New Jersey to teach second graders that boys can be girls and viceversa

Homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time. Maybe God made them too. Why not leave them alone?

When you try to force acceptance of something instead of just tolerance, you make just leaving alone not an option.
Homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time. Maybe God made them too. Why not leave them alone?

Conservatives can’t get over that Homosexuals are part of our society

Shhhh…..Don’t tell the kids
So brainwashed you have no idea just how far over the line this "groomer" bullshit has gone. This is not just a political line of attack, it's a blood libel. You probably don't even know what that means but you will.

Oh like people who say it want to murder people for rituals or something? Okay sure.

And as much as I want to agree with you about SOME of the groomer stuff, I might just let it sit seeing as how we have been called every disgusting name under the sun for the last whatever years. Every -ist every -phobe. Usually with vulgarity attached.

So really
Oh like people who say it want to murder people for rituals or something? Okay sure.

And as much as I want to agree with you about SOME of the groomer stuff, I might just let it sit seeing as how we have been called every disgusting name under the sun for the last whatever years. Every -ist every -phobe. Usually with vulgarity attached.

So really
This line of attack is the worst possible vulgarity. How long before you think democrats are cannibals and secretly have horns and tails?
A second grader doesn't need to know anything about falling in love.

A second grader is exposed to new families

Some kids live with a single mommy
Some live with grandma and grandpa
Some live with two mommies

They need to learn that a family is who loves you

Why does that outrage Conservatives?
All you need to reinforce is basic respect.

"Teaching" about families is NOT the public school's job

Some kids come to school with family induced prejudice
Daddy calls them Faggots and Queers

Somebody needs to straighten them out

A family is whoever loves you and raises you…..You should know that
They still believe children can be forced to be gay
Wrong. We don't believe that. However, we do believe that you want to teach children that they can change their gender if they feel like it and homosexuality is perfectly acceptable. You know that's true.
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Some kids come to school with family induced prejudice
Daddy calls them Faggots and Queers

Somebody needs to straighten them out

A family is whoever loves you and raises you…..You should know that
Arrogance gone overboard. Teach reading, writing, math and history. The culture is not in the curriculum. You idiots just aren't gonna get it until we force it, huh.
You're just losing. Generationally.

Stop whining about it.
You think I'm whining? You're too fucking stupid to even know when the old Nazi playbook is being used on you. I mentioned "blood libel" earlier. Since you neglected to educate yourself I'll do it for you. It's when you tell the most atrocious lies about your opponents in an attempt to make them seem subhuman and entirely demonic. Makes it much easier to murder them in cold blood. This latest thing is going to have a body count. Mark my words.
You think I'm whining? You're too fucking stupid to even know when the old Nazi playbook is being used on you. I mentioned "blood libel" earlier. Since you neglected to educate yourself I'll do it for you. It's when you tell the most atrocious lies about your opponents in an attempt to make them seem subhuman and entirely demonic. Makes it much easier to murder them in cold blood. This latest thing is going to have a body count. Mark my words.
Good. Let's get to it.

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