New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

The Document comes directly off of the Gov website.
True. But the DOJ is being run by Billy the Bagman, Trump's lawyer. Someone who has been on a mission to trample on the Constitution and smear the very agency he heads from the time he was confirmed in his job.
All of this and we haven't even seen the Durham report yet.
Billy the Bagman has just shown us the lengths to which he will go to do Trump's bidding. It wasn't the first example. There's no reason to believe Durham's work will be any less dishonest, deceitful, and duplicitous than Barr's. It's all about putting out a false narrative for the sake of Barr's client, Individual 1.

WASHINGTON ā€” A federal judge on Thursday sharply criticized Attorney General William P. Barrā€™s handling of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, saying that Mr. Barr put forward a ā€œdistortedā€ and ā€œmisleadingā€ account of its findings and lacked credibility on the topic.
Mr. Barr could not be trusted, Judge Reggie B. Walton said, citing ā€œinconsistenciesā€ between the attorney generalā€™s statements about the report when it was secret and its actual contents that turned out to be more damaging to President Trump. Mr. Barrā€™s ā€œlack of candorā€ called into question his ā€œcredibility and, in turn, the departmentā€™sā€ assurances to the court, Judge Walton said.

Reggie Walton, isn't that the Obama fuckwad who violated the Constitution (according to SCOTUS) to block the terrorist ban by Trump? In fact, isn't this an unethical pile of shit who is purely partisan and is overturned by legitimate courts about 95% of the time?

Walton is a corrupt pile of shit who belongs in prison.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.
The FBIā€™s Investigation: Christopher Steeleā€™s reporting played no role in launching the FBIā€™s counterintelligence investigation. The FBI received independent information in July 2016 that the Russians courted another Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, George Papadopoulos. Moreover, as the Committee learned in testimony and the Special Counselā€™s investigative progress bears out, the FBI would have continued its investigation even if it had never received information from Steele, never applied for a FISA warrant against Page, or if the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) had rejected the application.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.

Again. No it wasn't. You keep quoting the same hack document over and over. It doesn't make it any more accurate than the first six times you posted it.
You're dismissed.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.
Transparency with Court about Steele: While explaining why the FBI viewed Steeleā€™s reporting and sources as reliable and credible, DOJ appropriately disclosed Steeleā€™s prior relationship with the FBI and the fact of and reason for his termination as a source. Moreover, the FBI had authorized, but never paid Steele for the ā€œdossier,ā€ including his reporting about Page.

Political Motivation of Steeleā€™s Employer: Contrary to the Majorityā€™s assertion that DOJ fails to mention that Steeleā€™s research was commissioned by ā€œpolitical actorsā€ to ā€œobtain derogatory information on Donald Trumpā€™s ties to Russia,ā€ DOJ informed the Court accurately that Steele was hired by politically-motivated U.S. persons and entities and that his research appeared intended for use ā€œto discreditā€ Trumpā€™s campaign. In doing so, DOJ appropriately upheld its longstanding practice of protecting U.S. citizen information by purposefully not ā€œunmaskingā€ U.S. person and entity names, unless they were themselves the subject of a counterintelligence investigation.
Yep. Could have predicted this. Trump's bag man at the DOJ has the charges against Flynn dropped and every right winger is wetting themselves. So we've already thrown the rule of law out. What's next? Manufacturing evidence? Abuse of Power? Again, if Flynn is innocent, why make a deal? So what if they wanted to catch him in a lie? All he has to do is tell the truth and he's home free. I wonder why he lied then?..and if he was innocent, why does his boss throw him under the bus? Man, lot of stupid people in the Trump administrations. You'd think they were corrupt. :)
the only evidence that was manufactured was the fake dossier dems got from the russians to illegally get a fisa warrant to spy on the president in an attempted coup ! treason !

The dossier wasn't fake, and much of it proved to be true. The dems didn't use the dossier to get the warrant, the FBI used less than 1/2 page as secondary evidence to support primary evidence. The Application was 70 pages.

The FBI had previously had a FISA warrant on Carter Page BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, and before the Dossier had even existed. When Carter Page joined the Trump campaign, they dropped the surveillance and only re-applied after he left the campaign.

