New Mexico Teacher In Trouble For 'Santa Is White' Comments

Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

"Of course" sounds like "obviously". Neither are correct as there were plenty of Africans in Europe.
I'm talking about the whole "Santa is white" issue period. It's just so stupid. He's not real. He's a mythological figure and you've got a national debate about his race. The whole thing is fucking waste of time.


So why did Ms. Kelly find it necessary to go there to begin with.

To assert an element of her heritage that was made in her ancestors' image? I'm not trying to make excuses, but it cuts both ways. Before Europeans arrived on the scene, tribal Africans made religious icons of their gods in their own image; and I'm guessing their descendents wouldn't take too kindly to an Ashanti god/deity being depicted as white.

White people have been changing images for years to make them look white. i remember seeing my first white Jesus and asking my mom how could he be so pale living in the area of the world he did.
Santa Clause is Palestinian.
...and a transvestite suicide bomber never the less. That's not big stomach under his outfit, that's a suicide belt. Wonder what he gets when he goes to Islamic heaven? 72 Virgin Reindeer? Ho ho ho...KABOOOM!
Malcolm X

Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

Why not?

Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.
Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

Why not?

Let's be honest about the politics of it. Would we have a white kid dress up as Kwanza-Bot in the school play or would that role be set aside for a black kid?
Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

Why not?

Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.

I can agree with you there.
Santa comes from a Northern European tradition. Of course, he's white, just like Odin, Thor, and King Arthur.

Would we have a black kid dress up like Odin, Thor, or King Arthur?

Why not?

Indeed, there's nothing stopping anyone, of any colour, from dressing-up as any of those listed above, However, problems arise when it appears that reality is being deliberately distorted to present an innacurate picture to the audience, as well as being deemed disrespectful.

I think it's ridiculous for film makers to cast a black man to play a role which portrays a character everyone with an ounce of common sense kows was white, especially in a historical context. The same as a white character playing an African slave, which would be both dishonest and ultimately hurtful. Like I said, it cuts both ways.

Get your point, but want to note it's probably a little less hurtful when you change the color of a fictional character (Santa) that's never existed at any time on this planet in some fun adventure film vs. changing the color of slaves in a movie when trying to accurately depict a historical event. Two painfully different things here.

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Damn but the right is easy. Fox is loving this and once again. They're ratings have been slipping and mixing and stirring the turds is what drives up their revenues.

Betcha they'll issue a phony statement that will be more of the "just kidding" lie that Kelly has latched on to and the rw's will keep yammering about this battle in the war on christmas for years to come.

As for the racist, ignorant teacher, its New Mexico. She's right where she belongs.
This really is much ado about nothing. Who the heck cares what color Santa is?

Long as he brings me presents, I'm good with whatever color. :D

And, apparently, many brainless rw's do indeed believe that Santa brings presents.

The worst part of this silly debacle is that a lot of rw's are getting their heart broken as they learn that mommy and daddy run up the Master Card at WalMart to get that shitty plastic, made in China, crap under the tree.

Yep, its a sad day for the right.
This really is much ado about nothing. Who the heck cares what color Santa is?

Long as he brings me presents, I'm good with whatever color. :D

Little kids that are not white that must grow up in a society where they are brainwashed that everything good or special is white. People need to see their likeness reflected in icons that promote positive reinforcement..

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