New From CBO: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Will Return In Two Years

Oh lookie....a tough guy....I am SO frightened. Go jerk off to your fantasies tough guy. I'm going to out on a limb here, you guys won't get Trump, you're being played. He is playing his part perfectly and we will be at War soon. Did I mention how frightened I am of you? ;)
The Trupers are fake toughies is what you are saying.

Real America does not care.

When I want your opinion I'll give it to you Bammy Boy. Careful, you'll get banned again....
You have not a thing. :)

I'm telling you Jakey (because I just love you so) obey the rules ;)

quit trolling wannabe modboi and stay on topic

address this any day now ..

Donald Trump (as projected in FY 2019 budget): Plans to add $8.282 trillion, a 41 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget, FY 2017. If he spends as he hopes, Trump will add the second-highest dollar amount in history. More important, he will add almost as much in his first term as Obama did in two terms.

  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1,198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.
Building the wall and deporting illegals will save us BILLIONS of dollars.
Oh lookie....a tough guy....I am SO frightened. Go jerk off to your fantasies tough guy. I'm going to out on a limb here, you guys won't get Trump, you're being played. He is playing his part perfectly and we will be at War soon. Did I mention how frightened I am of you? ;)
The Trupers are fake toughies is what you are saying.

Real America does not care.

When I want your opinion I'll give it to you Bammy Boy. Careful, you'll get banned again....
You have not a thing. :)

I'm telling you Jakey (because I just love you so) obey the rules ;)

quit trolling wannabe modboi and stay on topic

address this any day now ..

Donald Trump (as projected in FY 2019 budget): Plans to add $8.282 trillion, a 41 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget, FY 2017. If he spends as he hopes, Trump will add the second-highest dollar amount in history. More important, he will add almost as much in his first term as Obama did in two terms.

  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1,198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.

I can't help it that you're stuck in a false reality tough boi. It doesn't matter who occupies the Office, our economy is a debt based economy. Chew on that.
nope dip, Obama lowered the deficit 1$ Trillion dollars - youre just too F'n stupid to know the difference between deficit and debt because youre an idiot RW'r ...

so you bitch about 08 and suck Trump for increasing the deficit.

youre dismissed

Only in whatever sphincter functions as a bed wetter's "mind" can you pretend that a debt that was $9T in 2008 and ended up at $19T by 2016 indicated the executive who toured the country decrying the debt as "unpatriotic" did what you are programmed to believe he did.

Not ONE of 3 three budgets (out of the 8 he was legally obligated to submit) were passed even when the democrooks controlled congress.

Had the republicrats not taken the house in 2010 and forced spending cuts it would have been far worse.

The bottom line is, your meat puppet faggot was a disaster, and Trump has been a success.

Suck it parasite.


Yep, he has been a success at adding debt faster than anyone in history.

But you fucks do not care because he has an (R) next to his name, and party trump country every time for people like you

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We should be massively cutting military spending to balance the budget.

Cold War is over. Let's bring the troops home.
Cut military spending? We are not spending ENOUGH. our troops are not getting adequate training. Many of our fighter jets are down for maintenance. Our military is the only thing standing between us and those who wish to destroy us. You do not skimp on the military, because a second rate military is completely worthless.

We CAN'T protect Estonia. We can bankrupt ourselves trying.

We CAN protect South Korean. But it is very expensive, and what do we get out of it?

Bring the troops home. Spend more on training, less on developing the ability to protect Estonia.

We are suffering from overreach.

This is the case 100%. Our military is not underfunded, we are over used, mismanaged and abused by politicians that use the military to push their agenda.
The Trupers are fake toughies is what you are saying.

Real America does not care.

When I want your opinion I'll give it to you Bammy Boy. Careful, you'll get banned again....
You have not a thing. :)

I'm telling you Jakey (because I just love you so) obey the rules ;)

quit trolling wannabe modboi and stay on topic

address this any day now ..

Donald Trump (as projected in FY 2019 budget): Plans to add $8.282 trillion, a 41 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget, FY 2017. If he spends as he hopes, Trump will add the second-highest dollar amount in history. More important, he will add almost as much in his first term as Obama did in two terms.

  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1,198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.
Building the wall and deporting illegals will save us BILLIONS of dollars.

what wall .. you mean the fence repair ?

RW fktards just cant stay on topic can they ..
Trumpers just don't have the power now.

