New Illegal Immigration Executive Orders


May 30, 2014
The best method for stopping illegal immigration is not by trying to persuade Congress to pass new enforcement laws, but by electing a new President who will implement stronger enforcement policies that are in harmony with the current existing laws. Pro-enforcement voters should state that they will only support presidential candidates in the primaries who publish a specific list of pro-enforcement policies that they intend to enact once they become President. Announcing the list in advance will make it much more difficult for them to soften or ignore their pledges after they get elected. If we don't hold their feet to the fire now, we will start off with republican candidates who will promise to do everything in their power to stop illegal immigration, but end up with presidents who will implement policies that encourage even more illegal immigration. I have several policy suggestions below.

========[ SUGGESTED LIST OF POLICIES ]=========

* The federal government through the presidential office will give authority to any state, county, or local government that wants to help enforce immigration law. The states and local governments will act as "agents" of the federal government through the President Office. States and local governments can assist the federal government just like they do with murder, drugs, theft, and other crimes. They will be allowed to create their own enforcement policies, but will be required to use the United State Congress’ standards for who are legal residents and who are deportable aliens. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States.

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders. Much of this can be training exercise for new recruits and the practice of how to use drone aircrafts.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will be required to submit the personal information of students who do not offer proof that they are legally in the United States into an ICE database. This action by itself will not prevent students from being able to attend school, but rather determine how much resources is drained by illegal immigrants.

* The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year.

* Setup an entry/exit system. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints added into a federal database.

* No local program can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care. Every service has to verify legal residence. Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* Hospitals have to right to refer patients who fit certain predetermined profiles to immigration authorities without fear of being sued.

* The federal government will complete the border fence mandated by previously passed congressional laws.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English unless congressional passed law preempts it. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than educational teachers, law enforcement, the military, or foreign relations services is allowed to require or specify knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants unless congressional laws prevent it.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* ICE will be allowed to raid businesses that are suspected of employing illegal immigrants. This practice started in the latter term of Pres. Bush and ended under Pres. Obama. They can coordinator with local police to aid them in locking down the businesses.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressional passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Create a policy that require the 14th Amendment's wording of "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" to be understood to mean the allegiance and citizenship of the child's biological parents at the time of birth and not the physical geographical location. Then stop issuing citizenship certificates to babies if neither parent is an American citizen. This will go to court and the Supreme Court will ultimately determine its meaning.


Philip Brown
They are here, most of them are home, and have been. We are all at fault, Brown, and that includes you. We are not rounding up 11 million folks and deporting them. Not going to happen, ever. So . . . come back with a new, realistic plan with objective goals.
Emotionalism is not productive. Such self-indulgence is a waste of energy.
The best method for stopping illegal immigration is not by trying to persuade Congress to pass new enforcement laws, but by electing a new President who will implement stronger enforcement policies that are in harmony with the current existing laws. Pro-enforcement voters should state that they will only support presidential candidates in the primaries who publish a specific list of pro-enforcement policies that they intend to enact once they become President. Announcing the list in advance will make it much more difficult for them to soften or ignore their pledges after they get elected. If we don't hold their feet to the fire now, we will start off with republican candidates who will promise to do everything in their power to stop illegal immigration, but end up with presidents who will implement policies that encourage even more illegal immigration. I have several policy suggestions below.

========[ SUGGESTED LIST OF POLICIES ]=========

* The federal government through the presidential office will give authority to any state, county, or local government that wants to help enforce immigration law. The states and local governments will act as "agents" of the federal government through the President Office. States and local governments can assist the federal government just like they do with murder, drugs, theft, and other crimes. They will be allowed to create their own enforcement policies, but will be required to use the United State Congress’ standards for who are legal residents and who are deportable aliens. The enforcement can be handled like any other unlawful trespassing law. They can decide to give jail time, fines, and even deport anyone trespassing in the United States.

