New Haven Issue ID cards to Illegals.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
New Haven Issue ID cards to Illegals.

Illegal aliens do not speak to cops because of a “code of silence.” See nothing, speak nothing and do nothing. They are afraid of retaliation by criminals and not of being deported. Same thing exist in high crime areas of blacks.
Giving ID cards to illegal aliens. Giving driver license to illegal aliens is aiding and abetting illegal immigration and according to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act this is a felony subject to a fine and jail time. Those that do these thing are working against illegal immigration enforcement and control. It is no wonder there are 20 million illegal aliens and 5 million anchor babies in the country.
Maybe if more states followed Arizona, illegal aliens will move to New Haven. Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven is a criminal.
We are no longer into nation building, but into nation survival. This is not 1910, but 2010 and uncontrolled immigration is destroying us.
20 million illegal aliens are not picking lettuce and apples, baby sitting and cleaning houses or cutting lawns. So, what are those jobs Americans will not do or have not done.
Walter Tejada; go figure.

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New Haven Issues ID Cards to Illegal Aliens - Cached

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