New Mexico Teacher In Trouble For 'Santa Is White' Comments

Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

Why not?

Let's be honest about the politics of it. Would we have a white kid dress up as Kwanza-Bot in the school play or would that role be set aside for a black kid?

We will have arrived someplace very important when that question is no longer asked or cared about.

This really is much ado about nothing. Who the heck cares what color Santa is?

Long as he brings me presents, I'm good with whatever color. :D
Exactly. We're talking about attributing race to a fictional character (who is white in the myth). But making Santa look Black or Chinese, as long as it makes the kids happy, I'm good with it too. We got bigger problems to deal with than this BS.
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Did the teacher get rude with the over five foot tall kids who dressed up as elves? Surely, it is reasonable to understand that a black or asian Santa could be used on special occasions by the real white Santa to conform to affirmative action standards and laws making the possibility of a stand in Santa an accepted reality. But how do you justify the use of people of normal height to represent little people called elves?
There are many stories of how the legend of "Santa Claus" began and they were all in Europe. The one I think is the real one is there was a Monk in Holland named Nicholas. On Christmas eve he started a tradition of going to each of the house of the kids in his church parish and brought small presents and fruit and candy. He put the items in the children's father's boots as they sat empty in a corner of the house. Of course the children's parents were in on the deliveries. Nicholas traveled by a horse drawn sleigh. The horse was white. Nicholas has a long white beard. The children's parents kept up the tradition and it spread. Soon parents were doing it on their own. Nicholas died many years later and the Catholic Church made him a Saint;......Saint Nicholas. Say Saint Nicholas over and over and faster and faster and soon you are saying Santa Claus. The story of Santa Claus has changed over and over until we have the Santa Claus kids believe in today with his elves and 8 tiny reindeer. Yes..Santa IS WHITE (if he were real). I believe the teacher was kidding and trying to be humorous and this is another "poor me" attempt by blacks to make something over nothing.
I think one problem is that 'white' people think Caucasian equals white: it doesn't. Another is that many American white folks are deeply, deeply invested in their skin color (as well as the skin color of others) and what it means to them. Sad, very sad.
I think one problem is that 'white' people think Caucasian equals white: it doesn't. Another is that many American white folks are deeply, deeply invested in their skin color (as well as the skin color of others) and what it means to them. Sad, very sad.

The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.

Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.


You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.
This really is much ado about nothing. Who the heck cares what color Santa is?

Long as he brings me presents, I'm good with whatever color. :D

And, apparently, many brainless rw's do indeed believe that Santa brings presents.

The worst part of this silly debacle is that a lot of rw's are getting their heart broken as they learn that mommy and daddy run up the Master Card at WalMart to get that shitty plastic, made in China, crap under the tree.

Yep, its a sad day for the right.

My parents never ran up the Master Card for Christmas presents. And our stuff was Made in America when I was a kid. Heck, my father made a lot of our presents himself, so did my mother. And I think it's hilarious that you think I'm a right winger when the right wingers think I'm a liberal.

And yes, I do believe in Santa. He lives in my heart and the heart of all parents and children like me. (and I'm not talking about color here)
I think one problem is that 'white' people think Caucasian equals white: it doesn't. Another is that many American white folks are deeply, deeply invested in their skin color (as well as the skin color of others) and what it means to them. Sad, very sad.

The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

No such thing as Negroid and Mongoloid except to Europeans that made up those designations to categorize people without their input. Never forget that. Both are insulting as retarded children were referred to as Mongoloid and Negroid effectively strips Black people of an location on the earth.
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Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.

Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.


You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.

You don't know of any handsome blacks! Even at his age Denzel Washington is a looker, Shemar Moore used to be a model. Michael Ealy, Brad James. There's no shortage of handsome black men.

Who makes your list?

IMDb: 65 most handsome black man - a list by cdaphney
I think one problem is that 'white' people think Caucasian equals white: it doesn't. Another is that many American white folks are deeply, deeply invested in their skin color (as well as the skin color of others) and what it means to them. Sad, very sad.

The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

No such thing as Negroid and Mongoloid except to Europeans that made up those designations to categorize people without their input. Never forget that. Both are insulting as retarded children were referred to as Mongoloid and Negroid effectively strips Black people of an location on the earth.

Like it or not, there are racial characteristics that are identifiable by DNA.

We could reclassify everyone and make up entirely new names. Instead of Negroid we could call them Itzelpics but the would still be identifiably characterized.
The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

No such thing as Negroid and Mongoloid except to Europeans that made up those designations to categorize people without their input. Never forget that. Both are insulting as retarded children were referred to as Mongoloid and Negroid effectively strips Black people of an location on the earth.

Like it or not, there are racial characteristics that are identifiable by DNA.

We could reclassify everyone and make up entirely new names. Instead of Negroid we could call them Itzelpics but the would still be identifiably characterized.

It would be much better to separate people by names of their choosing. However, I think you would find that it would not map to the current categories.
Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.

Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.


You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.

Yea, that idea actually crossed my mind too. As a white person, it's sometimes difficult to fully relate to the plight of a slave when watching films about that time period; your ancestry is always going in the back of your mind. Obviously, we can relate as fellow humans, but when you put things in a context that is more easily digestible by one's own personal history (ie how would I feel if those were my Grandparents who lived in Africa) I think the impact is a bit more powerful.

