New Hampshire GOP poll (presidency)

Christie will get the Democrat nomination

Christie will easily win the GOP nomination

He is the only current Republican that can appeal to GOP moderates. Like it or not, it is the moderates who select Presidential candidates not the Conservatives

You are so right, finally!

Moderates elected every GOP president since Eisenhower.
When Rand Paul is almost ahead of Chris Christie in a north eastern state, you know the time to Restore the Rule of Law [Constitution] is soon at hand.

How much fraud will the GOP engage in to destroy Rand Paul's candidacy?

Chris Christie-21%
Rand Paul - 16%
Jeb Bush - 10%
Paul Ryan - 8%
Marco Rubio - 6%
Ted Cruz - 4%
Rick Perry - 4%
Scott Walker - 2% (+1%)

Why do you put any faith polling a bunch of Democrats about a Republican nominee?
They are from NH not TX, and the pubs and centrists and dems up there think Texans are politically deformed mutants, I believe.

Romney lost moderates when you said they won.


I said he won INDEPENDENTS, which he did.

"Moderate" is kind of a meaningless label which I largely ignore. Liberal and Conservative have become so toxic, everyone thinks of themselves as a "moderate".

Or do you really think 20% of "Conservatives" voted for Obama in 2008?

Romney won 47% of the vote, Obama won 51%, a swing of 2%. So when you say "no one" was buying it, yet the swing was 2%, it's hard to take your "analysis" and prescriptions seriously.

Living in a Fog of Hate is no way to go through life

That's a typically MISLEADING statement.

Romney got only as many votes as McCain got. Maybe a tad more, but not much. Less than a million, really.

The reason teh PERCENTAGES changed is that 2.3 million LESS people voted in 2012 than 2008.

And most of that loss occurred in non-Swing states that were never really in play. For instance, the vote total was down 4% in California, 7.5% in New York.

It actually went UP in most of the states that were swing states. The states that actually made a difference.

And Obama won all of those EXCEPT North Carolina.

Here, educate yourself.
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Yup, JoeB ignores things that disturb his world.

In that sense, it is a common attribute of both lefty radicals and far right reactionaries.
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Yup, JoeB ignores things that disturb his world.

In that sense, it is a common attribute of both lefty radicals and far right reactionaries.

No, guy, I just don't pretend Romney improved the GOP position any by losing just as bad as McCain did.

I mean, I can feel bad for McCain. He was a GENUINE American hero who had to defend the Bush record, with an economy quite literally collapsing around him and supporting a war everyone concluded was a bad idea at that point. And he still managed to garner a respectable 59.5 million votes.

Romney, on the other hand, was running against a president with 8% unemployment, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and a lot of unfilled promises. And he still managed to lose by about the same margin.

But don't worry, Tubby from NJ will do just as good. Really.
I said he won INDEPENDENTS, which he did.

You said he had no problem with moderates.

Romney lost the moderate voting bloc, which was the largest voting bloc in the 2012 election. Romney's problem was that he tried to appeal too much to the far right. What he said obviously had a serious effect on moderates. They didn't trust him when he tried to paint himself as a moderate.
Does anyone have a better analysis to why Romney failed so badly with the moderate voters?

I don't buy that.

Romney actually WON independents, which would imply he had no problem with "moderates".

He lost moderates by 15%. So he had a big problem with moderates.

"Moderate" is kind of a meaningless label which I largely ignore.

Of course you do. It doesn't fit into your narrative.

Or do you really think 20% of "Conservatives" voted for Obama in 2008?

I believe pollsters more than I believe one guy who lives in a Fog of Hate.

Romney won 47% of the vote, Obama won 51%, a swing of 2%. So when you say "no one" was buying it, yet the swing was 2%, it's hard to take your "analysis" and prescriptions seriously.

Living in a Fog of Hate is no way to go through life

That's a typically MISLEADING statement.

No it's not.

You said "Nobody bought it."

