New Hampshire Lawmakers Pass Law Allowing Parental Objections To Curriculum

Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.
-John Adams

Yes, knowledge is good. Let the school teach kids about math, science, history, and other subjects and let the parents instill values.

Johnny's medal for participating is useless if he can't read what it says.

No I absolutely agree with this.

Though I think it's important for parents to guide, not brainwash their children.
Is it better to have a complete stranger( teacher) instill their values in students?
Teachers are to teach, not to preach.
It is about time someone decided to challenge the all too powerful teacher's unions.

Brainwash? Care to explain that?
Yes, knowledge is good. Let the school teach kids about math, science, history, and other subjects and let the parents instill values.

Johnny's medal for participating is useless if he can't read what it says.

No I absolutely agree with this.

Though I think it's important for parents to guide, not brainwash their children.
You don't get a say in how parents raise their children.

That confirms it: You're more concerned about the danger this bill poses to liberal indoctrination in the classroom that you are about

You're fucking insane.

Sort of confirms my suspicions about the hatred of the educational system by conservatives. You want your own method of brain washing outside of your house.

It's funny you know, I didn't think it was possible that that was your reasoning until after agreeing with you, you turn around and state that.
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No I absolutely agree with this.

Though I think it's important for parents to guide, not brainwash their children.
You don't get a say in how parents raise their children.

That confirms it: You're more concerned about the danger this bill poses to liberal indoctrination in the classroom that you are about

You're fucking insane.

Sort of confirms my suspicions about the hatred of the educational system by conservatives. You want your own method of brain washing outside of your house.

It's funny you know, I didn't think it was possible that that was your reasoning until after agreeing with you, you turn around and state that.
Kid (and you ARE just a kid), you simply don't get a say in how other people raise their children. You have no frame of reference and no experience, so you should probably just STFU. Mind you, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect people with children to give a shit what you think about it.

It logically follows that your opposition to what you term "brainwashing" by parents means you think the government can do a better job than they can.

So you support the government brainwashing kids, but not their parents.

That's utter horseshit.

The end.
You don't get a say in how parents raise their children.

That confirms it: You're more concerned about the danger this bill poses to liberal indoctrination in the classroom that you are about

You're fucking insane.

Sort of confirms my suspicions about the hatred of the educational system by conservatives. You want your own method of brain washing outside of your house.

It's funny you know, I didn't think it was possible that that was your reasoning until after agreeing with you, you turn around and state that.
Kid (and you ARE just a kid), you simply don't get a say in how other people raise their children. You have no frame of reference and no experience, so you should probably just STFU. Mind you, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect people with children to give a shit what you think about it.

It logically follows that your opposition to what you term "brainwashing" by parents means you think the government can do a better job than they can.

So you support the government brainwashing kids, but not their parents.

That's utter horseshit.

The end.

I support not brainwashing a child period, something you clearly reject. I think the single biggest problem in our society is our willingness to allow parents to indoctrinate their children to be even more irrational than they are. To hold the same bigotry they do, to hold the same misconceptions that they do, to hold the same unwillingness to change as they do.

You sicken me, and anyone that would do that to a child sickens me (including government!)

If one is to be called a child here, I can think of nothing more childish than you someone saying "no we should be allowed to brainwash them!"

The end.
We are envisioned to be a government and a society governed by republican values, meaning the vote of our elected representatives. The Tea Party movement has moved far to the democratic left by turning matters over to the people individually. This will cause a splintering of the public education system under the weight of this populistism. The Founding Fathers would have overwhelmingly opposed this legislation.

You're fucking insane.

Sort of confirms my suspicions about the hatred of the educational system by conservatives. You want your own method of brain washing outside of your house.

It's funny you know, I didn't think it was possible that that was your reasoning until after agreeing with you, you turn around and state that.
Kid (and you ARE just a kid), you simply don't get a say in how other people raise their children. You have no frame of reference and no experience, so you should probably just STFU. Mind you, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect people with children to give a shit what you think about it.

It logically follows that your opposition to what you term "brainwashing" by parents means you think the government can do a better job than they can.

So you support the government brainwashing kids, but not their parents.

That's utter horseshit.

The end.

I support not brainwashing a child period, something you clearly reject. I think the single biggest problem in our society is our willingness to allow parents to indoctrinate their children to be even more irrational than they are. To hold the same bigotry they do, to hold the same misconceptions that they do, to hold the same unwillingness to change as they do.

You sicken me, and anyone that would do that to a child sickens me (including government!)

If one is to be called a child here, I can think of nothing more childish than you someone saying "no we should be allowed to brainwash them!"

The end.
When totalitarianism comes to America, it will be carrying a protest sign and screeching, "It's for the children!!" And you'll be in the front ranks.

Arrogant little prick. You really hate the idea of the First Amendment, don't you? Tough shit. People can teach their children anything they want; even things that disagree with your pathetic leftist brand of non-thought.

And that's what REALLY pisses you off. You want the next generation indoctrinated with leftism. And the reason? Because you can't get people to choose it voluntarily. It has to be hard-wired in. And for that to happen, it must be the only thing kids are exposed to.