President Trump was investigated because of his campaign's over 200 contact, meetings and other involvement with the Russian government. There was no coup attempt. There was a legal impeachment of the President as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.

Russian/Trumpian propaganda will continue to be debunked on this forum, no matter how many times you try to pass it off as fact.

The Trump Dossier is disinformation that the Obama regime bought from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election, you fucking moron. (I guess you're not technically a traitor since you're a foreigner.)

It's time for some executions - Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, to start with. KGB John Brennan, James Clapper for the encore. You tried to overthrow our government, time to pay.

No. It wasn't. It was actually started by another Republican campaign as opposition research into your lord and master. It wasn't the basis for the FISA warrants and to my knowledge, Clinton never used once piece of information contained in the dossier to beat Trump over the head with during the campaign. You would think that with her margin of victory, she might have done so in hindsight. But you just keep on parroting the same BS. It would be better if you just admit you back a corrupt fraud and you willingly do so.
Did you even read that New Yorker puff piece? Talk about someone drinking the Kool Aid! That author took everything that Simpson claimed as gospel and it's laughable! At that point Steele had already run away from his claim that everything in the dossiers was true.
He NEVER made that claim.

"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the ā€œhoaxā€ of Trumpā€™s denunciations. Trumpā€™s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, ā€œThese people simply have no idea what theyā€™re talking about.ā€ He emphasizes that his network of sources ā€œis tried and testedā€ and has ā€œbeen proven up in many other matters.ā€ He adds, ā€œIā€™ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. Itā€™s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.ā€

Steele points out that the most critical criteria for judging disinformation is ā€œwhether there is a palpable motive for spreading itā€; the ultimate Russian goal in 2016, he argues, ā€œwas to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president, and therefore, the idea that they would intentionally spread embarrassing information about Trumpā€”true or notā€”is not logical.ā€

Steele, according to Simpson and Fritsch, is equally dismissive of those who claim that the Russians spread disinformation in order to discredit him. ā€œThe stakes were far, far too high for them to trifle with settling scores with me or any other civilian,ā€ he said. ā€œDamaging my reputation was simply not on their list of priorities. But helping Trump, and damaging Hillary was at the very top of it. No one denies that anymore.ā€

LOL...Steele says all of THAT when he isn't under oath...but when he IS under oath...his story completely changes! I'd like to see Glenn Simpson put under oath and see how much of HIS story suddenly changes as well once jail time for perjury was hanging over his head!
Before you hyperventilate perhaps you'd like to summarize what you misguidedly think are the most damning aspects of the dossier. Then I'll know exactly what I need to do to inform you of the facts.

Did you even read that New Yorker puff piece? Talk about someone drinking the Kool Aid! That author took everything that Simpson claimed as gospel and it's laughable! At that point Steele had already run away from his claim that everything in the dossiers was true.
He NEVER made that claim.

"Despite the fact that the fabled pee tape has never surfaced and Trump immediately denied its existence, Simpson and Fritsch write that Steele remains confident that his reports are neither a fabrication nor the ā€œhoaxā€ of Trumpā€™s denunciations. Trumpā€™s defenders have claimed that Steele fell prey to Russian disinformation, and, therefore, it is he, not Trump, who has been a useful idiot for the Russians. But Steele tells the authors, ā€œThese people simply have no idea what theyā€™re talking about.ā€ He emphasizes that his network of sources ā€œis tried and testedā€ and has ā€œbeen proven up in many other matters.ā€ He adds, ā€œIā€™ve spent my entire adult life working with Russian disinformation. Itā€™s an incredibly complex subject that is at the very core of my training and my professional mission.ā€

Steele points out that the most critical criteria for judging disinformation is ā€œwhether there is a palpable motive for spreading itā€; the ultimate Russian goal in 2016, he argues, ā€œwas to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president, and therefore, the idea that they would intentionally spread embarrassing information about Trumpā€”true or notā€”is not logical.ā€

