New gun bill introduced

Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

That's why Reagan signed this into law
Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

That's why Reagan signed this into law
Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986

Banned machine guns!? Didn't he know about the THIRD amendment? :D
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

That's why Reagan signed this into law
Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986

Banned machine guns!? Didn't he know about the THIRD amendment? :D

Didn't you know Reagan signed the firearms owner protection act?
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

So it can slide through on a weekend session like the New York SAFE Act did? No thanks. People have learned how Democrats operate, and crying wolf every time is generally not enough.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?
That's right. Gotta' give Lobbyists time to write the Bill first.
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Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

That's why Reagan signed this into law
Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986

Lefties are such dimwits aren't they?
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

You only have to read the name of it to know what it's going to do. Not really all that hard.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

Dude one doesn't have too see the actual words too know in what direction this is going.
Name one gun law that has saved one life? I can tell you how many hasn't saved lives.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?
That's right. Gotta' give Lobbyists time to write the Bill first.

Just had too do it.
All these school shootings happened at Gun Free Zones, including the Aurora Theater (only gun free movie theater in that region that he purposely went to, instead of the 6 Free Carry movei theaters that were closer to his home).

Shush anti gunners don't want too hear that.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

That’s not the conservative way, where facts are unimportant; all that’s important is to inflame partisan hysteria.

We see the same thing with the ACA: unfounded and hysterical claims made before the law fully goes into effect.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

That’s not the conservative way, where facts are unimportant; all that’s important is to inflame partisan hysteria.

We see the same thing with the ACA: unfounded and hysterical claims made before the law fully goes into effect.

Yeah well EVERYTHING we said about Obamacare has come true, the things we said that haven't yet, well there's still time.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

That’s not the conservative way, where facts are unimportant; all that’s important is to inflame partisan hysteria.

We see the same thing with the ACA: unfounded and hysterical claims made before the law fully goes into effect.


"Don't confuse me with facts! I know what I know!" :D

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