New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

I explained it in the post you quoted.

So who are "we?" You and the voices in your head? Why do you need the ego prop of imagining that many people are sitting on the edge of their chairs obsessing on your every word? You have some "performance" problems too?
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

DemNazis want to burn America to the ground. Let them burn out their own cities, and pull out all Law Enforcement and let them all kill each other.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus
What did Trumps travel ban prevent?

It wasn’t 4 million cases of TRUMPvirus
This is trump's virus now. He blew the whole thing. He is responsible for making it worse with all his lies, not wearing masks and opening states up too soon.

We would be over all this like most of Europe if trump had followed science instead of idiocy.

This is trump's virus.

The ad is correct. We have lost so much because of trump.
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.
I'll have to give you that one. I truly did underestimate the stupidity of Americans like yourself.
Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me
Yeah, that is just a loving hug from daddy, LOL.
This is trump's virus now. He blew the whole thing. He is responsible for making it worse with all his lies, not wearing masks and opening states up too soon.

We would be over all this like most of Europe if trump had followed science instead of idiocy.

This is trump's virus.

The ad is correct. We have lost so much because of trump.
The economy would be in full swing if we did not have Trump making the decisions
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virusO
Explain to us how this is "the Biden virus". This should be good for a laugh.

I explained it in the post you quoted.

So who are "we?" You and the voices in your head? Why do you need the ego prop of imagining that many people are sitting on the edge of their chairs obsessing on your every word? You have some "performance" problems too?
You didn't explain anything, because all you have is bullshit and misdirection.
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.
They aren't conservatives. They're douchebags.
They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.

When Trump cut travel from China, there were 15 cases that Trump bragged would go to zero in a couple of days.

It has risen to 4 million. That makes it the TRUMPvirus now

And yet Trump wanted to restrict travel from China and Biden called him racist for it.

You can run from facts, but they have a nasty way of finding you.

It's the Biden virus

For the #nth time, no one called him a racist for it. Biden called him neither racist or xenophobic for it. Biden's xenophobic comment had to do with Trump's need to always find a scapegoat.
A blown response to the pandemic. 150K+ people dead. Almost 4.5 million infected. An economy on the verge of ruin.
All laid at Trump's feet. He doesn't get the blame for the virus but he does get the blame for the response.

Those are facts you can't run from.

Gotcha. So Biden was just pointing out that blocking people from coming from CHINA to stop a virus that came from CHINA was scapegoating CHINA.

My God you're stupid

And you are terrible at reading comprehension apparently. Again, it was a restriction. Not a ban. Thousands of infected Americans flew home in a panic into major airports and then
scattered with little to nothing in the way of testing, contact tracing, and quarantining if necessary. All Trump's responsibility.
But you just keep on repeating that racist mantra. Maybe someone will believe it.
I have a small glimmer of hope for the future of the ideology of conservatism when I see that there are still people like this fighting for it. The Republican Party has sold out to Trump..or been beaten into submission to bow to him. I'm glad that there are still some real conservatives left out there willing to fight for those ideals without the demagoguery that characterizes Trump and the people who support him.
They aren't conservatives. They're douchebags.

Why, because they aren't reactionaries who support a wannabe dictator? Because they want to see their ideals preserved and their party not lost in the swelling abortion that is known as Trump?
I'd say that makes them patriots.
God Bless the Lincoln Project

American Patriots

Yes they are.

They are correct, this is trump's virus now. He could have stopped it but he only made it worse.
We aren't the only ones who think so, either.

It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

Thanks, Obama!

The ads was paid for by KGB Weaver and Putin

You trump toadies have completely lost touch with reality. Well, you are going to get a good dose of it in November.

Yeah, you showed us in November 2016. That was a thrashing.

Oh wait, you kept telling us we were done then you got your asses beat. 304-227.

I can't believe you still have that avatar. That's your self selected self image? Trump hugging his daughter and you imagining it's sexual? Seems sick as shit to me

77,000 votes across three states. 46 swing electoral votes. I'm not sure why you idiots keep beating on this and playing it up as some sort of resounding victory. You can do subtraction and addition.
This isn't 2016. He has an abysmal record to run on now. Everyone who stayed on the sidelines in 2016 will be getting up to show this idiot the door. Hopefully, he'll take a lot of Republicans
with him too.

Some house republicans are sweating bullets right now.

They know that trump is going to cause them to lose their elections.

Senators also

The Stink of Trump will permeate down ballot

I sure hope so.

They all deserve to lose. We need to send a message to the republicans to clean up their party or they will not be a party anymore.

All those republicans who enabled and helped trump with all his destruction need to go.

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