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New ISIS video shows what happens to women accused of adultery

I just wonder how people like that can be negotiated with in any international sense, when they have so little regard for their own daughters

It's not quite so simple though. The fathers are the guardians of the family honor. This practice is part of a cultural and religious SYSTEM.

When female sexuality is unleashed, all hell breaks loose. Order arises from controlling female sexuality and that, in turn, also controls male sexuality. The method of control used here is death as punishment. That punishment sends a signal to all men and women. The father restores honor back to his family. A family dishonored is either immediately or over a period of time, socially isolated and this leads to blocked marriage prospects for the children, loss of jobs, loss of network, in that no one else wants to associate with the dishonored.

Here in America, you and I and other men are paying for the bastard sprogs of other men, raised by single mothers and we never even got a roll in the hay with these women in exchange for supporting their kids. When we pay for these kids, our own families are shortchanged. Bastard sprogs are not really a problem in Muslim lands because the women are very carefully watched over. That's a fantastic benefit to society which now isn't burdened with paying women to raised bastards on their own.
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."

Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

Old death penalty laws ended with the greek and roman occupations.
They have not been valid for more than two millennia.
Your attempt to invoke them shows your lack of historic or religious understanding.
No one wearing a mix of fabrics are killed either.
Hello! 21st Century
So name all the Christian groups that adhere to those scriptures today.

The persecution of innocent Muslims includes the argument that the Koran exhorts Muslims to commit violent acts unacceptable in modern civilization,

and therefore the entire religion of Islam must be fatally flawed, with an inability to exist in the modern civilized world.

So apply that to the Bible, and one can argue the same.

So, again, you can't name anyone, while you have proof it is currently being done by Muslims.

I myself have not said all or some Muslims, I have never stated the entire religion is flawed, however that is not the point, you failed in your argument.
So...what I get from this is...if people follow their holy scriptures they are bloody murderers....if they only pay lip service to their holy scriptures, they become more civilized. Good to know that 99.9% of all christians are now at the lip-service stage.

You would need to ask a Christian, I do know that the old testament, which is what is being quoted is not part of the Christian faith as Christ fulfilled the law. So, it is an old law and no longer practiced.

But according to Matthew, Christ said:

"Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"

Like I said go ask a Christian, I am only telling you what I have been told. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
You would need to ask a Christian, I do know that the old testament, which is what is being quoted is not part of the Christian faith as Christ fulfilled the law. So, it is an old law and no longer practiced.

But according to Matthew, Christ said:

"Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"
Everything was accomplished at Calvary.

Christians are free from the tyranny of the Old Testament.

It is useful only to show the progression of the plan.

All Old Testaments could be burned, and we still have Jesus!

So you Christians should be loving your enemies the Islamic terrorists, and turning your other cheek to them.

When does that start?

So how would you equate Shariah to Christian law? about the same then? Shariah is a plauge that should not be allowed into any free country in my opinion

As practiced today, not very different.

Sharia law is law based on religious beliefs.

So-called "christians" want to end the Constitution and pass laws based on their religious beliefs.

Abortion, birth control, dead beat dads, marriage equality - "christians" are against freedom and equality and they based that on their religion.

Sharia law == Christianity.

Other religions and laws evolved with the times.
Islamist radicals and their misuse of sharia and quran is still back in the 7th C.

Most christians, including catholics, believe a women should have control of her own body, including the choice of birth control and abortions. Even gays, divorcees and women who use birthcontrol/abotion should be allowed communion according to the pope. It is like the don't ask, don't tell policies.
Jews, mary magdalene and judus are no longer guilty according to the pope.

Times they are a changing.
... women who ... commit adultery ... punishable by death.... Where are the liberals on this true war on women?
Yes liberals, WHERE ARE YOU??? You're busy whining about how republicans don't want to provide free birth control for single women, you're looking under boards to explain how this is all Bush's fault.

What about it liberals? You've got your heads so far up your ass-holes you can just pretend this doesn't really happen.

You'd think women would be outraged, but they're not.

Those stones were thrown by ass-hole muslims, but they were also thrown by you liberals. You liberals who brought down the shah of iran, you liberals who want us to all hold hands and sing cum-by-ya. You liberals who voted for barack husein osama also threw the stones at that woman.

