New Google Chrome Laptop: Just Another Useful Government Spy-Tool?...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009

The new Google Chrome Laptop has no Hard Drive. So everything is stored on the Internet. Everything you download can only be accessed when you're On-Line. We all know Google spies for the U.S. Government,so i don't think i'm speaking out-of-school on that. Allowing your files to only be stored via Internet seems a little suspect to me. So should anyone purchase this Laptop? Will you? What say you all?
I think i would rather go with the Hard-Drive. Can anyone really trust Google for privacy?
its definitely an issue. Will look into the specs. If encryption is done on the laptop then its not an issue (except for people who use weak passphrases, but Google cracking passwords would be a bit much).
its definitely an issue. Will look into the specs. If encryption is done on the laptop then its not an issue (except for people who use weak passphrases, but Google cracking passwords would be a bit much).

What if they're working towards phasing out Hard Drives all together? I'm leaning towards thinking that's what they're doing. So everything you store on your Computer can be accessed via the Internet. It's a scary thought but it looks like that's where they're headed.
I was just reading that Apple IPads also only store information via the Internet. This could be where they're taking us. It is a bit frightening.
This is what cloud computing is. Microsoft is promoting it too and in the next decade if not sooner hard drives and other storage media will be passé. Of course those of us out here in hinterlands must use internet access technology that limits the download and I wonder how they will address that problem. It already cost me $70+ to download 200 mb a day through Hughes net satellite. As of yet ATT or Verizon have not penetrated this area.
Phasing out Hard Drives will be a terrible thing for Citizens. All Freedom & Privacy will then be gone. Having all your downloaded material out there on the Internet for anyone to access will be a tragic development. I wouldn't trust Google as far as i could throw em. I hope Hard Drives will always be available. Having all your Info out there is not a good thing.
Friends Don't Let Friends use GOOG.

It is the wave of the future though there are enough people out there who will continue to demand home storage solutions and the next wave for that appears to be solid state hard drives, no moving parts.
It is the wave of the future though there are enough people out there who will continue to demand home storage solutions and the next wave for that appears to be solid state hard drives, no moving parts.

Well i'm definitely not riding this wave of the future. When i see Google doing this,i know something's up. They're an integral part of the U.S. Government Spy apparatus. I'm ok with Hard Drives. Only being able to access your stored information via the Internet is a very bad thing for Citizens. However it's a very good thing for Google and the Government. I'll stick with my Hard Drive. Unfortunately they may phase them out so no one can have them anymore. That just wouldn't surprise me.
Cloud computing is already big business.
Mind you, it didn't look so clever when Amazon failed the other day.
Cloud computing is already big business.
Mind you, it didn't look so clever when Amazon failed the other day.

I know it's big business but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. Some people confuse that too often. I'm sure Google and some other big Corporations are pushing this but it's not a good thing for Citizens. If Hard Drives are no longer made available,you can just accept you now live in a full blown Police State.
Lots of people like the option of storing files off-site. Some don't. The device would weigh less and make it more convenient. Microsoft also has a "Sky Drive" storage option. Also. if it has a USB port which most do, many hard drives/flash drives can be hooked up to it.
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Lots of people like the option of storing files off-site. Some don't. The device would weigh less and make it more convenient. Microsoft also has a "Sky Drive" storage option. Also. if it has a USB port which most do, many hard drives/flash drives can be hooked up to it.

As long as the option is still available,i don't think people will have a problem with this. But if it becomes impossible to have a Computer with a Hard Drive,you know the Police State is here. You should not be forced to share all your stored files on the Internet. There should always be an option. It's not a question of storing your info on both a Hard Drive and the Internet. You should maintain the option of not storing your information on the Internet. You should be able to decide to store it only on your Hard Drive. It looks to me like Google and the rest want to take that option away form the People. And that should be a very serious concern for all Americans. If you lose the choice,you lose your Freedom.
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Phasing out Hard Drives will be a terrible thing for Citizens. All Freedom & Privacy will then be gone. Having all your downloaded material out there on the Internet for anyone to access will be a tragic development. I wouldn't trust Google as far as i could throw em. I hope Hard Drives will always be available. Having all your Info out there is not a good thing.

cryptography is definitely a deterrent. at that point they are only storing your encrypted data. the push towards 'the cloud' is definitely scary though as most people won't know the difference and just go with it.

I don't see all home users leaving hard drives though. For people with lots of photots, video, etc its too hard and uses too much bandwith to store it all outside the home network. I also know that the terabytes of data that I use would be thousands of dollars a month in cloud/server fees and never a realistic option
It is the wave of the future though there are enough people out there who will continue to demand home storage solutions and the next wave for that appears to be solid state hard drives, no moving parts.

Well i'm definitely not riding this wave of the future. When i see Google doing this,i know something's up. They're an integral part of the U.S. Government Spy apparatus. I'm ok with Hard Drives. Only being able to access your stored information via the Internet is a very bad thing for Citizens. However it's a very good thing for Google and the Government. I'll stick with my Hard Drive. Unfortunately they may phase them out so no one can have them anymore. That just wouldn't surprise me.

they can't just phase them out.. Their best shot would be to produce motherbaords without native sata/ide/scsi interfaces, but you could always work around it by chaining off USB3/esata and using expansion cards
It is the wave of the future though there are enough people out there who will continue to demand home storage solutions and the next wave for that appears to be solid state hard drives, no moving parts.

Well i'm definitely not riding this wave of the future. When i see Google doing this,i know something's up. They're an integral part of the U.S. Government Spy apparatus. I'm ok with Hard Drives. Only being able to access your stored information via the Internet is a very bad thing for Citizens. However it's a very good thing for Google and the Government. I'll stick with my Hard Drive. Unfortunately they may phase them out so no one can have them anymore. That just wouldn't surprise me.

they can't just phase them out.. Their best shot would be to produce motherbaords without native sata/ide/scsi interfaces, but you could always work around it by chaining off USB3/esata and using expansion cards

Don't be surprised if they find a way. Most people will just get external Hard Drives or other options. The tricky part will be trying to keep your personal info from getting on the Internet period. That's gonna get pretty tricky and probably too complicated for the average person. Most will just go along and allow all their info out there on the Net. There very well may be a day when you wont have a choice in any of this. And that's very scary.
Well i'm definitely not riding this wave of the future. When i see Google doing this,i know something's up. They're an integral part of the U.S. Government Spy apparatus. I'm ok with Hard Drives. Only being able to access your stored information via the Internet is a very bad thing for Citizens. However it's a very good thing for Google and the Government. I'll stick with my Hard Drive. Unfortunately they may phase them out so no one can have them anymore. That just wouldn't surprise me.

they can't just phase them out.. Their best shot would be to produce motherbaords without native sata/ide/scsi interfaces, but you could always work around it by chaining off USB3/esata and using expansion cards

Don't be surprised if they find a way. Most people will just get external Hard Drives or other options. The tricky part will be trying to keep your personal info from getting on the Internet period. That's gonna get pretty tricky and probably too complicated for the average person. Most will just go along and allow all their info out there on the Net. There very well may be a day when you wont have a choice in any of this. And that's very scary.

I am more worried about smart phones. Look at all the recent lawsuits about privacy violations built into the mobile operating systems as well as popular applicatons. Advertising companies (which google is one) scare me way more than the government in this instance. They know everything about you, your habits, your conditions, etc
The cloud is the wave. Ware the wave if you are radical. :p

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