Watch the GOP House and Senate ignore them as Trump continues to lose influence and emphasis.

the Republican Congress got their deficit crushing tax cuts and they're through with the old derelict.

they didnt give him repeal/replace or fund a wall - they just let him slobber about it to keep his drones fired up while they do what they preach against ...

SUCKERS love it.
Fence repair my ass...the wall is being built the border is being shut down and catch and release is over....fence libs are losers...
We should be massively cutting military spending to balance the budget.

Cold War is over. Let's bring the troops home.

The military does waste a fuck ton of money.

Spending needs to be cut across the board of course. I'd love to see a balanced budget law enacted, but neither the republicrats nor the democrooks are interested in reducing their ability to buy power and influence.

Republitards cant live without tax cuts that cost the country trillions of dollars - democrats can;

ergo - Democrats are traitors .

if only RW dopes actually practiced what they preach we might balance a budget ..
You do know it doesn’t cost anything right? It may deprive money, but doesn’t cost a fking dime. How stupid are you? People’s money is theirs not yours.

by the way, the more jobs more payees into the bank equals more revenue, less welfare equals more revenue a win win. Educate yourself
Such is partisan politics.

The economy is doing okay, but there are many mixed signals still. We'll see. Here's hoping.

Believe it or not, I briefly had hope the moonbat messiah would have a positive impact on the economy and manipulate it to increase prosperity amidst the lower and middle class because he was not a member of the aristocracy like hitlary and the Bush mafia. I figured as a commie he would take on the big banks and globalist corporations to the benefit of the majority.

I don't know how anyone could attempt to argue that anything got better for anyone except the banks and globalists.

It was 8 years of stagnation and malaise and as far as I'm concerned that was the goal of the left. The fact my income has increased 25% in just this year, along with everyone I know doing better across the board, and the moonbats are foaming at the mouth about it tells me what I need to know about their side of the partisan equation.
The Meltdown may not have produced the raw unemployment numbers or sheer suffering of the Great Depression, but it was comparable in terms of effects it had on markets, primarily because the explosion of derivatives and the deep market distortions they caused. The Depression took around a decade to work its way through global financial systems, and so did this.

I give Obama various grades on the different parts of his presidency, but on the economy I just give him an NA.
Oh lookie....a tough guy....I am SO frightened. Go jerk off to your fantasies tough guy. I'm going to out on a limb here, you guys won't get Trump, you're being played. He is playing his part perfectly and we will be at War soon. Did I mention how frightened I am of you? ;)
The Trupers are fake toughies is what you are saying.

Real America does not care.

When I want your opinion I'll give it to you Bammy Boy. Careful, you'll get banned again....
You have not a thing. :)

I'm telling you Jakey (because I just love you so) obey the rules ;)

quit trolling wannabe modboi and stay on topic

address this any day now ..

Donald Trump (as projected in FY 2019 budget): Plans to add $8.282 trillion, a 41 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget, FY 2017. If he spends as he hopes, Trump will add the second-highest dollar amount in history. More important, he will add almost as much in his first term as Obama did in two terms.

  • FY 2021 - $1.119 trillion.
  • FY 2020 - $1,198 trillion.
  • FY 2019 - $1.225 trillion.
  • FY 2018 - $1.233 trillion.
It hasn’t happened yet?
Such is partisan politics.

The economy is doing okay, but there are many mixed signals still. We'll see. Here's hoping.

Believe it or not, I briefly had hope the moonbat messiah would have a positive impact on the economy and manipulate it to increase prosperity amidst the lower and middle class because he was not a member of the aristocracy like hitlary and the Bush mafia. I figured as a commie he would take on the big banks and globalist corporations to the benefit of the majority.

I don't know how anyone could attempt to argue that anything got better for anyone except the banks and globalists.

It was 8 years of stagnation and malaise and as far as I'm concerned that was the goal of the left. The fact my income has increased 25% in just this year, along with everyone I know doing better across the board, and the moonbats are foaming at the mouth about it tells me what I need to know about their side of the partisan equation.
The Meltdown may not have produced the raw unemployment numbers or sheer suffering of the Great Depression, but it was comparable in terms of effects it had on markets, primarily because the explosion of derivatives and the deep market distortions they caused. The Depression took around a decade to work its way through global financial systems, and so did this.

I give Obama various grades on the different parts of his presidency, but on the economy I just give him an NA.
Obammy gave our money out for free and made nothing
Such is partisan politics.

