New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

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No one who matters, gives a shit what the worthless RINOs of the Lincoln Project have to say about anything.

Just another pathetic attempt by those acting on behalf of the Democraps, to try to blame Trump and the Republicans for the disastrous and intended effects of the Democraps' willfully-malicious policies.

It is the Democraps who have turned what would have been just another seasonal flu outbreak into the #CoronaHoax2020, and exploited it to pursue policies deliberately intended to harm this nation and its people. The Democraps totally own this mess, every last bit of it, and the Lincoln Project is just a gang of deceitful Democrapic stooges, masquerading as Republicans in a transparent attempt to undermine the party that they dishonestly claim to align with.

Only the very most unbelievably stupid among us are fooled by any of this.
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No one who matters, gives a shit what the worthless RINOs of the Lincoln Project have to say about anything.

Just another pathetic attempt by those acting on behalf of the Democraps, to try to blame Trump and the Republicans for the disastrous and intended effects of the Democraps' willfully-malicious policies.

It is the Democraps who have turned what would have been just another seasonal flu outbreak into the #CoronaHoax2020, and exploited it to pursue policies deliberately intended to harm this nation and its people. The Democraps totally own this mess, every last bit of it, and the Lincoln Project is just a gang of deceitful Democrapic stooges, masquerading as Republicans in a transparent attempt to undermine the party that they dishonestly claim to align with.

Only the very most unbelievably stupid among us are fooled by any of this.
REAL Republicans not those spineless Trump supporters
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
No one who matters, gives a shit what the worthless RINOs of the Lincoln Project have to say about anything.

Just another pathetic attempt by those acting on behalf of the Democraps, to try to blame Trump and the Republicans for the disastrous and intended effects of the Democraps' willfully-malicious policies.

It is the Democraps who have turned what would have been just another seasonal flu outbreak into the #CoronaHoax2020, and exploited it to pursue policies deliberately intended to harm this nation and its people. The Democraps totally own this mess, every last bit of it, and the Lincoln Project is just a gang of deceitful Democrapic stooges, masquerading as Republicans in a transparent attempt to undermine the party that they dishonestly claim to align with.

Only the very most unbelievably stupid among us are fooled by any of this.
REAL Republicans not those spineless Trump supporters

Oh crap. I always wanted to know who a left wing commie hate filled leftist thought was a "REAL Republican." Now I know. Crap, that sucks. So Trump haters are the only real Republicans, huh. Double crap
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus

For the #nth time, no one called him a racist for it. Biden called him neither racist or xenophobic for it. Biden's xenophobic comment had to do with Trump's need to always find a scapegoat.
A blown response to the pandemic. 150K+ people dead. Almost 4.5 million infected. An economy on the verge of ruin.
All laid at Trump's feet. He doesn't get the blame for the virus but he does get the blame for the response.

Those are facts you can't run from.
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.

Democrats just miss the days that you called Republicans racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they just rolled over, huh? You don't like Republicans fighting back. Now those were REAL Republicans, huh?
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus

For the #nth time, no one called him a racist for it. Biden called him neither racist or xenophobic for it. Biden's xenophobic comment had to do with Trump's need to always find a scapegoat.
A blown response to the pandemic. 150K+ people dead. Almost 4.5 million infected. An economy on the verge of ruin.
All laid at Trump's feet. He doesn't get the blame for the virus but he does get the blame for the response.

Those are facts you can't run from.

Gotcha. So Biden was just pointing out that blocking people from coming from CHINA to stop a virus that came from CHINA was scapegoating CHINA.

My God you're stupid
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.

Democrats just miss the days that you called Republicans racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor and they just rolled over, huh? You don't like Republicans fighting back. Now those were REAL Republicans, huh?

What's your point? Republicans do love the rich and corporations while hating the poor. Just look at this latest coronavirus package. 3 martini lunch deductions and an FBI building for Trump. No extra money for SNAP and other assistance for the poor.
As for the rest of your screed, unfortunately, the Republican Party has become a home for every fringe whacko over the last three decades. Thankfully, there are still organizations like the Lincoln Project to try and inject some sanity back into Republicans.

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