You don't get to dictate how others raise their children. It's not for you to decide -- stop pretending it is or should be.

Fucking little Goebbels. Eat shit. And stop flying the Air Force symbol. You're not worthy.
Voice of reason here: Almost half our teachers are R's. Almost all are parents. We do not want to indoctrinate anyone. We just want to share information and skills that children (and their parents) may not have. Teaching is not rocket science. But attending school does not make one an expert. True story.
Voice of reason here: Almost half our teachers are R's. Almost all are parents. We do not want to indoctrinate anyone. We just want to share information and skills that children (and their parents) may not have. Teaching is not rocket science. But attending school does not make one an expert. True story.

That's a good point. I've never really seen the indoctrination as any sort of active effort - it's just built into the system. The purpose of schools is to crank out obedient consumers and minimally skilled workers. On the bright side, there are a fair number of subversive teachers willing to work against the overall momentum of schooling, teaching kids independent thought in spite of the environment.
Voice of reason here: Almost half our teachers are R's. Almost all are parents. We do not want to indoctrinate anyone. We just want to share information and skills that children (and their parents) may not have. Teaching is not rocket science. But attending school does not make one an expert. True story.

That's a good point. I've never really seen the indoctrination as any sort of active effort - it's just built into the system. The purpose of schools is to crank out obedient consumers and minimally skilled workers. On the bright side, there are a fair number of subversive teachers willing to work against the overall momentum of schooling, teaching kids independent thought in spite of the environment.

Which is why it saddens me to see people here proclaiming that the entire purpose of the education system is to indoctrinate children to the leftist agenda.

That doesn't even make sense, how many dozens of years do you have to be out of the school system to come up with that backwards shit?
Kid (and you ARE just a kid), you simply don't get a say in how other people raise their children. You have no frame of reference and no experience, so you should probably just STFU. Mind you, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect people with children to give a shit what you think about it.

It logically follows that your opposition to what you term "brainwashing" by parents means you think the government can do a better job than they can.

So you support the government brainwashing kids, but not their parents.

That's utter horseshit.

The end.

I support not brainwashing a child period, something you clearly reject. I think the single biggest problem in our society is our willingness to allow parents to indoctrinate their children to be even more irrational than they are. To hold the same bigotry they do, to hold the same misconceptions that they do, to hold the same unwillingness to change as they do.

You sicken me, and anyone that would do that to a child sickens me (including government!)

If one is to be called a child here, I can think of nothing more childish than you someone saying "no we should be allowed to brainwash them!"

The end.
When totalitarianism comes to America, it will be carrying a protest sign and screeching, "It's for the children!!" And you'll be in the front ranks.

Arrogant little prick. You really hate the idea of the First Amendment, don't you? Tough shit. People can teach their children anything they want; even things that disagree with your pathetic leftist brand of non-thought.

And that's what REALLY pisses you off. You want the next generation indoctrinated with leftism. And the reason? Because you can't get people to choose it voluntarily. It has to be hard-wired in. And for that to happen, it must be the only thing kids are exposed to.

You don't get to dictate how others raise their children. It's not for you to decide -- stop pretending it is or should be.

Fucking little Goebbels. Eat shit. And stop flying the Air Force symbol. You're not worthy.

Which is why it saddens me to see people here proclaiming that the entire purpose of the education system is to indoctrinate children to the leftist agenda.

That doesn't even make sense, how many dozens of years do you have to be out of the school system to come up with that backwards shit?

Well, the right wingers are going to resent the leftist aspects and vice versa. It's an inevitable outcome of creating 'one-size-fits-all' government services. Public schools, especially, are ripe targets for people with a social agenda, regardless of the orientation.
I support not brainwashing a child period, something you clearly reject. I think the single biggest problem in our society is our willingness to allow parents to indoctrinate their children to be even more irrational than they are. To hold the same bigotry they do, to hold the same misconceptions that they do, to hold the same unwillingness to change as they do.

You sicken me, and anyone that would do that to a child sickens me (including government!)

If one is to be called a child here, I can think of nothing more childish than you someone saying "no we should be allowed to brainwash them!"

The end.
When totalitarianism comes to America, it will be carrying a protest sign and screeching, "It's for the children!!" And you'll be in the front ranks.

Arrogant little prick. You really hate the idea of the First Amendment, don't you? Tough shit. People can teach their children anything they want; even things that disagree with your pathetic leftist brand of non-thought.

And that's what REALLY pisses you off. You want the next generation indoctrinated with leftism. And the reason? Because you can't get people to choose it voluntarily. It has to be hard-wired in. And for that to happen, it must be the only thing kids are exposed to.

You don't get to dictate how others raise their children. It's not for you to decide -- stop pretending it is or should be.

Fucking little Goebbels. Eat shit. And stop flying the Air Force symbol. You're not worthy.

Yes, you are.
I see your point, and I raise you this: If the teachers don't know better, what makes you think the parent would know better?

Perhaps the parent is as educated or better educated than some teachers?

I say leave the education to the child.

Are you advocating children self teach?
That is the only true way to determine proper direction.

