISA warrants. This has been debunked numerous times. And then we have Fast and Furious. The biggest non-scandal (besides Benghazi) ever cooked up by the alt-right. Remind me again, how many convictions came out of those hearings? I remember after a few court battles that Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton turned over documents and appeared for testimony....remind me again how many top level Trump administration members did the same?

I know it pisses you off immensely that Obama will be remembered as a good President while your hero will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. And that makes me smile.

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