New Hampshire GOP poll (presidency)

I try to forget the Pauls, because they are whackadoodle LiberTARDians who only survive because the Koch brothers keep sending them money.

I also think that neither NH nor IA are representative of the country as a whole.

I dont think the Koch brothers like either Paul or fund them. I dont agree with everything they do, but they're better than average major party candidates.

no state is representative of the country as a whole but IA is a lot closer than NH. If a candidate wins NH it means that most of the rest of the country should reject that candidate.
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JoeB, who is ignoring all the wacky and weird stuff he said before the national election was wrong about Romney, who won everything until the last one.

And JoeB will be wrong about the GOP primaries in 2016 as well.
JoeB, who is ignoring all the wacky and weird stuff he said before the national election was wrong about Romney, who won everything until the last one.

And JoeB will be wrong about the GOP primaries in 2016 as well.

Guy I predicted Romney would lose the general election, and he did.

Because, frankly, most Americans didn't want their beloved country turned over to the cult wearing Magic Underwear.
You predicted he would never get there, and you were wrong.

Get over it, kid. And as usual, your blatant religious bigotry, a mark of so many on the far left, is obvious.
You predicted he would never get there, and you were wrong.

Get over it, kid. And as usual, your blatant religious bigotry, a mark of so many on the far left, is obvious.

So the Establishment rigged the primary process for him, I'm supposed to be impressed?


The point is, they shoved down a candidate the rank and file really didn't want, and he lost miserably.

Maybe, and I'm just spit-balling here, you guys should check if your rank and file actually WANT a guy.

But you'll probably shove FatBoy Christie down the throats of the rank and file, and then wonder why his fat ass loses to Hillary.
Silly first sentence.

Sillier second sentence.

The rank and file picked, JoeB, so get over it, guy.

Yes, you are spit balling.

Christie can win the primaries and beat Hillary, of course.

You have every right to be afraid of him.
I try to forget the Pauls, because they are whackadoodle LiberTARDians who only survive because the Koch brothers keep sending them money.

I also think that neither NH nor IA are representative of the country as a whole.

I dont think the Koch brothers like either Paul or fund them. I dont agree with everything they do, but they're better than average major party candidates.

no state is representative of the country as a whole but IA is a lot closer than NH. If a candidate wins NH it means that most of the rest of the country should reject that candidate.

They are?

How, exactly?

Both Pauls are ignorant reactionaries, their policies and supporters reflect more a cult than a political ideology.
Silly first sentence.

Sillier second sentence.

The rank and file picked, JoeB, so get over it, guy.

Yes, you are spit balling.

Christie can win the primaries and beat Hillary, of course.

You have every right to be afraid of him.

Actually, whenever a Republican is endorsed by the likes of you, it's pretty much the knell of death.

All these people who are saying how WONDERFUL Christie is now will be the ones who break bad on him in 2016.

Just like they did with Romney.

Just like they did with McCain.

Shit, man, I remember before 2008, when Democrats all those John McCain was the bee's Knees, until he got the nomination. Then he was some crazy old man who was going to blow up the world.
JoeB, I know you take reality hard: McCain and Romney would their candidacies to lead the party.

A Christie can trash any of the Dem potential candidates right now and can probably beat HRC.

Your predictions were o for everything until the national election.
JoeB, I know you take reality hard: McCain and Romney would their candidacies to lead the party.

A Christie can trash any of the Dem potential candidates right now and can probably beat HRC.

Your predictions were o for everything until the national election.

No, McCain and Romney got the nominations because the GOP has a bad habit of retreading losers.

"Shit, our own voters rejected these guys 4 or 8 years ago- Let's run them again!"

Also, every poll shows Hillary beating the fuck out of Jabba, even with the relatively good press he's getting.

But just like the MSM didn't talk about AmPad until after the nomination, the MSM won't talk about all those union folks Jabba screwed until after he gets the nomination.

Sorry, man, ain't buying it. The GOP should run a candidate they like, not one the MSM tells them to like. Then, win or lose, they do it on their own terms.
You are entitled to your misguided opinion, JoeB.

No one cares what you buy.

And Christie will do well and has every opportunity to beat a re-run like Hillary.

Please, you may have the last word.
You are entitled to your misguided opinion, JoeB.

No one cares what you buy.

And Christie will do well and has every opportunity to beat a re-run like Hillary.

Please, you may have the last word.

Frankly, not even seeing who Jabba's constituency is.

Conservatives might vote for him if he's the choice, but frankly, they won't like him and they won't get their friends out.

And liberals will do what they always do.

"Oh, gee, why can't you be more like Chris Christie... SUCKERS!!!"
Romney lost the moderate voting bloc, which was the largest voting bloc in the 2012 election. Romney's problem was that he tried to appeal too much to the far right. What he said obviously had a serious effect on moderates. They didn't trust him when he tried to paint himself as a moderate.
Does anyone have a better analysis to why Romney failed so badly with the moderate voters?

I don't buy that.

Romney actually WON independents, which would imply he had no problem with "moderates".

Romney's problem was a lot more simple.

The election of 2012 was either voting for or against Obama. There was never a point where anyone was actually voting for Romney. (Except the Mormons, maybe.) And now one ever beat an incumbant by being "Not that Guy".

Not Kerry, Not Dole, Not Mondale, Not George McGovern.

No one had an emotional investment in Romney, really.

You certainly did. You still do.

Obama won moderates 56-41.

Moderates were also 45% of the electorate, more than conservatives and liberals.
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No one had an emotional investment in Romney, really.

You certainly did. You still do.

Obama won moderates 56-41.

The only "investment" i have is trying to point out to "conservatives" why he was sooo awful, because most of you apparently haven't learned a thing.

Romney lost because instead of wrapping Plutocracy in the juicy bacon of racism, homophobia and religious stupidity, he just served it up straight.

And no one was buying it.

The GOP doesn't need to abandon conservatism, it has to get right with working folks.

Because the Democrats are probably going to run a white person next time.

No one had an emotional investment in Romney, really.

You certainly did. You still do.

Obama won moderates 56-41.

The only "investment" i have is trying to point out to "conservatives" why he was sooo awful, because most of you apparently haven't learned a thing.

Romney lost because instead of wrapping Plutocracy in the juicy bacon of racism, homophobia and religious stupidity, he just served it up straight.

And no one was buying it.

The GOP doesn't need to abandon conservatism, it has to get right with working folks.

Because the Democrats are probably going to run a white person next time.

Romney lost moderates when you said they won.

Romney won 47% of the vote, Obama won 51%, a swing of 2%. So when you say "no one" was buying it, yet the swing was 2%, it's hard to take your "analysis" and prescriptions seriously.

Living in a Fog of Hate is no way to go through life.
And Toro collapses JoeB's argument.

And, yes, JoeB has a serious mancrush on Romney.
Christie will get the Democrat nomination

Christie will easily win the GOP nomination

He is the only current Republican that can appeal to GOP moderates. Like it or not, it is the moderates who select Presidential candidates not the Conservatives

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