Why would you think that?

In fact, both men and women are outraged.

If you blame liberal Americans or the president of the United States for this, YOU are the asshole.

As quoted above,

Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."

Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

You are pulling up scriptures as brought out before, Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. Can you tell what Christians have followed this law? Because I can find no Christian group that follows that part of the old Mosaic law.

Now, there are Muslims, a small percentage that do kill adulterers. So you really have nothing but an argument that has been blown out of the water.
Like I said, Christians have pretty much shit on the passages of the Bible they've decided that they know better about than the infallible word of their God does.
Actually, there are a couple of passages in the new testament. One is where Jesus says "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and another where Jesus says something like "you have heard in days of old ... an eye for an eye ... but I say unto the these are not days of old ... turn the other cheek". I don't normally defend christians, but if you're going to attack them, do it correctly.

The eye for an eye is a limitation not a requirement. Punishment can take no more that the crime.
The comparison of the nut cases who murdered abortion doctors to muslims who murder lots of people, often randomly, is invalid. There is nothing in the bible that encourages murdering abortion doctors. Suppose there was someone in your neighborhood who was murdering children, on a regular basis, and showed no signs of slowing down. If you were to kill that person, thereby saving the lives of children he would have murdered, you might be considered a hero. To the abortion clinic killer, these clinics are murdering children, who just happen to not be born yet.

It doesn't have anything to do with religion. You can believe a fetus is a child, or you can believe it's not a child until some later time. It doesn't matter if you're christian or not. Some christians think one way and some think another. Muslims, however, all believe in the koran. The koran is clear about killing infidels.

Till it is capable of living outside the womb a fetus should not be legally thought of as a child.
A women should not be forced to bare a pregnancy and childbirth nor be tied to the child for the next 18 yrs. It should be a free and loving choice of the women.
The comparison of the nut cases who murdered abortion doctors to muslims who murder lots of people, often randomly, is invalid. There is nothing in the bible that encourages murdering abortion doctors. Suppose there was someone in your neighborhood who was murdering children, on a regular basis, and showed no signs of slowing down. If you were to kill that person, thereby saving the lives of children he would have murdered, you might be considered a hero. To the abortion clinic killer, these clinics are murdering children, who just happen to not be born yet.

It doesn't have anything to do with religion. You can believe a fetus is a child, or you can believe it's not a child until some later time. It doesn't matter if you're christian or not. Some christians think one way and some think another. Muslims, however, all believe in the koran. The koran is clear about killing infidels.

Till it is capable of living outside the womb a fetus should not be legally thought of as a child.
A women should not be forced to bare a pregnancy and childbirth nor be tied to the child for the next 18 yrs. It should be a free and loving choice of the women.

Why do we not execute pregnant women who are on death row for heinous crimes? Why do we reschedule the execution? There is no child involved, so what's up with that law?
The comparison of the nut cases who murdered abortion doctors to muslims who murder lots of people, often randomly, is invalid. There is nothing in the bible that encourages murdering abortion doctors. Suppose there was someone in your neighborhood who was murdering children, on a regular basis, and showed no signs of slowing down. If you were to kill that person, thereby saving the lives of children he would have murdered, you might be considered a hero. To the abortion clinic killer, these clinics are murdering children, who just happen to not be born yet.

It doesn't have anything to do with religion. You can believe a fetus is a child, or you can believe it's not a child until some later time. It doesn't matter if you're christian or not. Some christians think one way and some think another. Muslims, however, all believe in the koran. The koran is clear about killing infidels.

Till it is capable of living outside the womb a fetus should not be legally thought of as a child.
A women should not be forced to bare a pregnancy and childbirth nor be tied to the child for the next 18 yrs. It should be a free and loving choice of the women.

Why do we not execute pregnant women who are on death row for heinous crimes? Why do we reschedule the execution? There is no child involved, so what's up with that law?

