New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

No, he will change public sentiment from the poison filled dividing Obama guidance to a more appropriate one of common sense

No one could bring this country together. Not even Trump. The best that anyone could do is be realistic enough to manage the dissolution.
This is actually a picture of Flakey jknowgood. :lol:

Hey fakey, you can report to your nearest safe zone. There are no confederate memorabilia there.
I own memorabilia form the war, both sides.

All of the stuff can be kept in museums, etc. We should not glorify the CSA and more than the nazis.
Don't worry Trump will soon be President, and you can go back to counting our great soldiers deaths again. You know to keep your mind off of such none trivial things.

The loser confederates were enemies not great soldiers. As long as they are mistakenly celebrated anywhere by the government there will be a divide.
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

No, he will change public sentiment from the poison filled dividing Obama guidance to a more appropriate one of common sense

No one could bring this country together. Not even Trump. The best that anyone could do is be realistic enough to manage the dissolution.
Stop whining then. You said the same thing basically.
Oh please. I'm not on your team. Your team is the team of dismembering babies and selling body parts. Your team is the team of peddling perversion to children, assassinating police officers, letting illegal aliens kill innocent people. Your team promotes and supports drug addicts. Your team shits in the streets and burns cities down. You really imagine that I would be on such a team? No.
First you claimed people were being separated now you are claiming you are not on a someones team. Make up your mind.
The nation is dividing. The people are separating. I'm not on the evil, liberal, team of darkness. I didn't say I wasn't on a team, just not her team, or yours for that matter. The United States would be best served by breaking up. Meaning I wouldn't lift a finger to help you, if you were choking on your own vomit.
New Orleans is their Confederate past. And their French past, and their Spanish past, and their American past.

Attempting to erase that won't change it.
They're not erasing it. They just decided to be intelligent and not celebrate it.

But I'll bet they'll still take the Civil War tourist dollars.
Home - Confederate Memorial Hall Museum
Louisiana's Civil War Museum | New Orleans | Attraction
Why not? At least the can make some money of the losers losing the war right? I dont mind people celebrating the event were inbreds fought against americans. I have a problem when the government celebrates the inbreds that fought against the idea of all people being free.
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.
The destruction of old monuments, old churches, and old shrines, is, in my opinion, a more despicable crime than killing people.

It means history itself is being erased.

It depends on the context. The celebration of civil war against our nation has always seemed odd to me. Like a monument in the town square to an attempt to assassinate a president.
People are entitled to their history, even if you don't like it.

People aren't entitled to monuments to war against our nation. You can tell due to all the lack of domenstic monuments to the Japanese who killed our soldiers in WW2 for example.

Rememberance and celebration aren't the same thing.

Robert E. Lee is almost a god to Southern people. If it wasn't for his brilliance on the field, the Civil War would have ended much sooner.

And saved tens of thousands of northers and southern lives if it had ended sooner. Again, Lee waged war against the United States. He led armies that killed our soldiers. I would no more expect to see a monument to Lee in our territory than I would a monument to Romell or Yamamoto.

Part of the healing process was the recognition of the bravery of the SOuthern soldiers and the acceptance of Southern Pride in their martial showing and pre civil war culture.

Are you aware there is a Confederate Memorial in Arlington? And that Obama has sent a wreath to it at least one Memorial Day?
Do you have a credible link for that claim? If so thats a white mark against Obama.

Credible? Coming from you?


President Obama & The Confederate Memorial At Arlington National Cemetery

"President Barack Obama sought to dodge racial controversy on Memorial Day, sending wreaths to a monument for Confederate soldiers and other flowers to a memorial honoring more than 200,000 African-Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War.

Obama, the nation's first black president, planned to continue tradition and have aides leave a wreath at the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, the 600-acre site that once was Confederate General Robert E. Lee's estate. But the White House also will send a wreath to the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington's historically black U Street neighborhood.

Presidents traditionally visit Arlington to personally leave a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, a marble structure housing the remains of unidentified U.S. military members who died during war. Presidents then have aides deliver wreaths to other memorials or monuments, generally including the Confederate memorial."

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

LOL Gone with the wind.

They should put these 'monuments' to good use. Use them as landfill for the levies.
Soooo, destruction/removal of anything related to the past you disagree with is a good thing? Maybe next you'll advocate the burning of books and the destruction of specific archaeological/historical sites in the US........... Can you say ISIS? I knew you could.........
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.

