New gun bill introduced

Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.
This was inevitable. There are those who if they had the power ,would remove every firearm from the possession of every person not involved in law enforcement or security.
They have finally landed on "it's for the children"..
Now the narrative is set. Those who object will be pilloried in the media and of course politicians in support of the bill as "opposed to the safety of our children".
People such as the radical leftist Diane Feinstein would disarm the population.
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.
Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649) -

S. 649: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013

It doesn't have anything to do with safety but control.

The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

That’s not the conservative way, where facts are unimportant; all that’s important is to inflame partisan hysteria.

We see the same thing with the ACA: unfounded and hysterical claims made before the law fully goes into effect.
ACA is a DISASTER....Just wait..Read THIS...Don't go around spreading pro Obamacare propaganda....Only partisan hacks and bullshit artists support Obamacare..
Bakery Owners: Obamacare Will Cut Our Profits In Half
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.

Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?
The text of that proposed bill isn't even available yet, which means you have no idea what's in it. Yet, you're already crying "Wolf?"

How about we wait to see what it says before getting our panties all in a wad?

That’s not the conservative way, where facts are unimportant; all that’s important is to inflame partisan hysteria.

We see the same thing with the ACA: unfounded and hysterical claims made before the law fully goes into effect.

"Don't confuse me with facts! I know what I know!" :D

Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.

Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?

You have control of your own property, do you? What happens if you fail to pay your property taxes? How much "control" do you have then?
There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.

Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?

You have control of your own property, do you? What happens if you fail to pay your property taxes? How much "control" do you have then?

It's none of the fucking governments business what I do with them. If I want to give everyone away it's my choice.
Straight up tyranny, just like Reagan was for

"I think there has to be some control. But I thought that in California we had a system that probably was the best. I have never felt that we should, for the law-abiding citizens, take the gun away from them and make it impossible to have one. I think the wrong people will always find a way to get one. But what we had was -- even if today when I go back to California, if I want a gun and go in a store to buy a gun, I have to give them the money, but I have to wait a week, no matter who I am. I have to wait a week and come back then to get the gun, because in that week, my name is presented to investigative element there in the State that checks to make sure that I have no criminal record, that I have no record of mental problems or anything of the kind. Then, and only then, can you pick up the gun and take it with you."
-- the Gipper

There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.

Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?
My premise is that gun show sellers have an unfair advantage over other retailers.
I am afraid this issue is not going away.
Throw the anti gun nuts a bone to shut them up.
There already IS gun control.
Any further laws would be overkill.
The only logical path would be to remove the gun show loop hole.

Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?
My premise is that gun show sellers have an unfair advantage over other retailers.
I am afraid this issue is not going away.
Throw the anti gun nuts a bone to shut them up.

I made a suggest for the "gun show loophole" Not too long ago it wasn't liked very much from the pro gun crowd and the anti gun crowd wasn't responsive at all.
My suggestion would keep the government out of the loophole issue. It would be under the control of the management and enforced by the administrator of the gun show.
No private sales will be allowed on the property of the while the event is in operation.
No one loses any rights.
I never said such a thing, though you have said it to me.

I said I will always dog you to provide evidence, as I am doing in another thread right now.

You have an assertion above but no evidence other than your opinion about the bill.

So what, troll.
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Being able to have control of your own property is the only real freedom we have left. Do you want guberment involved in every aspect of your life?
My premise is that gun show sellers have an unfair advantage over other retailers.
I am afraid this issue is not going away.
Throw the anti gun nuts a bone to shut them up.

I made a suggest for the "gun show loophole" Not too long ago it wasn't liked very much from the pro gun crowd and the anti gun crowd wasn't responsive at all.
My suggestion would keep the government out of the loophole issue. It would be under the control of the management and enforced by the administrator of the gun show.
No private sales will be allowed on the property of the while the event is in operation.
No one loses any rights.

This is where you and I part ways.
'Rights' are paramount. Common sense is superior to all else.
Read this ......Just because one may do something does not mean they should.