A fetus cannot live if the mother is killed. The child is not immune from being killed after birth. Women are not always given a chance to give birth before execution.
Pregnant women have been stoned to death.
The comparison of the nut cases who murdered abortion doctors to muslims who murder lots of people, often randomly, is invalid. There is nothing in the bible that encourages murdering abortion doctors. Suppose there was someone in your neighborhood who was murdering children, on a regular basis, and showed no signs of slowing down. If you were to kill that person, thereby saving the lives of children he would have murdered, you might be considered a hero. To the abortion clinic killer, these clinics are murdering children, who just happen to not be born yet.

It doesn't have anything to do with religion. You can believe a fetus is a child, or you can believe it's not a child until some later time. It doesn't matter if you're christian or not. Some christians think one way and some think another. Muslims, however, all believe in the koran. The koran is clear about killing infidels.

Till it is capable of living outside the womb a fetus should not be legally thought of as a child.
A women should not be forced to bare a pregnancy and childbirth nor be tied to the child for the next 18 yrs. It should be a free and loving choice of the women.

Why do we not execute pregnant women who are on death row for heinous crimes? Why do we reschedule the execution? There is no child involved, so what's up with that law?

A fetus cannot live if the mother is killed. The child is not immune from being killed after birth. Women are not always given a chance to give birth before execution.
Pregnant women have been stoned to death.

Death Penalty Law

The federal death penalty cannot be executed upon a pregnant woman. [83] When the U.S. acceded to the ICCPR, it explicitly acknowledged that pregnant women should be excluded from the death penalty. [84]
Why are they even bothering with such a law if there are no children involved?
The comparison of the nut cases who murdered abortion doctors to muslims who murder lots of people, often randomly, is invalid. There is nothing in the bible that encourages murdering abortion doctors. Suppose there was someone in your neighborhood who was murdering children, on a regular basis, and showed no signs of slowing down. If you were to kill that person, thereby saving the lives of children he would have murdered, you might be considered a hero. To the abortion clinic killer, these clinics are murdering children, who just happen to not be born yet.

It doesn't have anything to do with religion. You can believe a fetus is a child, or you can believe it's not a child until some later time. It doesn't matter if you're christian or not. Some christians think one way and some think another. Muslims, however, all believe in the koran. The koran is clear about killing infidels.

Till it is capable of living outside the womb a fetus should not be legally thought of as a child.
A women should not be forced to bare a pregnancy and childbirth nor be tied to the child for the next 18 yrs. It should be a free and loving choice of the women.

In your opinion. So a man slugs a pregnant woman in the stomach and the baby dies.
I just wonder how people like that can be negotiated with in any international sense, when they have so little regard for their own daughters

It's not quite so simple though. The fathers are the guardians of the family honor. This practice is part of a cultural and religious SYSTEM.

When female sexuality is unleashed, all hell breaks loose. Order arises from controlling female sexuality and that, in turn, also controls male sexuality. The method of control used here is death as punishment. That punishment sends a signal to all men and women. The father restores honor back to his family. A family dishonored is either immediately or over a period of time, socially isolated and this leads to blocked marriage prospects for the children, loss of jobs, loss of network, in that no one else wants to associate with the dishonored.

Here in America, you and I and other men are paying for the bastard sprogs of other men, raised by single mothers and we never even got a roll in the hay with these women in exchange for supporting their kids. When we pay for these kids, our own families are shortchanged. Bastard sprogs are not really a problem in Muslim lands because the women are very carefully watched over. That's a fantastic benefit to society which now isn't burdened with paying women to raised bastards on their own.

So your saying there are benefits to stoning the women to death? Gee. well the woman in the video was only accused of adultry. thats all it takes, an
accusation. Got to break a few eggs to make an omelette though I suppose. The other thing is , its the woman who gets the harsh punishment , not the men! so who exactly are they looking out for. ? I think your right about the fact, its probably about the power and position in society, more so than caring about their women. the latter is likeley an excuse to cover for th efirst reason.
So your saying there are benefits to stoning the women to death? Gee. well the woman in the video was only accused of adultry. thats all it takes, an
accusation. Got to break a few eggs to make an omelette though I suppose. The other thing is , its the woman who gets the harsh punishment , not the men! so who exactly are they looking out for. ? I think your right about the fact, its probably about the power and position in society, more so than caring about their women. the latter is likeley an excuse to cover for th efirst reason.