Steele, according to Simpson and Fritsch, is equally dismissive of those who claim that the Russians spread disinformation in order to discredit him. ā€œThe stakes were far, far too high for them to trifle with settling scores with me or any other civilian,ā€ he said. ā€œDamaging my reputation was simply not on their list of priorities. But helping Trump, and damaging Hillary was at the very top of it. No one denies that anymore.ā€

LOL...Steele says all of THAT when he isn't under oath...but when he IS under oath...his story completely changes! I'd like to see Glenn Simpson put under oath and see how much of HIS story suddenly changes as well once jail time for perjury was hanging over his head!
Before you hyperventilate perhaps you'd like to summarize what you misguidedly think are the most damning aspects of the dossier. Then I'll know exactly what I need to do to inform you of the facts.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.

Again. No it wasn't. You keep quoting the same hack document over and over. It doesn't make it any more accurate than the first six times you posted it.
You're dismissed.

You've been bitch slapped boy. It was good for me, how about you?
As far as consequences for the agents and officials who engaged in corrupt and dishonest behavior
See post 583.

What are we going to do with an AG who engaged in corrupt and dishonest behavior?
Sorry asshole. Barr didnā€™t do the investigation that uncovered your bullshit. Then again your utter stupidity isnā€™t surprising. Stage 4 TDS on full display. Try again liar.
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of their interference, and their decision to choose one ca
With all due respect, Old Lady...Russia interfering in our elections isn't something new.
The scale and scope of Russia's "sweeping and systematic" interference was unprecedented........and consistently downplayed by Trumpleton's for obvious reasons. Know what else was unprecedented, the enormous effort they put in to the interference in favor of a particular candidate.

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion," Mueller wrote in the 448-page document, which lays out new details about a Kremlin-backed plot that compromised Democrats' computer networks and targeted state and local election offices. Mueller wrote that investigators also found evidence of repeated communications ā€” but not "coordination" ā€” between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and people claiming to have damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Too bad Mueller the Senile couldnā€™t actually prove any of his OPINIONS on that. Facebook ads, of which the vast majority saw 2 of (If they even paid attention to the ads popping up) swayed the election? Hardly. Keep relying on that roll of toilet paper that Mueller didnā€™t even have a hand in.
He proved obstruction. How do we know? He said Trump can be indicted for obstruction when he leaves office.

Another fucking lie, ChiCom troll.

You're worthless, just fucking lies from Beijing.
This is so easy when you can just breeze through every opposing post, totally unchallenged. When the hate takes control, nothing can stop their losing.
The only breeze here is every statement of truth going right over your head. When one just regurgitates the mediaā€™s lies nothing stops your losing.
We'll, we will never know, because you aren't able to tell us what the lies are or even prove them. So, you are posting absolutely nothing that has any value to anyone. Why bother?
If I have to explain it, youā€™ll never understand it. Your cowardice and lack of argument are exposed.
Don't worry about it. You can't disprove any of my claims from this thread. No one has, and they never will. But ha, thanks for playing and losing all at the same time.

Too bad all of your bullshit has already been disproved multiple times asshole. Now run along before I bitch slap you again.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.
The FBIā€™s Investigation: Christopher Steeleā€™s reporting played no role in launching the FBIā€™s counterintelligence investigation. The FBI received independent information in July 2016 that the Russians courted another Trump campaign foreign policy advisor, George Papadopoulos. Moreover, as the Committee learned in testimony and the Special Counselā€™s investigative progress bears out, the FBI would have continued its investigation even if it had never received information from Steele, never applied for a FISA warrant against Page, or if the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) had rejected the application.

Bull fucking shit.

The Trump dossier that was purchased from the Kremlin via foreign spy Christopher Steele was the basis of ALL of the illegal FISA warrants that the KGB used to rig the 2016 election and then to spy on the Trump administration in order to stage a coup.

Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was ā€œreliableā€ based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.


You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad! Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele finally talked someone at Mother Jones to go with the story a week before the election and other liberal media outlets reported on the Mother Jones story.
You are either uninformed, misinformed, or a liar.