This far is from over but the idea that Trump can squash this is patently absurd.
It depends on the context. The celebration of civil war against our nation has always seemed odd to me. Like a monument in the town square to an attempt to assassinate a president.
People are entitled to their history, even if you don't like it.

People aren't entitled to monuments to war against our nation. You can tell due to all the lack of domenstic monuments to the Japanese who killed our soldiers in WW2 for example.

Rememberance and celebration aren't the same thing.

Robert E. Lee is almost a god to Southern people. If it wasn't for his brilliance on the field, the Civil War would have ended much sooner.

And saved tens of thousands of northers and southern lives if it had ended sooner. Again, Lee waged war against the United States. He led armies that killed our soldiers. I would no more expect to see a monument to Lee in our territory than I would a monument to Romell or Yamamoto.

Part of the healing process was the recognition of the bravery of the SOuthern soldiers and the acceptance of Southern Pride in their martial showing and pre civil war culture.

Are you aware there is a Confederate Memorial in Arlington? And that Obama has sent a wreath to it at least one Memorial Day?
Do you have a credible link for that claim? If so thats a white mark against Obama.

Credible? Coming from you?


President Obama & The Confederate Memorial At Arlington National Cemetery

"President Barack Obama sought to dodge racial controversy on Memorial Day, sending wreaths to a monument for Confederate soldiers and other flowers to a memorial honoring more than 200,000 African-Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War.

Obama, the nation's first black president, planned to continue tradition and have aides leave a wreath at the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, the 600-acre site that once was Confederate General Robert E. Lee's estate. But the White House also will send a wreath to the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington's historically black U Street neighborhood.

Presidents traditionally visit Arlington to personally leave a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, a marble structure housing the remains of unidentified U.S. military members who died during war. Presidents then have aides deliver wreaths to other memorials or monuments, generally including the Confederate memorial."
No I said credible coming from you. Like I thought you couldnt provided a link to your claim. Where does it say he delivered a wreath like you claimed? The closest thing I see in your non credible link is that he "planned". So where is a credible link saying the wreath was delivered? The only thing I will except is from a credible news source. :laugh:
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.

This far is from over but the idea that Trump can squash this is patently absurd.

I agree. He could declare them national landmarks, but I don't know if the mechanism for that is viable.

But it would add another layer to the court fight.
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.

This far is from over but the idea that Trump can squash this is patently absurd.

I agree. He could declare them national landmarks, but I don't know if the mechanism for that is viable.

But it would add another layer to the court fight.

As a Historian the removal of these statues saddens me greatly but if this is what the people of New Orleans want...
As a Historian the removal of these statues saddens me greatly but if this is what the people of New Orleans want...

While there some who live there and lack the intellect to move on it is NOT required that anyone visit there and spend any money in so (not) doing. Of course Comrade Obama could change that by simple Imperial Dictate and, it being The Chocolate City, it's somewhat puzzling why He has not so done.
Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.

This far is from over but the idea that Trump can squash this is patently absurd.

I agree. He could declare them national landmarks, but I don't know if the mechanism for that is viable.

But it would add another layer to the court fight.

As a Historian the removal of these statues saddens me greatly but if this is what the people of New Orleans want...

Sometimes the will of the people has to be tempered by the rights of others in the minority to not have the mob dictate things like this. Its the entire concept of a constitutional republic.

Now is there a constitutional right to these Statues? of course not, that silly. But the idea that history can be purged by a majority vote is troubling in and of itself.

Where does it end? I'm sure a ton of cities have a Malcolm X Blvd (even if just honorary). He hated white people for a large part of his life, only rejecting that concept before he got assassinated. Why should those street signs remain?
People are entitled to their history, even if you don't like it.

People aren't entitled to monuments to war against our nation. You can tell due to all the lack of domenstic monuments to the Japanese who killed our soldiers in WW2 for example.

Rememberance and celebration aren't the same thing.

Robert E. Lee is almost a god to Southern people. If it wasn't for his brilliance on the field, the Civil War would have ended much sooner.

