Zone1 New generation of mixed blonde gypsie kids


Gold Member
Will they identify as gypsies when they are adults? And will gypsies in future be more blonde, at least in my family, they mixed a bit in the new generations, in the new generations i count half of them being mixed of the younger ones...

The kids...



Why are you ashamed of your roots?
Me? I'm a blue eyed Dutchman with semi blond hair.

Why would you assume im ashamed of my roots? Only if you expect me to be ashamed or think i should because you consider me inferior, i dont consider myself inferior thats what you assume about me and expect me to be. That tells more about your way of thinking then mine. I made many videos on the roots of roma, and of their unique genetic fingerprint and everything. I never said they are just like the others, or that i hide something or am ashamed to tell it.

Why would you assume im ashamed of my roots? Only if you expect me to be ashamed or think i should because you consider me inferior, i dont consider myself inferior thats what you assume about me and expect me to be. That tells more about your way of thinking then mine. I made many videos on the roots of roma, and of their unique genetic fingerprint and everything. I never said they are just like the others, or that i hide something or am ashamed to tell it.

You constantly bring up your roots and try and defend them.
Why would you do that?
Me? I never do that because in my mind I have no reason to do so,yet you apparently do.
Your thread title proves you want blue eyed kids.

That is a assumption, someone could make that assumption but i never said that and it is not true. I do not care what my kids eye colour would be. I would not care if my kids were half black african (with a black woman). I said there are a few, that i noticed it, it is a observation only.
You constantly bring up your roots and try and defend them.
Why would you do that?
Me? I never do that because in my mind I have no reason to do so,yet you apparently do.

I think that is important for gypsies, more visibility, better representation etc. You are a anglo-american you dont need that, you have that.
That is a assumption, someone could make that assumption but i never said that and it is not true. I do not care what my kids eye colour would be. I would not care if my kids were half black african (with a black woman). I said there are a few, that i noticed it, it is a observation only.

Then why did you bring it up?
Because I observed it. I could go to Belgium and then tell what I observed right? There is no secret desire behind it.

Here's something that would elevate your kind....stop being a criminal and get a fucking job.
Which we know you dont have.
The Wife and I owned our own home at the age of 24 and paid it off by the time we were 32.
Fer fucks sake get a grip on your life or you'll never get anywhere.

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