It has nothing to do with caring about the woman. It's meant to keep other women from cheating. A cheating wife can get pregnant with her lover's child. What man on earth wants his wife to deliver to HIM a child of another man?

Men get punished too.

Islamists in control of northern Mali said they forced a man and a woman into two holes and stoned them to death for committing adultery in the lawless region.

Witnesses watched quietly as Islamists executed the two by pelting them with rocks in the remote Aguelhok town, according to a local resident.
It's not really about power for power's sake, it's power to enforce the social customs. We have that power too. We often execute murderers. We do that for both deterrent effect and for justice. We don't execute people just because we want government to have power.

Social norms need to be enforced otherwise they degrade. The West is going to hell in a handcart because we don't want to enforce social norms. Now we give welfare to single mothers. That's "nicer" than being a big old meanie and telling her "you chose the path you wanted to follow, now suffer the consequences." Women used to shun these single mothers, drum them out of polite society. That was an enforcement mechanism. Now liberals have determined that this shows "narrow mindedness" and it's more important to demonstrate that one is open-minded by showing that one never enforces social standards. To have no standards is to show that one is tolerant and open-minded, and thus a higher form of being than someone who judges others for violating social standards and thus is closed-minded and intolerant.

Muslims in Arab lands reject the Western path. They're willing to enforce their social standards in order to insure the stability of their society and their clan and their family.

We're open-minded and tolerant and we have a 50% divorce rate, a vast sea of single parent homes, a high abortion rate, an extremely high rate of unwed mothers giving birth. Those Muslims are intolerant, they're judgmental, and they don't have these problems.
... women who ... commit adultery ... punishable by death.... Where are the liberals on this true war on women?
Yes liberals, WHERE ARE YOU??? You're busy whining about how republicans don't want to provide free birth control for single women, you're looking under boards to explain how this is all Bush's fault.

What about it liberals? You've got your heads so far up your ass-holes you can just pretend this doesn't really happen.

You'd think women would be outraged, but they're not.

Those stones were thrown by ass-hole muslims, but they were also thrown by you liberals. You liberals who brought down the shah of iran, you liberals who want us to all hold hands and sing cum-by-ya. You liberals who voted for barack husein osama also threw the stones at that woman.

Liberals support the stoning of adulterous women? Name some.
So...what I get from this is...if people follow their holy scriptures they are bloody murderers....if they only pay lip service to their holy scriptures, they become more civilized. Good to know that 99.9% of all christians are now at the lip-service stage.

You would need to ask a Christian, I do know that the old testament, which is what is being quoted is not part of the Christian faith as Christ fulfilled the law. So, it is an old law and no longer practiced.

But according to Matthew, Christ said:

"Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"
Everything was accomplished at Calvary.

Christians are free from the tyranny of the Old Testament.

It is useful only to show the progression of the plan.

All Old Testaments could be burned, and we still have Jesus!

So you Christians should be loving your enemies the Islamic terrorists, and turning your other cheek to them.

When does that start?

So how would you equate Shariah to Christian law? about the same then? Shariah is a plauge that should not be allowed into any free country in my opinion

The question was, why aren't Christians loving the Islamic terrorists, and turning the other cheek to them?
you don't advocate any other action than that we visibly wring our hands in a degree of distress that satisfies you?
Looks like you've run out of spin. Snort some more glue and give it another whirl.
Then why can't you answer the question?
I've clearly advocated calling a spade a spade. You want to obfuscate it so you are part of the problem. Calling you on it is part of the solution.
you don't advocate any other action than that we visibly wring our hands in a degree of distress that satisfies you?
Looks like you've run out of spin. Snort some more glue and give it another whirl.
Then why can't you answer the question?
I've clearly advocated calling a spade a spade. You want to obfuscate it so you are part of the problem. Calling you on it is part of the solution.

You're full of poop. Your postings are doing nothing more than spreading misinformation. Now I'll let you get back to playing with your straw man, since you obviously have no ideas for any solutions.
You're full of poop. Your postings are doing nothing more than spreading misinformation. Now I'll let you get back to playing with your straw man, since you obviously have no ideas for any solutions.
Do you ever pry your gaze from the mirror?

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