New group exposes a plan to derail a Trump win


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

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Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.
If they have an article with a name of the group and what they are doing are they really "secretive"?
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
If they have an article with a name of the group and what they are doing are they really "secretive"?

Apparently, you did not read the linked article:

Independent Sentinel said:

In June, TIP organized a meeting of 100 “former high-ranking government officials, senior political campaigners, nationally prominent journalists and communications professionals, social movement leaders, and experts on politics, national security, democratic reform, election law, and media.”

The 100 names were secret but 40 came forward. They include the most vehement anti-Trump haters. John Podesta is one. He was Hillary’s campaign manager and a close ally of George Soros, having once run Soros’ looney Center for American Progress.

Also on the list is the former DNC chair and noted liar, Donna Brazile, a strong Hillary ally. She is also a Fox News host who is on their various shows quite often.

There is former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is on cable regularly to trash Trump.

Norm Eisen, who served as outside counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during impeachment, is part of the group.

To make the group bipartisan, there are Never Trump Republicans, including Reed Galen, a key organizer of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, David Frum, and others.

Their report reads like a Democrat campaign ad. That should make it obvious that they never intended to refrain from publishing it.

A "secretive group" is not necessarily an "unknown to the public" group. Having meetings behind closed doors with the invited attendees being the only ones having access to the esoteric conversations is an act of being secretive...such as the asshole Adam Schiff conducted during his impeachment circus. He locked the Republicans out of his bunker-in-the-basement meetings.
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Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
No, they would do it in order to blame the delay on Trump instead of their idiotic "vote early; vote often" mail-in campaign.
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.
And if they are REALLY that violent, I would think that the FBI and/or local law enforcement would be on them already...
Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

crepy don't you remember the chapter 9 in your handbook?

Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

crepy don't you remember the chapter 9 in your handbook?

View attachment 372090
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's been the republican MO for ages. tRump collaborates with the Russians? No, must be Hillary. tRump having mental problems? No, must be Joe. tRump fucking with the post office (trump defunding pist office - Google Search Nope, must be Hillary.

You guys are pathetically transparent and unoriginal.

Get over it.
Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

crepy don't you remember the chapter 9 in your handbook?

View attachment 372090
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's been the republican MO for ages. tRump collaborates with the Russians? No, must be Hillary. tRump having mental problems? No, must be Joe. tRump fucking with the post office (trump defunding pist office - Google Search Nope, must be Hillary.

You guys are pathetically transparent and unoriginal.

Get over it.
Who paid for the illegitimate Steele dossier (Russian "intel") trashing Trump? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

Who accused Trump of collaborating with the Russians? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

By you accusation that Trump did it, you are practicing the Democrat playbook entry, ACCUSE OTHERS OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING!
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
No, they would do it in order to blame the delay on Trump instead of their idiotic "vote early; vote often" mail-in campaign.
Since Trump has put his man in charge of the postal services charged with implementing budget cuts at a time when the postal service is having increased problems due to Covid, there is no doubt that some deliveries will be delayed but there is no reason to assume that this will have any effect on the outcome of the election. As long as votes are received by the post office before the cutoff time, they will be processing. However, if Trump is successful in suppressing voter turnout by limiting mail in voting that may well have an effect. The commonly held wisdom is high voter turnout helps democrats. I don't know if that has been shown to be true or not.
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Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
No, they would do it in order to blame the delay on Trump instead of their idiotic "vote early; vote often" mail-in campaign.
Since Trump has put his man in charge of the postal services charged with implementing budget cuts at a time when the postal service is having increased problems due to Covid, there is no doubt that some deliveries will be delayed but there is no reason to assume that this will have any effect on the outcome of the election. As long as votes are received by the post office before the cutoff time, they will be processing. However, if Trump is successful in suppressing voter turnout by limiting mail in voting that may well have an effect. The commonly held wisdom is high voter turnout helps democrats. I don't know if that has been shown to be true or not.
Some blue states are promoting counting ballots received late regardless of postmark our lack thereof. They need a window of time after the in-person votes are counted to see just how many fraudulent mail-in votes they need to come up with.
Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

crepy don't you remember the chapter 9 in your handbook?

View attachment 372090
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's been the republican MO for ages. tRump collaborates with the Russians? No, must be Hillary. tRump having mental problems? No, must be Joe. tRump fucking with the post office (trump defunding pist office - Google Search Nope, must be Hillary.

You guys are pathetically transparent and unoriginal.

Get over it.
Who paid for the illegitimate Steele dossier (Russian "intel") trashing Trump? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

Who accused Trump of collaborating with the Russians? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

By you accusation that Trump did it, you are practicing the Democrat playbook entry, ACCUSE OTHERS OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING!
Are you kidding? Don't you know who started that whole thing?
Standard republican MO, accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

crepy don't you remember the chapter 9 in your handbook?

View attachment 372090
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's been the republican MO for ages. tRump collaborates with the Russians? No, must be Hillary. tRump having mental problems? No, must be Joe. tRump fucking with the post office (trump defunding pist office - Google Search Nope, must be Hillary.

