New Look & Site Upgrades

work with me here..not everything is connected to with me here....could the avatar be due to the fact that my man and i raise shittake mushrooms? along with other varities...

now if i put on a bee avatar cause we have an will you connect that to drugs?

okay i got one badger and he doesnt even like me

I was reffering to the colors and the correlation to hippies. But if you want to focus on raising shrooms Handle Yo Business Playa
Seriously, there is no notification of new rep, I have to scroll down on the User CP page to see if I've received any.


Just installed a modification. If you go to your User CP -> Edit Options, ( then look at the bottom of the Messaging & Notification block you'll see a checkbox you can check that sends a PM upon receiving reputation. This should fix up what you want.

Give it a try.
Two things I find hard to see:

Page number in use

Subscribed threads graphic indicator
As you may have noticed we have a completely newly redesigned site. We've spent a lot of time coming up with a skin that is easy to use as well as pleasing to the eye. We hope that you enjoy the new skin. However, if you do not, we have left the ability to switch back to the "old" skin so that you are not forced to use the new skin if you don't like it. We believe that giving you this choice should make the transition seamless for everyone.

The new skin gives us the ability to make some improvements that the newest version of software brings, some of the most notable are:

Better Community Support (Social Groups, Blogs, etc)
Active Topics - The 40 most recent threads, at a glance.
Better Private Message Interface
Embeddable Videos (Youtube, Yahoo Video, etc)
Inline Image Resizing (User configurable)
Post Thanking
Much more...

If you would like to switch back to the old skin, simply scroll down further on your screen and at the bottom you should see scroll box that currently says "US v2" in it. It will be contained over the blue bar that has the "Contact Us, Political Forums, Top" etc. links on it. This will allow you to switch back and forth between both styles at your leisure. You can also change your style permanently from the User CP in the Edit Options area at the bottom, under the Miscellaneous Options -> Forum Skin setting.

Hope this helps and makes your experience more enjoyable.

I like it. Nice job.
Two things I find hard to see:

Page number in use

Subscribed threads graphic indicator

Can't really do anything about the page number in use... but what icon would you rather see for the subscription? This is the current one:


I think it's rather visible.
Can't really do anything about the page number in use... but what icon would you rather see for the subscription? This is the current one:


I think it's rather visible.
Can you change the font so the bold is more, well bold for the page numbers?

Maybe some color for the graphic?
So much DavidS'ing in this thread. If you don't like the new colors, go back to the old colors. You never bitched about them before.

Seriously, this is why we can't have nice things. *storms off*
Can you change the font so the bold is more, well bold for the page numbers?

Maybe some color for the graphic?

I've changed the current page so that it is surrounded by parenthesis and the page number is underlined... Not much more I can do there. I'll see if I can brighten up the subscribed.gif icon some more.
I've updated the subscribed.gif graphic... you may need to do a hard refresh to get the new image to show up. It now has a 2 pixel red border around the entire image to make it stand out more.


Here's an attachment as an example. If you aren't seeing it like in the attachment, ctrl-f5 or shift-reload (depending on your browser) on any screen that shows the icon should do a hard refresh of image.


  • $subscribed.gif
    111 bytes · Views: 111
Thanks guys, we are trying really hard to make this place the best it can be and incorporate as much of the feedback as we can but we have to pick our battles and tackle the ones we can.
Can I get a striped shirt to go along with my member number?

I think we are actually going to be having a design contest soon... tshirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, stickers, etc... and a supporting membership soon with some perks. We are still trying to figure out what type of perks we can offer on the site to make it worth a $15/year price.

Any ideas?

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