Because you are warped with hatred you can't be objective. He got 47% of the vote. Clearly, a whole lot of people "bought" it.
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Toro soars and swoops over JoeB's flat footed finger tippy stretch to slam dunk the ball.

JoeB, guy, huh, give up the antiMormonism. It is so 19th century.

No it's not.

You said "Nobody bought it."

Because you are warped with hatred you can't be objective. He got 47% of the vote. Clearly, a whole lot of people "bought" it.

No, guy. Santorum would have gotten that same 47%. So would have Gingrich. So would have Michelle Bachmann.

He got the same "not Obama" numbers John McCain got. He really accomplished nothing.
Toro soars and swoops over JoeB's flat footed finger tippy stretch to slam dunk the ball.

JoeB, guy, huh, give up the antiMormonism. It is so 19th century.

Um, yeah, Snarky, I realize that you need someone to hold your coat for you.

But, really, Tojo trying to defend Plutocracy wasn't going to do it.

You guys foisted a Mormon Loser on the Party that most of the Party REALLY REALLY didn't want.

And he lost miserably to a guy that was very beatable.
JoeB, you got no game.

We picked the best of a poor group of canidates.

It's more than ten months such the election, and you are stilling whining about Romney.

Guy, give it up.
Romney is an example of how money distorts the system. Money is the only reason he got as far as he did. ANY of the others better represented the Republican party.

In the general, Santorum could have appealed to the majority in the nation who are critical of all the idiotic free trade deals, and the majority who are critical of Obama/Romney care

Paul would have appealed to the majority in this country who are critical of WallStreetBanking/financial influence AND our overseas adventurism, on top of the majorities mentioned with Santorum

Gingrich would have ran a more combative centrist campaign
NONE of the far right represented but a small portion of the party, and that portion no longer represents America, dcraelin.

Those days are over fohevah!
JoeB, you got no game.

We picked the best of a poor group of canidates.

It's more than ten months such the election, and you are stilling whining about Romney.

Guy, give it up.

But that was the point. The establishment types, instead of saying, "you all suck, we need to get a real candidate" instead said, "Well, It's Romney, he's a Mormon, we won't find a dead hooker in his basement. Probably."

Incidently, I think Santorum or Gingrich or Perry would have made a better president than Romney.
Give it up, no game Joe

Of course you think the others would have been better than Romney, Mr. Concern Troll: they would have so much easier to beat.
Yup, really.

Actually, Santorum would have lost by more than 5% points than Romney.

Guy, give it your anti-Mormon bigotry. You are at the same level of some of the pro-Palestinian nurds who attack Israel.
NONE of the far right represented but a small portion of the party, and that portion no longer represents America, dcraelin.

Those days are over fohevah!

The Democratic partys rhetoric probably fits the nation better than the average Republicans. Trouble is their actions never match the rhetoric. Ironically enough, Santorum, with his criticisms of Obama/Romney care and his social conservatism probably reaches a significant portion of "Reagan Democrats"

Paul also better represents Democratic criticisms of Wall Street than Obama who received substantial contributions from WallStreet. Also even as a free trader Paul is more of a critic of Our trade policy than Obama who said hed reconsider NAFTA then sent someone scurrying over to Canada to say it was just rhetoric.
We don't want Dems, you are so right, dcraelin.

Santorum's incredibly social traditionalism turned off 85% of America, though.

Christie-Huckabee is the way to go.
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Yup, really.

Actually, Santorum would have lost by more than 5% points than Romney.

Guy, give it your anti-Mormon bigotry. You are at the same level of some of the pro-Palestinian nurds who attack Israel.

Really, based on what?

Frankly, Romney lost because he was a genuinely unlikeable human being.

You know, like he was some weird android from the Planet Kolob who was kind of confused in his programming when he said shit like, "I like to fire people" and "the 47% are all moochers" and "We need to be like China where working women live 120 to a dorm for a pittance and LIKE IT!!!"

yeah, the gays and the Feminists weren't going to vote for Santorum, but you know what, they didn't vote for Romney, either.

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