* The military will be responsible for assisting the Border Patrol in protecting and securing the United States borders. Much of this can be training exercise for new recruits and the practice of how to use drone aircrafts.

* Public schools, colleges, and universities will be required to submit the personal information of students who do not offer proof that they are legally in the United States into an ICE database. This action by itself will not prevent students from being able to attend school, but rather determine how much resources is drained by illegal immigrants.

* The maximum number of people who can be given refugee status will be 10,000 a year.

* Setup an entry/exit system. All new foreign visitors will have their fingerprints added into a federal database.

* No local program can give social or financial aid to anyone who is in the United States illegally other than emergency medical care. Every service has to verify legal residence. Every government agency has the right to refuse their services to anyone who cannot prove that they are legal residents.

* Hospitals have to right to refer patients who fit certain predetermined profiles to immigration authorities without fear of being sued.

* The federal government will complete the border fence mandated by previously passed congressional laws.

* English is the official language of the United States. All federal business with the federal government must be done in English unless congressional passed law preempts it. No government agency will be required or compelled to provide translators except when the person is suspected of a crime. No government agency other than educational teachers, law enforcement, the military, or foreign relations services is allowed to require or specify knowledge of a foreign language as part of its job requirement, preference, or description.

* The United States will refuse to issue visas to the residents of other countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are being deported.

* No federal agencies is allowed to prioritize one group of deportable illegal immigrants over another group of deportable illegal immigrants. All deportable illegal immigrants must be equal in reference to removal priority.

* The FBI is required to investigate every candidate for President of the United States to verify that they meet the requirements of the Constitution to be President of the United States. Idealistically, the investigations will begin at least 180 days before Election Day unless the candidate request for it to be done earlier.

* No government agency or organization that is partly supported by federal, state, county, or local money can withhold information in their possession from any immigration enforcement government agency that can be used to identify or deport illegal immigrants unless congressional laws prevent it.

* Any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency can deny bail to anyone in the United States illegally if they choose to.

* Every person booked into jail by law enforcement will have their fingerprints run against federal immigration databases whenever reasonably possible to determine if they are in the United States illegally. (Similar to "Secure Communities" programs)

* If anyone proves that a business is knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, that person will receive 5% of any monetary judgment that the business must pay for committing the illegal hirings. Businesses will not hire illegal immigrants if they know the illegal immigrants they hire will squeal on them.

* ICE will be allowed to raid businesses that are suspected of employing illegal immigrants. This practice started in the latter term of Pres. Bush and ended under Pres. Obama. They can coordinator with local police to aid them in locking down the businesses.

* Immigration judges are allowed to take only 2 issues into account when deciding if a defendant should be deported. 1) Is the defendant in the United States illegally based upon the United States congressional passed immigration law? 2) Is the defendant a refugee or likely to obtain refugee status? No other factors matter. If anyone is in the United States illegally and is unlikely to be given refugee status, then that person should be deported. This should greatly speed up immigration trials.

* Create a policy that require the 14th Amendment's wording of "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" to be understood to mean the allegiance and citizenship of the child's biological parents at the time of birth and not the physical geographical location. Then stop issuing citizenship certificates to babies if neither parent is an American citizen. This will go to court and the Supreme Court will ultimately determine its meaning.


Philip Brown

Really Philip all we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books.
Kinda like gun laws. We dont need anymore of em..we just need to enforce the ones we have.
The fact is this: they are not going anywhere, because they are home.
The fact that the PO-lice can never catch all of the speeders on the road does not justify a halt to enforcement of speeding laws. Just because one cannot hope to capture and deport all 11 million (or whatever the real number is) illegal does not mean you should not capture and return as many as you can.

The foregoing list (entertaining and delusional as it is), does not address one major element of the scenario that impedes a broad-based effort to "reform" immigration laws. Namely, the legitimate need of some industries for semi-permanent, low-cost workers. And in fact, there are jobs that "Americans simply will not do," or will not do as well as "hungry" foreigners.