And saved tens of thousands of northers and southern lives if it had ended sooner. Again, Lee waged war against the United States. He led armies that killed our soldiers. I would no more expect to see a monument to Lee in our territory than I would a monument to Romell or Yamamoto.

Part of the healing process was the recognition of the bravery of the SOuthern soldiers and the acceptance of Southern Pride in their martial showing and pre civil war culture.

Are you aware there is a Confederate Memorial in Arlington? And that Obama has sent a wreath to it at least one Memorial Day?
Do you have a credible link for that claim? If so thats a white mark against Obama.

Credible? Coming from you?


President Obama & The Confederate Memorial At Arlington National Cemetery

"President Barack Obama sought to dodge racial controversy on Memorial Day, sending wreaths to a monument for Confederate soldiers and other flowers to a memorial honoring more than 200,000 African-Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War.

Obama, the nation's first black president, planned to continue tradition and have aides leave a wreath at the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, the 600-acre site that once was Confederate General Robert E. Lee's estate. But the White House also will send a wreath to the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington's historically black U Street neighborhood.

Presidents traditionally visit Arlington to personally leave a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, a marble structure housing the remains of unidentified U.S. military members who died during war. Presidents then have aides deliver wreaths to other memorials or monuments, generally including the Confederate memorial."
No I said credible coming from you. Like I thought you couldnt provided a link to your claim. Where does it say he delivered a wreath like you claimed? The closest thing I see in your non credible link is that he "planned". So where is a credible link saying the wreath was delivered? The only thing I will except is from a credible news source. :laugh:

I did not say he delivered it personally, I said he had it sent.

I knew that you would lie.

Because you always do.

HEnce my laughter at the idea of you demanding "credible".

Any site you would deem credible, downplays anything that might cast Obama in a bad light.

Ah, finally something from CNN.

Obama asks Americans to remember fallen troops -

"Also Monday, Obama decided to continue a controversial presidential tradition of honoring Southern Civil War soldiers by sending a wreath to Arlington's Confederate Memorial, according to the White House.

But the president decided to start what may become a new tradition by sending a wreath to the African-American Civil War Memorial at Vermont Avenue and U Street Northwest in Washington.
See how fallen service members are being remembered »

Critics had called for an end to the longtime presidential practice of laying a wreath at the Confederate site. Last week, roughly five dozen professors sent a letter to Obama calling the tradition offensive to African-Americans.

Some observers recently suggested adding the recognition of the African-American memorial as a possible compromise."

Jeez, just like the other link said. The link you dismissed.
As a Historian the removal of these statues saddens me greatly but if this is what the people of New Orleans want...

While there some who live there and lack the intellect to move on it is NOT required that anyone visit there and spend any money in so (not) doing. Of course Comrade Obama could change that by simple Imperial Dictate and, it being The Chocolate City, it's somewhat puzzling why He has not so done.
Now youre being silly because you are butthurt. There will always be museums that display the losers. You can go to a musuem if you wish to pay homage.
More left loon political correct BS
They really think this is going to bring about some sort of change!
It is bringing a change. The confederate cave chimp will have his memorial torn down. Didnt you read the OP?
Yeah, it's making the Klan bigger.

So? No one is worried about the clowns that wear pillowcases over their heads. Most are pussies anyway. Black people have guns to deal with the ones that want to get froggy.
Black people STILL shake in their flip flops at just the thought of a noose! The pillow lips pass out at the sight of a pillowcase.

They are a scary group! lol

Trump will squash this BS.

Start kicking a$$ and taking names


How so? Trump will stop cities from removing their own statues?

Actually he doesn't have to. Local people and some Lawyers can tie this up for decades.

First they can request that an Environmental Impact Statement be created for the work of removing the statues from public lands. That alone will probably last a few years.

Then, If Louisiana has any cultural artifact or landmark laws, they can fight it on those grounds.

Finally, if they really want to gum up the works they can assert State sovereignty over public spaces. That may not be true, but one can tie up the work for even more time doing that.

This far is from over but the idea that Trump can squash this is patently absurd.

I agree. He could declare them national landmarks, but I don't know if the mechanism for that is viable.

But it would add another layer to the court fight.

As a Historian the removal of these statues saddens me greatly but if this is what the people of New Orleans want...
We don't know what the people of New Orleans want. If the city council is voted out of office next election, that would give a clue as to how the people feel about it.

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