New In Durham Report: Donald Trump never stayed in Moscow Suite at center of salacious story about prostitutes and 'Golden Showers'

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.
Not just Americans domestically, what did this do to Americas.reputation around the globe? Foreign intel agencies would have conducted their own exploration and determnjed long before Durhams Report was released what the truth was. These are nations that look to U.S leadership and principles of truth.
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.

THE ENTIRE THING WAS A LIE, AND EVERYONE KNEW IT. The FBI and the DNC colluded with Russia to interfere in our elections. Then they continued the collusion for Trump's entire term, trying to undermine him and threaten our democracy.
THE ENTIRE THING WAS A LIE, AND EVERYONE KNEW IT. The FBI and the DNC colluded with Russia to interfere in our elections. Then they continued the collusion for Trump's entire term, trying to undermine him and threaten our democracy.
That's exactly what Trump said about Iraq. Is it true? Did Bush really lie us into Iraq? Trump said he did. On several occasions. While running for president. And you voted for him so you must have agreed.
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.

Fake News

Durham reported whatever Trump told him
Trump is a well known aficionado of Golden Showers

It turns out John McCain's adopted kid was not his illigitimate child but Carl Rove still spread that rumor and it cost John whatever state they were primarying in.

Turns out Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Go figure. Huh.

It turns out John Kerry was a hero and he was swift boated.

Boo fucking hoo donny boy.
John Kerry was a traitor piece of garbage, and still is.
Not just Americans domestically, what did this do to Americas.reputation around the globe? Foreign intel agencies would have conducted their own exploration and determnjed long before Durhams Report was released what the truth was. These are nations that look to U.S leadership and principles of truth.

The FBI is corrupt:

That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.
The Democrat Cult is attempting to deny that they broke any laws.
The Democrat Press is trying to bury this historical political scandal story.
None of it matters....They'll all get away with it.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.


Are you saying that the scumbags aren’t going to be excoriated? There will be no repercussions? Business will go on as usual no matter which liberal Democrat may be President from time to time?

That’s horrifying. It’s a ducking outrage.

And, upon reflection, I see that you’re almost certainly right.

No they aren’t but keep flailing your batting 1000 today.

The Durham report found that the FBI, the CIA and Obama Clinton, Biden, and everyone in the Obama administration, committed no crimes.

Nothing they did was illegal or improper. He just didn’t like it. But there is nothing to be charged.

Donald Trump lied repeatedly about his political opponents, and tried to prosecute them all, and nothing is going to happen to him for doing that either. Trump got away with it.

But the other things that Trump did, like stealing documents from the White House and obstructing the department of justice when they tried to retrieve them, trying to overthrow the government, at a lifetime of evading, taxes and assaulting women, it’s about to catch up to him
None of it matters....They'll all get away with it.
None of it matters......trump lied, ad nauseam, and he got away with it.

How does it feel to be continually conned by the greatest of con men, djt?
Why speak in such a manner and paint them all with the same brush? You and the West need a strong, competent,.principled FBI and CIA. Where men and women fail in these metrics, they must be shown the door. The character of these vital agencies wll reflect,. to some degree, the character of the nation. National Security is serious business.

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