You guys are pathetically transparent and unoriginal.

Get over it.
Who paid for the illegitimate Steele dossier (Russian "intel") trashing Trump? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

Who accused Trump of collaborating with the Russians? Can you say, "HILLARY!"

By you accusation that Trump did it, you are practicing the Democrat playbook entry, ACCUSE OTHERS OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING!
Are you kidding? Don't you know who started that whole thing?
Yes, RINOs looking for dirt on Trump. The Russians didn't come into the picture until the DNC and Hillary took over and paid for the dossier.
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
No, they would do it in order to blame the delay on Trump instead of their idiotic "vote early; vote often" mail-in campaign.
Since Trump has put his man in charge of the postal services charged with implementing budget cuts at a time when the postal service is having increased problems due to Covid, there is no doubt that some deliveries will be delayed but there is no reason to assume that this will have any effect on the outcome of the election. As long as votes are received by the post office before the cutoff time, they will be processing. However, if Trump is successful in suppressing voter turnout by limiting mail in voting that may well have an effect. The commonly held wisdom is high voter turnout helps democrats. I don't know if that has been shown to be true or not.
Some blue states are promoting counting ballots received late regardless of postmark our lack thereof. They need a window of time after the in-person votes are counted to see just how many fraudulent mail-in votes they need to come up with.
In every state that I am familiar with, every vote cast by the time the polls close or postmarked prior to either midnight or poll closing will be counted regardless of how long it takes the post office to delivery the ballots. In most states the secretary of state has 10 or 14 days to certify the vote. Since most mail-in ballots are received several days before election day, there should be plenty of time to have all votes counting before the election is certified. The deadline for resolving disputes is not till Dec 8th. There should be no need to extend any deadline for votes. At worst ,the post office certifies receipt of ballots prior to the deadline.

This dissension Trump has created over mail voting is noting but a Trump tactic to establish blame for his loss of the election and probably a protest. Trump has to have something or someone to blame because he never loses and never makes any mistakes.
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Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.


-"The "Transition Integrity Project" that the DemonRats are working on, has nothing to do with integrity and everything to do with stealing back a lost election. -"

Thugs and crooks, that what the Left is all about.
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Yeah, the democrats would sabotage the USPS proving Trump was right that mailing in voting will create lots of problems and a fraudulent election:cuckoo:
No, they would do it in order to blame the delay on Trump instead of their idiotic "vote early; vote often" mail-in campaign.
Since Trump has put his man in charge of the postal services charged with implementing budget cuts at a time when the postal service is having increased problems due to Covid, there is no doubt that some deliveries will be delayed but there is no reason to assume that this will have any effect on the outcome of the election. As long as votes are received by the post office before the cutoff time, they will be processing. However, if Trump is successful in suppressing voter turnout by limiting mail in voting that may well have an effect. The commonly held wisdom is high voter turnout helps democrats. I don't know if that has been shown to be true or not.
Some blue states are promoting counting ballots received late regardless of postmark our lack thereof. They need a window of time after the in-person votes are counted to see just how many fraudulent mail-in votes they need to come up with.
In every state that I am familiar with, every vote cast by the time the polls close or postmarked prior to either midnight or poll closing will be counted regardless of how long it takes the post office to delivery the ballots. In most states the secretary of state has 10 or 14 days to certify the vote. Since most mail-in ballots are received several days before election day, there should be plenty of time to have all votes counting before the election is certified. The deadline for resolving disputes is not till Dec 8th. There should be no need to extend any deadline for votes. At worst ,the post office certifies receipt of ballots prior to the deadline.

This dissension Trump has created over mail voting is noting but a Trump tactic to establish blame for his loss of the election and probably a protest. Trump has to have something or someone to blame because he never loses and never makes any mistakes.
Read what I wrote. At least one state has proposed to accept mail in votes regardless of the postmark or lack thereof.

In simpler terms, the ballot can be accepted without a postmark even days after the polls close.

Not only that, it is relatively easy to fake a post mark with a rubber stamp.
Hillary recently predicted that Trump will disrupt the election by sabotage of the USPS to support his own prediction that it may take months to determine the legitimate winner. I think this should be our notice that she intends to do just that with the help of her minions.

What the left wants is to initiate mob violence after the election to cause shooting deaths of enough protestors to start our first real civil war.

Don't worry brain fart biden ain't going to win. If Old Joe won his Socialist idiots would be making his anti-Constitutional Socialist decision for him and we could finish up this civil war this weekend and start hanging all these branch bait traitors. They should be left to rot from the tree sending a warning to anyone taking their place Can't wait to see them begging as they are dragged to the hang man. The only thing I'm a little worried about is having a shortage of hemp rope. We can just cut them short for a longer dance.
Don't worry brain fart biden ain't going to win.
What, me worry?! Though the deluded scenario games predicted such in their hypothetical models, I contend Biden will lose big time. That doesn't preclude chaos for a weeks or months after the polls close as the Democrats continually "discover" new boxes of votes that might not have been counted. Any such delay will be blamed on our President...even though it'd be entirely the fault of the Democrat Party.

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