So your defense of what Fusion GPS the book that Glenn Simpson put out? Why would anyone believe what the person who was in charge of the Clinton dirty tricks squad wrote, Berg? Glenn Simpson is the guy that Hillary Clinton paid to smear Donald Trump! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO CLAIM THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Sorry. No matter how much you want it to be true, the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrants. As I've read, just about everything in the dossier has been verified. Trump did this to himself. It's what happens when you are a corrupt moron with no morals or principles.

You're an uniformed lying piece of shit kid.

"On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request."

"Decision to Seek FISA Authority We determined that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016 played a central and essential role in the FBI's and Department's decision to seek the FISA order. As noted above, when the team first sought to pursue a FISA order for Page in August 2016, a decision was made by OGC, or, or both that more information was needed to support a probable cause finding that Page was an agent of a foreign power. As a result, FBI OGC ceased discussions with or about a Page FISA order at that time. On September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team contacted FBI OGC again about seeking a FISA order for Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the FBI OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD or Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a forma l FISA request to or relating to Page. Almost immediately thereafter, or assigned an attorney (or Attorney) to begin preparation of the application. "

Still hawking this doc? I would expect nothing less than this piece of manufactured manure from the bagmen at Trumps DOJ. Sorry. But you have covered all the alt-right talking points.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
ā€œWe started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,ā€ McCabe told CNN. ā€œWas the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.ā€

The foundation for the entire thing was Steele's "dossier". You're nothing but a lying hack kid.

FBI leadership supported relying on Steele's reporting to seek a FISA order targeting Page after being advised of, and giving consideration to, concerns expressed by a Department attorney that Steele may have been hired by someone associated with a rival candidate or campaign.

A. The Role of the Steele Election Reporting in the Applications We concluded that the Crossfire Hurricane team's receipt of Steele's election reporting on September 19, 2016, played a central and essential role in the decision by FBI OGC to support the request for FISA surveillance targeting Carter Page, as well as the Department's ultimate decision to seek the FISA order.

On or about August 22, 2016, a decision was made by the FBI OGC, 01, or both that more evidence was needed to support probable cause that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power. The OGC ceased its discussions with 01 about seeking a FISA order targeting Page. However, on September 19, 2016, the same day that the Crossfire Hurricane team first received Steele's election reporting, the team reinitiated discussions with OGC about seeking a FISA order authorizing surveillance targeting Page and specifically focused on Steele's reporting in drafting the FISA request. Two days later, on September 21, the OGC Unit Chief contacted the NSD 01 Unit Chief to advise him that the FBI believed it was ready to submit a formal FISA request to 01 relating to Page.

Again. No it wasn't. You keep quoting the same hack document over and over. It doesn't make it any more accurate than the first six times you posted it.
You're dismissed.

You're a fucking liar, as well as a traitor.

You're dismissed.

Go back to sucking Xi's cock.
One of my gifts, it appears, is forcing Leftists to default to vulgarity when I expose them to the truth.
You, of course, a case in point.

This is why I jump on conservatives who do what the left is doing here to you - they're not even trying to debate with evidence or links or documentation; they're simply regurgitating the same lie over and over again. If they really thought they were telling the truth, they'd give real links and evidence. They're such liars. We never need to stoop to their level when we can do as you're doing and bring them to gibberish by hitting them with the truth.
You're clueless, Jack! The Clinton Campaign and the DNC got exactly what they paid for...a smear campaign right before the election to make Trump look bad!
Have you considered how ridiculous it would have been for the Clinton campaign to wait until a week before the election before revealing the contents of the dossier if their motive was to use it as a smear campaign?
Have you considered how ridiculous it would have been for the FBI to keep their investigation in to the Trump campaign a secret from the public if their intent was to sabotage his candidacy as Trump has accused them of doing?

It was 6 weeks before the end of the election - September 23. They did leave time for it to get discussed and for all to hear. They didn't do it earlier, though, in answer to your question about doing it close to the election, even had it been a week instead of 6 weeks, is that they didn't want the Trump campaign to have time to prove the lie that the dossier was.

I was quite concerned about Trump's future when I first heard it. But what the Clinton campaign and the left failed to understand was that voters were left with a choice between an unverified, possibly untrue (and eventually proven untrue) dossier or a very much verified Clinton candidate. They chose the dossier over the certain Clinton.

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