A "fantasy" piece where white slaves are taken from a civilization in North America and brought to Africa in droves might evoke some interesting emotions if done correctly.
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Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.


You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.

Yea, that idea actually crossed my mind too. As a white person, it's sometimes difficult to fully relate to the plight of a slave when watching films about that time period; your ancestry is always going in the back of your mind. Obviously, we can relate as fellow humans, but when you put things in a context that is more easily digestible by one's own personal history (ie how would I feel if those were my Grandparents who lived in Africa) I think the impact is a bit more powerful.

A "fantasy" piece where white slaves are taken from a civilization in North America and brought to Africa in droves might evoke some interesting emotions if done correctly.

I cant be certain but I doubt that would ever happen. Black people could have done this plenty of times throughout history but never did. The closest would be when the Moors invaded Europe and had white slaves but that could not be compare at all to what happened after Europe rose to power. Typically Black people have benefitted the society they conquered as evidenced by the Moorish occupation of Europe and the teaching of the Greek people by the Egyptians.
I think one problem is that 'white' people think Caucasian equals white: it doesn't. Another is that many American white folks are deeply, deeply invested in their skin color (as well as the skin color of others) and what it means to them. Sad, very sad.

The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

No such thing as Negroid and Mongoloid except to Europeans that made up those designations to categorize people without their input. Never forget that. Both are insulting as retarded children were referred to as Mongoloid and Negroid effectively strips Black people of an location on the earth.

So, there are Caucasians, but no Negroid or Asians. That must mean we're all Caucasians and you're only insulting yourself. Man you are rapidly losing credibility with me.
Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.


You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.

You don't know of any handsome blacks! Even at his age Denzel Washington is a looker, Shemar Moore used to be a model. Michael Ealy, Brad James. There's no shortage of handsome black men.

Who makes your list?

IMDb: 65 most handsome black man - a list by cdaphney

Denzel's good, I forgot about him. I don't see a lot of movies these days. Still I haven't seen any black actors that compare to Sidney Potier, but maybe I just had a really bad crush on him.
You know, that sounds interesting. I wonder how "North and South" would have turned out if they cast the blacks in the lead roles and the whites as the slaves? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Of course I don't know any blacks that are as handsome as I thought Patrick Swayze was. Sidney Potier is too old. Still, there have to be some out there.

Yea, that idea actually crossed my mind too. As a white person, it's sometimes difficult to fully relate to the plight of a slave when watching films about that time period; your ancestry is always going in the back of your mind. Obviously, we can relate as fellow humans, but when you put things in a context that is more easily digestible by one's own personal history (ie how would I feel if those were my Grandparents who lived in Africa) I think the impact is a bit more powerful.

A "fantasy" piece where white slaves are taken from a civilization in North America and brought to Africa in droves might evoke some interesting emotions if done correctly.

I cant be certain but I doubt that would ever happen. Black people could have done this plenty of times throughout history but never did. The closest would be when the Moors invaded Europe and had white slaves but that could not be compare at all to what happened after Europe rose to power. Typically Black people have benefitted the society they conquered as evidenced by the Moorish occupation of Europe and the teaching of the Greek people by the Egyptians.

Man, your racism runs deep, doesn't it?
The same can be said of black people and the word Negroid and Asians and the word Mongoloid. Face it there are racists in all races.

No such thing as Negroid and Mongoloid except to Europeans that made up those designations to categorize people without their input. Never forget that. Both are insulting as retarded children were referred to as Mongoloid and Negroid effectively strips Black people of an location on the earth.

So, there are Caucasians, but no Negroid or Asians. That must mean we're all Caucasians and you're only insulting yourself. Man you are rapidly losing credibility with me.

I never mentioned Caucasians. There is nothing negative associated with that term. I said Negroid which takes away any frame of reference for a location and I said Mongoloid not Asians. No it does not mean we are all Caucasians and if it did that would not be an insult.
Yea, that idea actually crossed my mind too. As a white person, it's sometimes difficult to fully relate to the plight of a slave when watching films about that time period; your ancestry is always going in the back of your mind. Obviously, we can relate as fellow humans, but when you put things in a context that is more easily digestible by one's own personal history (ie how would I feel if those were my Grandparents who lived in Africa) I think the impact is a bit more powerful.

A "fantasy" piece where white slaves are taken from a civilization in North America and brought to Africa in droves might evoke some interesting emotions if done correctly.

I cant be certain but I doubt that would ever happen. Black people could have done this plenty of times throughout history but never did. The closest would be when the Moors invaded Europe and had white slaves but that could not be compare at all to what happened after Europe rose to power. Typically Black people have benefitted the society they conquered as evidenced by the Moorish occupation of Europe and the teaching of the Greek people by the Egyptians.

Man, your racism runs deep, doesn't it?

Can you explain how thats racism? If you have any examples I may not know of let me know so I can research the information. To my knowledge Africans have not done anywhere near the amount of damage to other cultures as Europeans have. In fact the opposite is true. We have been a benefit.

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