New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It is bringing a change. The confederate cave chimp will have his memorial torn down. Didnt you read the OP?
Yeah, it's making the Klan bigger.

So? No one is worried about the clowns that wear pillowcases over their heads. Most are pussies anyway. Black people have guns to deal with the ones that want to get froggy.
Black people STILL shake in their flip flops at just the thought of a noose! The pillow lips pass out at the sight of a pillowcase.
I'm Black and the only shaking I would do is to get the shit off my foot after I put a foot in the ass of any cave chimp kkk members dumb enough to show up with a noose. So far no takers.
Of course no takers. You're hiding under the bed scared shitless to show your pillow lips!
Thats not what the kkk members I met in the miltary said. They just turned red after I slapped the shit out of them and refused to fight back. They talk tough around their women but there is a reason they hide their faces. :laugh:

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

And yet --- locals are still going to get from Point A to Point B via Robert E. Lee Boulevard or the very useful Jeff Davis Parkway. And I suspect Lee Circle will still be called "Lee Circle" even if its name is changed as well. Many of us still call Howard Avenue that, a dozen years after part of it was renamed "Andrew Higgins".

This local author has some thoughts on that:

>> Extending that logic, many of the streets and neighborhoods in New Orleans were named after slave-owners -- or even slave-killers, such as Claude Tremé -- which might be considered offensive as well. If this slippery slope results in the re-designating of famous thoroughfares named after plantation owners like Bartholomew, Delachaise, Foucher, Burthe, Antonine, Dufossat, Valmont, Bellecastle, Robert, Soniat, Avart, Egania, Lizardi, Hurst, Roman, Eleanore, Joseph, Millaudon, Peniston, Poeyfarre, Villere, Clark, and Toledano (among others -- thank you, Sally Asher, author of the edifying Hope and New Orleans: A History of Crescent City Street Names), we’re going to need some new street names.

Here, then, for your consideration, are some options of famous Louisianians (both real and fictional) we can use to rename our streets, and what kinds of streets those might turn out to be:

Allen Toussaint Way
Also known as “Lover’s Lane.” Excellent for making out.

Bobby Jindal Blvd.
Caution: Runs backward.

Mac “Dr. John” Rebennack Ave.
Street dedication ceremony to occur at the right place, wrong time.

William J. Jefferson St.
Leads directly to jail.

John Larroquette Court
Because we must NEVER FORGET “Night Court.”

Edwin Edwards Loop
A traffic circle: Promises to take you somewhere, just goes round and round, seemingly forever.
Still, better than the alternative.
David Vitter Ave.
Site of a red light district, but refuses to acknowledge itself as such.
Al Copeland St.
Smells like fried chicken and biscuits for miles; no speed limits for exotic vehicles.

Captain Benjamin Sisko Way
To be installed in the 24th century, after the development of warp technology and the subsequent founding of the United Federation of Planets.

Harry Connick Jr. Promenade
Immaculately maintained, generally well-liked, and your mother absolutely adores it.
Chris Owens Ave.
Immediately repaired upon any visible signs of age. Also, great Latin restaurants here.

Mary Matalin St.
Turns very hard to the right.

James Carville St.
Turns very hard to the left. Also, kinda freaky-looking, but a whole lot of fun. <<​
What replacement history will we be given?

Moving a statue or monument isn't "replacing" or "changing" history. They're separate things.

If you're getting your history education from statues and monuments, that goes a long way to explaining some of your gaps.
With the BLM movement causing so much trouble, we may see the MLK statue removed from DC, since we're getting rid of any remaining reminders of our Civil War. It seems only right to remove any reminders of this illegal Black uprising.

BLM causing trouble?

Is that what you call your extreme level of butthurt?
Actually the people of New Orleans suffered terribly under the reign of Union general Benjamin "Beast" Butler during the Civil War but history has nothing to do with it.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

LOL Gone with the wind.

They should put these 'monuments' to good use. Use them as landfill for the levies.
Yeah do away with the monuments. Then in history no slavery, no repreations. Right?

Better idea, how about those of you who just can't do without slave owners being worshipped, you take these monuments into your houses and you can kiss their feet every day when you wake up.

History preserved, and you get to add to your collection of false idols.

I love it when a plan comes together. ROAD HOUSE.
Yeah, it's making the Klan bigger.

So? No one is worried about the clowns that wear pillowcases over their heads. Most are pussies anyway. Black people have guns to deal with the ones that want to get froggy.
Black people STILL shake in their flip flops at just the thought of a noose! The pillow lips pass out at the sight of a pillowcase.

That's why those fearless people need "safe spaces" freaking pussies
They need to pay a price with no safe places.
Any time the cave chimps feel froggy I have something for them.
Oh please. You're nothing but another Freddie gray high on herion banging your head against the wall.
So, General Racist E. Lee will be toppled like Saddam Hussein. Very fitting...

This is just more division. More separation, more hostility and that's a good thing. Anything that separates the people is to be pursued and used.
So, General Racist E. Lee will be toppled like Saddam Hussein. Very fitting...

Now if we could just end up like Iraq, that would be very fitting. With a little effort, republicans and Democrats can be the American version of sunni shiite!
So, General Racist E. Lee will be toppled like Saddam Hussein. Very fitting...

Now if we could just end up like Iraq, that would be very fitting. With a little effort, republicans and Democrats can be the American version of sunni shiite!

Yeah, thank Bush for the Iraq clusterfuck. Now, you stupid racist NaziCons want something similar with President Trump. Adolf Trump may as well rename America to Ameriraq.
I lived in New Orleans for 10 years, and I guarantee that only 1 out of 20 residents have ever seen or heard of any of those being removed, other than Lee's statue, and it is so high on it's pedestal, and surrounded by buildings, that you can not see the statue itself while driving to and from the circle. In short, who cares? There is a confederate museum within 200 yards of Lee Circle that virtually no one in New Orleans has ever visited.
It will be really interesting to see how many of those city council members are reelected.

I'm sure they're already receiving threats from racist NaziCons.
Too bad. They should have thought of that. End their political careers, that will do.

Yeah, threats and terrorism are the NaziCon's version of democracy.
When everything else fails, you use what's left. Surely you can't imagine that not voting for someone is a threat? How should such a threat be prosecuted?

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