Guided by a teacher, of course.
A parent is a child's first teacher.

Uh huh.

You have a problem with this, why?

And did you answer the question how many children you have raised?
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Did you read the article?
It states: " scheduled to begin during the 2015-16 school year."
Apparently California hasn't written or appropriated the curriculum, yet.

No response?
Here's what I'd like to see....some red state, Texas for example...incorporate ALL those Right wing suggestions on Education and do it for at least 13 years...long enough for a complete wave of students to pass thru from K-12.

1. No teacher's union at all
2. Vouchers
3. School Choice
4. Parential control of curriculum
5. Intelligent design, Creationism taught
6. School led prayer.

And sit back and watch.
Can't do any worse than what the left has done.

2 and 3 equal the same thing?

Not sure what 'Parential' means.

School led prayer? Most districts don't even allow school led Pledge of Allegiance. Teachers have to sneak it in their classroom for crying out loud!

Did it occur to anyone that BOTH Creationism and the Theory of Evolution could be taught?
Here's what I'd like to see....some red state, Texas for example...incorporate ALL those Right wing suggestions on Education and do it for at least 13 years...long enough for a complete wave of students to pass thru from K-12.

1. No teacher's union at all
2. Vouchers
3. School Choice
4. Parential control of curriculum
5. Intelligent design, Creationism taught
6. School led prayer.

And sit back and watch.
Can't do any worse than what the left has done.

2 and 3 equal the same thing?

Not sure what 'Parential' means.

School led prayer? Most districts don't even allow school led Pledge of Allegiance. Teachers have to sneak it in their classroom for crying out loud!

Did it occur to anyone that BOTH Creationism and the Theory of Evolution could be taught?
I don't have any problem with it. People ignorant about the theory of evolution -- insisting it explains the origin of life -- will have a problem with it.

It's funny -- the left likes to trot out stats showing the poor state of American education with which to bludgeon the right over funding, but refuses to accept those stats when they're used to prove the left's domination of education has been a failure.

And by "funny", I mean "utterly predictable and pathetic".
When my child's involved, I get a say. You don't like it?

Tough shit. You're not qualified to raise my children.

You can advise, daveman, not tell the teacher what to do in a public school: not how it is done.

Home school or private school, then.
We home schooled my daughters when we were in SC because the local district sucked. When my oldest was in middle school, we had to teach her her math lesson every evening because her East Indian teacher's accent my daughter couldn't understand her. Complaining to the teacher didn't help. Complaining to the school didn't help. We lived on base and so were not paying property taxes, so I wasn't as angry as I would have been if we were, because we wouldn't have been getting our money's worth.

I repeat: My child? I get a say. End of story.

Of course you get a say, but final decisions for public schools are not yours.

Your only "decision making power" is to home or private school.
We are envisioned to be a government and a society governed by republican values, meaning the vote of our elected representatives. The Tea Party movement has moved far to the democratic left by turning matters over to the people individually. This will cause a splintering of the public education system under the weight of this populistism. The Founding Fathers would have overwhelmingly opposed this legislation.


Go read the founders on their general attituded about the mass of citizens voting. Almost none of the minorities had the vote, only New Jersey permitted women until ended in 1804, and all that many of white men.

John Hancock and others would have voted against the law.
Far right wacky talking point like "the left's domination of education has been a failure" is twice itself a failure.
So much for the TP being concerned with spending and big gov't. In New Hampshire, parents can now object to school curriculum, forcing the school district to come up with new lesson plans for the children of the parents who file the objection.

Great job, guys. I see you have your priorities in line.

Ok so N.H. wants to take the power out of the hands of the Dept of Education and put it into the hands of the citizens of their state.

Just how does this show they want more govt in their lives (aka big govt)?

The governor was correct in vetoing this democratic assault on republican government.

The governor was correct in vetoing this democratic assault on republican government.
Again how does taking the power of cirruculum out of hte hands of the Dept of Education and putting it into the hands of local citizens paint those who did it as "big govt"? Regardless of if you think this whole thing is good or bad its definately not giving the govt more power over anything but giving the people more power.

We are envisioned to be a government and a society governed by republican values, meaning the vote of our elected representatives. The Tea Party movement has moved far to the democratic left by turning matters over to the people individually. This will cause a splintering of the public education system under the weight of this populistism. The Founding Fathers would have overwhelmingly opposed this legislation.

We are envisioned to be a government and a society governed by republican values, meaning the vote of our elected representatives. The Tea Party movement has moved far to the democratic left by turning matters over to the people individually. This will cause a splintering of the public education system under the weight of this populistism. The Founding Fathers would have overwhelmingly opposed this legislation.

Well why didn't you just say "I don't want to talk about it I just want to use this thread as an excuse to spew talking points" :badgrin:

Plymco, it is called political philosophy of the founders, who eschewed leftist democracy, which is exactly what this bill has become.

And you support it?

Once again....the people in N.H. have gotten it so THEY (you know the citizens not the govt) control the cirriculum in THEIR schools instead of the Dept of Education (the govt). Just how is this being for big govt as you originally claimed?

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