New Face Of Democrats: Kidnappers, Murderers, and Terrorists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1st it was convicted felon Donna Hylton, who once was a member of a group that kidnapped, raped and tortured an elderly man to the point of death, featured as a 'prominent' speaker at the pro-abortion and anti-Trump Women's March on Washington. Hylton personally tortured, sodomized, and participated in the murder of the man...and at the Women's March she 'spoke for all women'.

NOW The new liberal / Democratic Party / Feminist Darling being showcased is a convicted terrorist who perpetrated a bombing against our ALLY Israel:

Feminist Darling Will Speak At Event With Convicted Palestinian Terrorist And Immigration Fraudster

"Linda Sarsour, the Palestinian-American 'activist' and newest darling of the feminist movement, is scheduled to speak in April at an event with a Palestinian woman who was convicted of terrorism in a 1969 bombing in Israel.

Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York, will appear alongside Rasmea Odeh at an event in Chicago hosted by the Jewish Voice for Peace, a left-wing group that focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

A terrorist that bombed Israel speaking at an event hosted by the 'Jewish Voice for PEACE'?


"Sarsour was one of the organizers of last month’s Women’s March, and Odeh recently signed on as an organizer for a worldwide women’s strike next month."

Sarsour helping to plan last month's Women's March now clears things up about how Hylton was invited and designated a 'prominent' speaker.

"An alleged former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist group, Odeh was convicted in Israel in 1970 of taking part in two bombings the year before. One bombing, at a Jerusalem supermarket, killed two Israeli students and injured nine others. She was also convicted for her role in a bombing of the British consulate (ANOTHER Ally)."

During his 8 years in office EX-President Barak Obama was a terrorist financier, weapons dealer, supplies deliverer, defender, trainer, and the occasional propaganda pusher.
- He supplied, financed, armed, trained, defended, and aided multiple terrorist organizations to take over governments / countries. After a terrorist to whom he gave a visa and welcomed into the country killed 12 Americans in a terrorist attack, he used his USAG to threaten any American for their exercising of their Constitutional Right of Free Speech in the way of talking negatively about the terrorist attack or Muslims.

- Hillary Clinton, the worst Presidential candidate in US history, also aided, abetted, and armed terrorists. Her personal aide had connections to Iran and was potentially guilty of espionage / treason for having thousands of Hillary's e-mails (which she was not supposed to have) on a laptop she shared with her sexually deviant / pedophile husband. (WHY was she saving all of them? Hmm)

During this past election Democrats began being exposed for who they really are - vandalizing / firebombing GOP HQs, intimidating / beating / bloodying Trump supporters / anyone who voiced an opinion / belief other than theirs...Hillary's campaign being exposed as having paid groups to engage in such behavior. Their own personal leaked private e-mails exposed them as middle-class-mocking elitists, racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites. Some snowflakes doubled-down on 'offensive' / stupid by calling white middle-class tax payers lazy people who should be abandoned in favor of 'New' (illegal / 'refugee') Americans - DNC Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders declared he was embarrassed of his party because they left abandoned the middle class. Snowflakes even openly called prominent blacks 'Mediocre Negroes'.

Hillary Clinton declared that to question the legitimacy of the election results was to 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests'...but then again, she said that when she thought she had the election won. SINCE that time the SEDITIOUS liberal snowflakes have done nothing BUT attempt to destroy those 'pillars:
- Claimed Victory based on irrelevant data - FAIL
- Demanded / Conducted a Recount - FAIL
- Attempted to flip Electoral College Voters through threats, intimidation, etc - FAIL
- All-In Media
- Fake News
- Even Death Threats / Calls to Assassinate Trump

Fully out of the closet at this point, the snowflakes are not even trying to hide who they are or what their true motives are:

While openly declaring their tactic / sole focus the next 4 years is to be completely OBSTRUCTIONISTS, shutting down the government / defying the Trump administration's every move for the benefit of the Democratic Party (to hell with the country - it's Party 1st), they publicly now march out kidnappers, torturers, sodomizers, murderers, and terrorists as their standard bearers!

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