I will explain....I once had a neighbor from hell.
I called the sheriff's dept. In our discussion he said, "It's shame we don't have asshole laws. If we did I'd take your neighbor to jail right now"..
Just because we have the right to act like an asshole does not mean we should.
My reasoning here is, just because we have the right to privately purchase a firearm outside of the normal retailer-customer relationship, (which is heavily regulated) with no checks or balances, does not mean we should.
Should your plan be implemented, the government would be involved to the extent that the background check just may be less of a hassle.
As I stated earlier, this is not going away. So the logical thing to do would be to give something to shut them up.
Otherwise this could get worse. Remember, there were just enough people worried about their free shit plus flaming libs to go along with the notion of having Obama as president for another 4 years. Don't think for a second these anti gun wackos could not gin up just enough support for more stringent anti weapon measures. Look at what happened in New York.
My premise is that gun show sellers have an unfair advantage over other retailers.
I am afraid this issue is not going away.
Throw the anti gun nuts a bone to shut them up.

I made a suggest for the "gun show loophole" Not too long ago it wasn't liked very much from the pro gun crowd and the anti gun crowd wasn't responsive at all.
My suggestion would keep the government out of the loophole issue. It would be under the control of the management and enforced by the administrator of the gun show.
No private sales will be allowed on the property of the while the event is in operation.
No one loses any rights.

This is where you and I part ways.
'Rights' are paramount. Common sense is superior to all else.
Read this ......Just because one may do something does not mean they should.

I will explain....I once had a neighbor from hell.
I called the sheriff's dept. In our discussion he said, "It's shame we don't have asshole laws. If we did I'd take your neighbor to jail right now"..
Just because we have the right to act like an asshole does not mean we should.
My reasoning here is, just because we have the right to privately purchase a firearm outside of the normal retailer-customer relationship, (which is heavily regulated) with no checks or balances, does not mean we should.
Should your plan be implemented, the government would be involved to the extent that the background check just may be less of a hassle.
As I stated earlier, this is not going away. So the logical thing to do would be to give something to shut them up.
Otherwise this could get worse. Remember, there were just enough people worried about their free shit plus flaming libs to go along with the notion of having Obama as president for another 4 years. Don't think for a second these anti gun wackos could not gin up just enough support for more stringent anti weapon measures. Look at what happened in New York.

Yet you earlier said you wanted to throw the anti gun nutters a bone. but disagree with my suggestion?
That duck don't fly.
I wasn't giving them anything nor should you.
If the admin of all gun shows would restrict private sales at gun show's it's not restricting anyone rights. And it would most assuredly keep the government out of the issue
They already have rules that you can't take a loaded firearm inside the building of a gun show.
I made a suggest for the "gun show loophole" Not too long ago it wasn't liked very much from the pro gun crowd and the anti gun crowd wasn't responsive at all.
My suggestion would keep the government out of the loophole issue. It would be under the control of the management and enforced by the administrator of the gun show.
No private sales will be allowed on the property of the while the event is in operation.
No one loses any rights.

This is where you and I part ways.
'Rights' are paramount. Common sense is superior to all else.
Read this ......Just because one may do something does not mean they should.

I will explain....I once had a neighbor from hell.
I called the sheriff's dept. In our discussion he said, "It's shame we don't have asshole laws. If we did I'd take your neighbor to jail right now"..
Just because we have the right to act like an asshole does not mean we should.
My reasoning here is, just because we have the right to privately purchase a firearm outside of the normal retailer-customer relationship, (which is heavily regulated) with no checks or balances, does not mean we should.
Should your plan be implemented, the government would be involved to the extent that the background check just may be less of a hassle.
As I stated earlier, this is not going away. So the logical thing to do would be to give something to shut them up.
Otherwise this could get worse. Remember, there were just enough people worried about their free shit plus flaming libs to go along with the notion of having Obama as president for another 4 years. Don't think for a second these anti gun wackos could not gin up just enough support for more stringent anti weapon measures. Look at what happened in New York.

