New Mexico Teacher In Trouble For 'Santa Is White' Comments

I cant be certain but I doubt that would ever happen. Black people could have done this plenty of times throughout history but never did. The closest would be when the Moors invaded Europe and had white slaves but that could not be compare at all to what happened after Europe rose to power. Typically Black people have benefitted the society they conquered as evidenced by the Moorish occupation of Europe and the teaching of the Greek people by the Egyptians.

Man, your racism runs deep, doesn't it?

Can you explain how thats racism? If you have any examples I may not know of let me know so I can research the information. To my knowledge Africans have not done anywhere near the amount of damage to other cultures as Europeans have. In fact the opposite is true. We have been a benefit.

You didn't even recognize that the original idea was changing the races in a movie, or in this case, a mini series. You immediately went into defensive mode as if we were attacking blacks for some reason. Movies do not have to be factual. And I need to check my history because I'm pretty sure the Egyptians were black and they had slaves who weren't. Also, there is still slavery in Africa today. Heck there's slavery in this country today. We're still finding it, it's just not legal. And it happens to all races by all races.
Man, your racism runs deep, doesn't it?

Can you explain how thats racism? If you have any examples I may not know of let me know so I can research the information. To my knowledge Africans have not done anywhere near the amount of damage to other cultures as Europeans have. In fact the opposite is true. We have been a benefit.

You didn't even recognize that the original idea was changing the races in a movie, or in this case, a mini series. You immediately went into defensive mode as if we were attacking blacks for some reason. Movies do not have to be factual. And I need to check my history because I'm pretty sure the Egyptians were black and they had slaves who weren't. Also, there is still slavery in Africa today. Heck there's slavery in this country today. We're still finding it, it's just not legal. And it happens to all races by all races.

That just means I misread the statement. i didn't go into defensive mode. :lol: I thought the poster was wondering what would happen if the roles were reversed and commented on that. Movies dont have to be factual but they should if they want credibility like in the instance of documentary or historical event. There is slavery all over the world not just here and Africa. I wasnt speaking of just slavery. i was speaking about the amount of damage done to other cultures. Europeans by far have the worst record when it comes to human rights violations

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