New narrative - people are fleeing blue cities because there isn't enough housing


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
I'm seeing this pop up regularly now. A ridiculous take, claiming that a "housing supply crisis" is why people are leaving blue cities in droves. A normal initial reaction could be, well, that's just another example of libs shooting at the wrong target. This pattern only makes sense when you realize that the goal of leftism isn't solving problems, it's growing government and taking away individual freedoms. This perpetual state of phony crises is so tiresome. Of course, the solution will be some sort of federal housing subsidy that will further mess up the market.

I'm seeing this pop up regularly now. A ridiculous take, claiming that a "housing supply crisis" is why people are leaving blue cities in droves. A normal initial reaction could be, well, that's just another example of libs shooting at the wrong target. This pattern only makes sense when you realize that the goal of leftism isn't solving problems, it's growing government and taking away individual freedoms. This perpetual state of phony crises is so tiresome. Of course, the solution will be some sort of federal housing subsidy that will further mess up the market.

There isn't enough housing anywhere. I live in a small Wisconsin town of 5k population and after Biden started shipping illegals up here, rent houses are impossible to find.

I have a mule shed out back. Maybe I could chase the mice out of it and rent it out to some of them.
I'm seeing this pop up regularly now. A ridiculous take, claiming that a "housing supply crisis" is why people are leaving blue cities in droves. A normal initial reaction could be, well, that's just another example of libs shooting at the wrong target. This pattern only makes sense when you realize that the goal of leftism isn't solving problems, it's growing government and taking away individual freedoms. This perpetual state of phony crises is so tiresome. Of course, the solution will be some sort of federal housing subsidy that will further mess up the market.

Actually the solution which democratic cities are starting to use more with some success is deregulation.

Change zoning laws. Eliminate mandatory parking requirements.
I'm seeing this pop up regularly now. A ridiculous take, claiming that a "housing supply crisis" is why people are leaving blue cities in droves. A normal initial reaction could be, well, that's just another example of libs shooting at the wrong target. This pattern only makes sense when you realize that the goal of leftism isn't solving problems, it's growing government and taking away individual freedoms. This perpetual state of phony crises is so tiresome. Of course, the solution will be some sort of federal housing subsidy that will further mess up the market.

Democrats have millions of illegals competing with Americans for housing.
That's simply wrong.
Actually the solution which democratic cities are starting to use more with some success is deregulation.

Change zoning laws. Eliminate mandatory parking requirements.
Dem solution:

You know, when you aren’t an antisocial weirdo, living around other people isn’t a bad thing.
Have fun in your battery farm.

Me, I'll enjoy the recreational land that I worked and paid for.

That said if the cities want to pack them in like sardines with no parking so they will be forced towards crime-ridden public transportation then they can have at it.....Without stealing my tax money in the process to grift away to the unions and black ward bosses.
Actually the solution which democratic cities are starting to use more with some success is deregulation.

Change zoning laws. Eliminate mandatory parking requirements.

No, I'm pretty sure it's because of their newly-found friends from South of the border.
Have fun in your battery farm.

Me, I'll enjoy the recreational land that I worked and paid for.

That said if the cities want to pack them in like sardines with no parking so they will be forced towards crime-ridden public transportation then they can have at it.....Without stealing my tax money in the process to grift away to the unions and black ward bosses.
I like the city. There’s lots to do here and great people to get to know.

You don’t want to talk to people, I’m not going to tell you otherwise. To each his own. What’s wrong with that?
Actually the solution which democratic cities are starting to use more with some success is deregulation.

Change zoning laws. Eliminate mandatory parking requirements.

There is a housing crisis all across North America due to our high levels of immigration,, and the shut down of housing construction during covid. It was already getting bad in 2019, but when covid shut down housing construction, both Canada and the USA fell behind rising population levels.

The cheapest two bedroom apartment rental I've seen in the county, is more than double what I'm currently paying. The most expensive was 4 times my current rent. The for rent pages are filled with people looking for places to rent, not landlords offering rentals. I know of people who have spend months looking for affordable housing and found nothing.

When Trudea said he was tripling immigration due to labour shortages, my first thought was "Where are we going to put them?".

Trudeau is offering communities free federal lands to build low cost housing.

There is a housing crisis all across North America due to our high levels of immigration,, and the shut down of housing construction during covid. It was already getting bad in 2019, but when covid shut down housing construction, both Canada and the USA fell behind rising population levels.

The cheapest two bedroom apartment rental I've seen in the county, is more than double what I'm currently paying. The most expensive was 4 times my current rent. The for rent pages are filled with people looking for places to rent, not landlords offering rentals. I know of people who have spend months looking for affordable housing and found nothing.

When Trudea said he was tripling immigration due to labour shortages, my first thought was "Where are we going to put them?".

Trudeau is offering communities free federal lands to build low cost housing.

Still supporting black face Trudeau. You’re a virulent racist.
There is a housing crisis all across North America due to our high levels of immigration,, and the shut down of housing construction during covid. It was already getting bad in 2019, but when covid shut down housing construction, both Canada and the USA fell behind rising population levels.

The cheapest two bedroom apartment rental I've seen in the county, is more than double what I'm currently paying. The most expensive was 4 times my current rent. The for rent pages are filled with people looking for places to rent, not landlords offering rentals. I know of people who have spend months looking for affordable housing and found nothing.

When Trudea said he was tripling immigration due to labour shortages, my first thought was "Where are we going to put them?".

Trudeau is offering communities free federal lands to build low cost housing.

Damn, the hosers might be on to something.....Lots of fed land in blue states available.,,,,There's 213K acres of fed land in NY alone.
You think this is a new problem? You’re out of touch.

Biden/Harris made it a "new problem" for those folks who didn't see the problem 10 years ago.

You must be out of the loop or something. We've been seeing this happening ever since Obama.
Oregon's decline is by design ... we don't want new residents here ... so we've made zoning for housing very very very difficult to get ... it's not that there isn't BIG demand ... holy shit there's demand ... but developers can't simply buy off local officials for favorable zoning ... there's a very strict and draconian set of procedures to change zoning ... especially lands zoned for agriculture and forestry ...

Eisenhower Republicans installed this system ... Moonbeam Democrats embraced these policies as their own ... and today our wildlands are still wild ... our forests aren't crisscrossed with power cables ... and mountain lions come into town and feast on house cats ...

No enforcement east of the Cascades ... build where ever you want ... but where there's water, there will be folks with guns ... no police east of the Cascades either ...
Nothing,,,,,Just don't steal from me to make your battery farm happen.
Cities are major generators of wealth in this country. If anything, we provide significant subsidies to rural areas.

Without cities, this country would be dirt poor.
There isn't enough housing anywhere. I live in a small Wisconsin town of 5k population and after Biden started shipping illegals up here, rent houses are impossible to find.

I have a mule shed out back. Maybe I could chase the mice out of it and rent it out to some of them.

Never say never. Even a Closet in SF was going for $500/mo in 2006 without bathroom or kitchen privleges. Sleeping only.
Democrats have millions of illegals competing with Americans for housing.
That's simply wrong.

We know the answer. Shove them in nearly abandoned cities like DET or STL. Let them fix up those $5K burned out fixere uppers surrounded by DEM Black residents. Go off towork leaving wife and kids home to watch the stuff.

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