Yet you earlier said you wanted to throw the anti gun nutters a bone. but disagree with my suggestion?
That duck don't fly.
I wasn't giving them anything nor should you.
If the admin of all gun shows would restrict private sales at gun show's it's not restricting anyone rights. And it would most assuredly keep the government out of the issue
They already have rules that you can't take a loaded firearm inside the building of a gun show.
I understand. You must realize this is not about rights. This is politics.
Politically, this is not going away. Better to offer a slice of the bread than have to surrender the whole loaf.
I have complete confidence, the libs are after our weapons.
It is better to hold our collective noses than watch them scheme away our rights.
This is where you and I part ways.
'Rights' are paramount. Common sense is superior to all else.
Read this ......Just because one may do something does not mean they should.

I will explain....I once had a neighbor from hell.
I called the sheriff's dept. In our discussion he said, "It's shame we don't have asshole laws. If we did I'd take your neighbor to jail right now"..
Just because we have the right to act like an asshole does not mean we should.
My reasoning here is, just because we have the right to privately purchase a firearm outside of the normal retailer-customer relationship, (which is heavily regulated) with no checks or balances, does not mean we should.
Should your plan be implemented, the government would be involved to the extent that the background check just may be less of a hassle.
As I stated earlier, this is not going away. So the logical thing to do would be to give something to shut them up.
Otherwise this could get worse. Remember, there were just enough people worried about their free shit plus flaming libs to go along with the notion of having Obama as president for another 4 years. Don't think for a second these anti gun wackos could not gin up just enough support for more stringent anti weapon measures. Look at what happened in New York.

Yet you earlier said you wanted to throw the anti gun nutters a bone. but disagree with my suggestion?
That duck don't fly.
I wasn't giving them anything nor should you.
If the admin of all gun shows would restrict private sales at gun show's it's not restricting anyone rights. And it would most assuredly keep the government out of the issue
They already have rules that you can't take a loaded firearm inside the building of a gun show.
I understand. You must realize this is not about rights. This is politics.
Politically, this is not going away. Better to offer a slice of the bread than have to surrender the whole loaf.
I have complete confidence, the libs are after our weapons.
It is better to hold our collective noses than watch them scheme away our rights.
I made an offer, and that's all I am willing too give.
Yet you earlier said you wanted to throw the anti gun nutters a bone. but disagree with my suggestion?
That duck don't fly.
I wasn't giving them anything nor should you.
If the admin of all gun shows would restrict private sales at gun show's it's not restricting anyone rights. And it would most assuredly keep the government out of the issue
They already have rules that you can't take a loaded firearm inside the building of a gun show.
I understand. You must realize this is not about rights. This is politics.
Politically, this is not going away. Better to offer a slice of the bread than have to surrender the whole loaf.
I have complete confidence, the libs are after our weapons.
It is better to hold our collective noses than watch them scheme away our rights.
I made an offer, and that's all I am willing too give.
Tell me. What is it that you see as a problem with simply having a private gun show sale at the Metrolina Expo, being held to the same standard as say going to Hyatt Gun Shop....I know you have heard of that store.
I just don't see the difference.
Notwithstanding the private property thing and the other issues mentioned by you.
I will be clear. This is not restriction. This is simply about holding gun shows to the same standard as a retailer. That a background check is to be done before the purchase can be completed.
I understand. You must realize this is not about rights. This is politics.
Politically, this is not going away. Better to offer a slice of the bread than have to surrender the whole loaf.
I have complete confidence, the libs are after our weapons.
It is better to hold our collective noses than watch them scheme away our rights.
I made an offer, and that's all I am willing too give.
Tell me. What is it that you see as a problem with simply having a private gun show sale at the Metrolina Expo, being held to the same standard as say going to Hyatt Gun Shop....I know you have heard of that store.
I just don't see the difference.
Notwithstanding the private property thing and the other issues mentioned by you.
I will be clear. This is not restriction. This is simply about holding gun shows to the same standard as a retailer. That a background check is to be done before the purchase can be completed.

Gun shows are held too the same standards as gun stores are.

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