Thus there is a need for "Guest Worker" laws that permit willing employers and willing foreigners to come here on a temporary basis to do unpleasant work for near-slave wages.

Obviously Guest Worker laws will provide for people to come here temporarily, then be compelled to go back where they came from. But the Magic Pill that will bring about this desired result is as follows:

Such workers and their employers should be compelled to contribute a portion of their wages - equal to the employer and employee contributions to Social Security - to a "bonus" pool: money that will be returned to the worker when he arrives back in his or her native country. This incentive, coupled with the threat of deportation and an absolute prohibition of the guest workers receiving any government benefits of any kind, should ensure that they go back home when their work period ends.
The fact that the PO-lice can never catch all of the speeders on the road does not justify a halt to enforcement of speeding laws. Just because one cannot hope to capture and deport all 11 million (or whatever the real number is) illegal does not mean you should not capture and return as many as you can.

The foregoing list (entertaining and delusional as it is), does not address one major element of the scenario that impedes a broad-based effort to "reform" immigration laws. Namely, the legitimate need of some industries for semi-permanent, low-cost workers. And in fact, there are jobs that "Americans simply will not do," or will not do as well as "hungry" foreigners.

Thus there is a need for "Guest Worker" laws that permit willing employers and willing foreigners to come here on a temporary basis to do unpleasant work for near-slave wages.

Obviously Guest Worker laws will provide for people to come here temporarily, then be compelled to go back where they came from. But the Magic Pill that will bring about this desired result is as follows:

Such workers and their employers should be compelled to contribute a portion of their wages - equal to the employer and employee contributions to Social Security - to a "bonus" pool: money that will be returned to the worker when he arrives back in his or her native country. This incentive, coupled with the threat of deportation and an absolute prohibition of the guest workers receiving any government benefits of any kind, should ensure that they go back home when their work period ends.

Just what are these supposed jobs that Americans simply won't do? If you are going to use the crop picking argument it doesn't hold water because we already have unlimited visas for legal, foreign ag workers..
I totally agree with you Old Glory. In fact, Americans have spent a lot of time during the Great Depression picking crops. One of John Steinbeck best books is called, "The Grapes of Wrath." It depicts a time when Americans would pick crops because they were desperate for work.

There are millions of Americans who get welfare checks because they claim that they cannot find work. HEY! I think I might have found a solution to the welfare problem! From now on, everyone who gets a welfare check must pick crops (unless they have a verifiable handicap). We can kill two birds with one stone!

Philip Brown
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I totally agree with you Old Glory. In fact, Americans have spent a lot of time during the Great Depression picking crops. One of John Steinbeck best books is called, "The Grapes of Wrath." It depicts a time when Americans would pick crops because they were desperate for work.

There are millions of Americans who get welfare checks because they claim that they cannot find work. HEY! I think I might have found a solution to the welfare problem! From now on, everyone who gets a welfare check must pick crops (unless they have a verifiable handicap). We can kill two birds with one stone!

Philip Brown

Many times it isn't just a claim. We do have a shortage of jobs in this country. Illegal aliens have replaced many blue collared American workers. Crop picking is only for the young and strong and many times unemployment pays more than crop picking. No, a better solution is to keep the visas for legal, foreign crop pickers and to rid ourselves of all illegals to free up what was once good paying jobs such as in the construction and landscaping industries.
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Old Glory, I guess what I am trying to say is that I believe that welfare checks should earned whenever possible, and not given out so freely. The money given represents the hard work of SOMEONE ELSE who had it forcibly taken away from him in the form of taxes. There are a lot of young and strong people on welfare, so I would not have any problems with them being required to pick crops in order to get their checks.

I am not saying that the older people have to do "back breaking work." Some can do support work such as driving trucks, distributing drinking water, or pushing small baskets with wheels so that the crop pickers do not have to drag the bags containing the fruit and vegetables that they pick.