The economy is doing okay, but there are many mixed signals still. We'll see. Here's hoping.

Believe it or not, I briefly had hope the moonbat messiah would have a positive impact on the economy and manipulate it to increase prosperity amidst the lower and middle class because he was not a member of the aristocracy like hitlary and the Bush mafia. I figured as a commie he would take on the big banks and globalist corporations to the benefit of the majority.

I don't know how anyone could attempt to argue that anything got better for anyone except the banks and globalists.

It was 8 years of stagnation and malaise and as far as I'm concerned that was the goal of the left. The fact my income has increased 25% in just this year, along with everyone I know doing better across the board, and the moonbats are foaming at the mouth about it tells me what I need to know about their side of the partisan equation.
The Meltdown may not have produced the raw unemployment numbers or sheer suffering of the Great Depression, but it was comparable in terms of effects it had on markets, primarily because the explosion of derivatives and the deep market distortions they caused. The Depression took around a decade to work its way through global financial systems, and so did this.

I give Obama various grades on the different parts of his presidency, but on the economy I just give him an NA.
Obammy gave our money out for free and made nothing
It was a wee bit more complicated than that.
Such is partisan politics.

The economy is doing okay, but there are many mixed signals still. We'll see. Here's hoping.

Believe it or not, I briefly had hope the moonbat messiah would have a positive impact on the economy and manipulate it to increase prosperity amidst the lower and middle class because he was not a member of the aristocracy like hitlary and the Bush mafia. I figured as a commie he would take on the big banks and globalist corporations to the benefit of the majority.

I don't know how anyone could attempt to argue that anything got better for anyone except the banks and globalists.

It was 8 years of stagnation and malaise and as far as I'm concerned that was the goal of the left. The fact my income has increased 25% in just this year, along with everyone I know doing better across the board, and the moonbats are foaming at the mouth about it tells me what I need to know about their side of the partisan equation.
The Meltdown may not have produced the raw unemployment numbers or sheer suffering of the Great Depression, but it was comparable in terms of effects it had on markets, primarily because the explosion of derivatives and the deep market distortions they caused. The Depression took around a decade to work its way through global financial systems, and so did this.

I give Obama various grades on the different parts of his presidency, but on the economy I just give him an NA.
Obammy gave our money out for free and made nothing
It was a wee bit more complicated than that.
Not at all. Cash for clunkers, free cell phones, free food stamps . He didn’t care about america
Trump never claimed to be a 'Fiscal Conservative.' Those who thought he was, were just deluding themselves. He actually vowed to spend lots of money during his campaigning. He vowed massive 'Infrastructure' spending and so on.

But hey, what was the alternative? Corrupt Communist asshole Hillary Clinton? How much would she have spent? Think Hussein. She was just gonna continue all of his awful policies. You get two choices with our current Two-Party System. For me, it was an easy choice. Trump all the way.
Only in whatever sphincter functions as a bed wetter's "mind" can you pretend that a debt that was $9T in 2008 and ended up at $19T by 2016 indicated the executive who toured the country decrying the debt as "unpatriotic" did what you are programmed to believe he did.

Not ONE of 3 three budgets (out of the 8 he was legally obligated to submit) were passed even when the democrooks controlled congress.

Had the republicrats not taken the house in 2010 and forced spending cuts it would have been far worse.

The bottom line is, your meat puppet faggot was a disaster, and Trump has been a success.

Suck it parasite.


Yep, he has been a success at adding debt faster than anyone in history.

But you fucks do not care because he has an (R) next to his name, and party trump country every time for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using

We should be massively cutting military spending to balance the budget.

Cold War is over. Let's bring the troops home.
Cut military spending? We are not spending ENOUGH. our troops are not getting adequate training. Many of our fighter jets are down for maintenance. Our military is the only thing standing between us and those who wish to destroy us. You do not skimp on the military, because a second rate military is completely worthless.

We CAN'T protect Estonia. We can bankrupt ourselves trying.

We CAN protect South Korean. But it is very expensive, and what do we get out of it?

Bring the troops home. Spend more on training, less on developing the ability to protect Estonia.

We are suffering from overreach.

This is the case 100%. Our military is not underfunded, we are over used, mismanaged and abused by politicians that use the military to push their agenda.

Expanding NATO was moronic stupidity.
So Trump, no different than Clinton or Obama, according to some, is acceptable?

Strange reasoning.

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