New Muslim ban not happening.

Does Tommy care about anything on this planet besides supplicating before Islam? It says something about Tommy's character that he's in the UK yet obsessed with another country importing the ONLY religion on earth which A) Stones their own daughters to death B) beheads and/or fucks the children of their enemies, C) chops little girls' clits off (non-surgically), D) teaches their own children to be suicide bombers and E) throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women.

The rape-enabling Islam love that the UK has with the most violent, cruelest religion on earth (while spewing dehumanizing HATE at us "seppos") proves that the UK's collective societal character STINKS SO BAD it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Really, the American-hating British humanoids deserve every bit of misery their muslims give them, because I've never seen two groups of American-hating cocksuckers who deserve each other more. Read the BBC*nt or Guardiabomination to see the utter hatred British pigs have for Americans and the glowing love they have for their muslim cousin-inbreds. It's an island of savages hiding behind Shakespeare to pretend they're so high-brow classy, but if you want to see the TRUE British character, just look at their soccer rioting crowds, 'nuff said. I'm an American riddled with Irish ancestry and we had to kick these degenerate British motherfuckers out of BOTH countries by force.
Keep in mind that in my many years of hosteling abroad, I've partied with people from all over this planet and EVERY SINGLE TIME the UK countries are the ONLY nationalities that randomly pick fights with me for no reason and start spewing random, hateful death-threats at me for being a "bloody yank" EVERY GODDAMNED TIME the alcohol starts flowing. I've had to have hostel owners kick these poms out for their out-of-control behavior regarding Americans. Seriously, in all my international experience I've never seen such hate-filled, white trash, white nagger FILTH of my race on an international basis. These British savage subhumans CANNOT behave in a civilized manner when an American is in the room. I think it's lucky that America turned out as well as we did when we're descended from that nation of ANIMALS!
I beseech any fellow American to start reading BBCrap & Guardiabomination and various British Internet for a while and you will NEVER see a more sadistically, psychotic American-hating, hate-sewer uncivilized PIGS these British animals truly are deep down. The UK's liberalfilth manages to be even more loathsome than American liberalfilth.
Show muslims this video and they won't want to come

Muslim ban?

Who is proposing a "Muslim" ban?
Donald Trump is, of course. He said so. That's a big reason it keeps getting struck down. Take it up with him! ;)

guess you're as confused as those judges.

from what I've heard, and read, there is nothing in the paperwork about Muslims.

they're not getting struck down because of what's in them, they're getting struck down because of comments Trump made on the campaign trail.

sounds silly to me

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