I would agree that your suggestion of having a visa program for foreign crop pickers would be a good idea, but only if we had a mandatory national E-Verify program. If we do not have such a program, immigrants would come to the United States under the pretense of picking crops, and then go underground once they get here. Thus, illegal immigrants would stop sneaking across the United States border and just simply fly into the United States under the visa program. Only 10% would actually pick crops under the visa program. The rest would get underground jobs.

Philip Brown
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the FARMERS get welfare, man. It's called "price support". They get paid for leaving fields fallow, for plowing under crops, etc. almost all the military and spy estabishment are nothing but welfare 'jobs". Everyone working for the Feds or state has a "welfare job".
Old Glory, I guess what I am trying to say is that I believe that welfare checks should earned whenever possible, and not given out so freely. The money given represents the hard work of SOMEONE ELSE who had it forcibly taken away from him in the form of taxes. There are a lot of young and strong people on welfare, so I would not have any problems with them being required to pick crops in order to get their checks.

I am not saying that the older people have to do "back breaking work." Some can do support work such as driving trucks, distributing drinking water, or pushing small baskets with wheels so that the crop pickers do not have to drag the bags containing the fruit and vegetables that they pick.

I would agree that your suggestion of having a visa program for foreign crop pickers would be a good idea, but only if we had a mandatory national E-Verify program. If we do not have such a program, immigrants would come to the United States under the pretense of picking crops, and then go underground once they get here. Thus, illegal immigrants would stop sneaking across the United States border and just simply fly into the United States under the visa program. Only 10% would actually pick crops under the visa program. The rest would get underground jobs.

Philip Brown

You're confused. I said we already have a visa program in place for legal, foreign ag workers. They are the unlimited H-2A visas. And yes, they do need to be tracked so they go home afterwards rather than remaining here and taking other jobs that Americans will do.
They are here, most of them are home, and have been. We are all at fault, Brown, and that includes you. We are not rounding up 11 million folks and deporting them. Not going to happen, ever. So . . . come back with a new, realistic plan with objective goals.
Giving them amnesty DOES NOT WORK. Reagan tried it with 2 million, now we have 20 million. CLOSE the borders. FIRST. Then we can talk about what to do with those illegally here.
Most republican candidates promise that they will defend the United States against illegal immigration if the voters will elect them, but usually do nothing about it after they are in office. This "trick" works because people are willing to support candidates who give very ambiguous campaign promises such as, "I will secure the border" and "I want to fix the broken immigration system." The pro-enforcement community never demands that candidates publish their strategy for eliminating illegal immigration in exchange for our support. With over 15 presidential candidates running in the 2016 elections, and no clear winner in sight, I am sure that one of the candidates would be happy to sign a pledge to implement specific enforcement policies if doing so will increase their voter support base.

Philip Brown
They are here, most of them are home, and have been. We are all at fault, Brown, and that includes you. We are not rounding up 11 million folks and deporting them. Not going to happen, ever. So . . . come back with a new, realistic plan with objective goals.
Giving them amnesty DOES NOT WORK. Reagan tried it with 2 million, now we have 20 million. CLOSE the borders. FIRST. Then we can talk about what to do with those illegally here.
No. All three must pass: closed borders, business reform in hiring illegals, and immigration reform. All or nothing. Period.

If granting amnesty to a special group of people is so important the then then let's be fair. Open the damn floodgates grant nine legal immigrants, and half of those will come from SE Asia, for every amnesty granted to an illegal immigrant.

Then let's start giving jobs to these new immigrants by handing out pink slips to anyone currently in the public education system; elementary, high school, & college; and offering the same job to a newly qualified 'legal' immigrant for half the pay and citizen status after five years of teaching. After that we can look at other public jobs that might need some... shall we say grooming... in the public sector of our society..... I'm bettin' there's lot's of immigrants waiting to come here for a guaranteed job that Americans won't do for the kind of pay offered after a good grooming.



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