New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot


"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

LOL Gone with the wind.

They should put these 'monuments' to good use. Use them as landfill for the levies.
Well then you knee jerk dummies should consider dumping the Stars and Stripes and the Constitution in a land fill........since our illustrious founding fathers created a slave republic.
This is actually a picture of Flakey jknowgood. :lol:

Hey fakey, you can report to your nearest safe zone. There are no confederate memorabilia there.
I own memorabilia form the war, both sides.

All of the stuff can be kept in museums, etc. We should not glorify the CSA and more than the nazis.
Don't worry Trump will soon be President, and you can go back to counting our great soldiers deaths again. You know to keep your mind off of such none trivial things.
^^^^^^^ Unbelievable. Civil War redux in order ^^^^^^^^^^


I agree.

But if the South wants to get rid of a part of its history then why stop them?

It is their history and if they want it forgotten then so be it.
Stupid statement. As if "the South" is some kind of monolith.

Nothing stupid about it.

But then your clueless. The South has a proud history and in most cases is proud of that history.

Far be it from me to educate a clueless idiot like you.

Carry on.
General Racist E. Lee is a goner.

Oh I doubt that.

Lee's tactics are still taught at military academies all across this country and probably the world.

He will never be forgotten as much as a clueless idiot like you would like to think.
^^^^^^^ Unbelievable. Civil War redux in order ^^^^^^^^^^


I agree.

But if the South wants to get rid of a part of its history then why stop them?

It is their history and if they want it forgotten then so be it.
Stupid statement. As if "the South" is some kind of monolith.

Nothing stupid about it.

But then your clueless. The South has a proud history and in most cases is proud of that history.

Far be it from me to educate a clueless idiot like you.

Carry on.

His point was clear. Their might be PART OF the South today that does't feel any connection to it's past and wants to erase it.

But the part of the South that does is being pissed on, it's culture and history disrespected.
^^^^^^^ Unbelievable. Civil War redux in order ^^^^^^^^^^


I agree.

But if the South wants to get rid of a part of its history then why stop them?

It is their history and if they want it forgotten then so be it.
Stupid statement. As if "the South" is some kind of monolith.

Nothing stupid about it.

But then your clueless. The South has a proud history and in most cases is proud of that history.

Far be it from me to educate a clueless idiot like you.

Carry on.
Only PC dummies want to ignore and extinguish the uncomfortable parts of history. That's why the left is so active in promoting censorship.
^^^^^^^ Unbelievable. Civil War redux in order ^^^^^^^^^^


I agree.

But if the South wants to get rid of a part of its history then why stop them?

It is their history and if they want it forgotten then so be it.
Stupid statement. As if "the South" is some kind of monolith.

Nothing stupid about it.

But then your clueless. The South has a proud history and in most cases is proud of that history.

Far be it from me to educate a clueless idiot like you.

Carry on.

His point was clear. Their might be PART OF the South today that does't feel any connection to it's past and wants to erase it.

But the part of the South that does is being pissed on, it's culture and history disrespected.

And then this from back in July


Memphis City Council unanimously votes to dig up Confederate General, wife | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
^^^^^^^ Unbelievable. Civil War redux in order ^^^^^^^^^^


I agree.

But if the South wants to get rid of a part of its history then why stop them?

It is their history and if they want it forgotten then so be it.
Stupid statement. As if "the South" is some kind of monolith.

Nothing stupid about it.

But then your clueless. The South has a proud history and in most cases is proud of that history.

Far be it from me to educate a clueless idiot like you.

Carry on.
Only PC dummies want to ignore and extinguish the uncomfortable parts of history. That's why the left is so active in promoting censorship.


The destruction of old monuments, old churches, and old shrines, is, in my opinion, a more despicable crime than killing people.

It means history itself is being erased.

It depends on the context. The celebration of civil war against our nation has always seemed odd to me. Like a monument in the town square to an attempt to assassinate a president.
People are entitled to their history, even if you don't like it.

People aren't entitled to monuments to war against our nation. You can tell due to all the lack of domenstic monuments to the Japanese who killed our soldiers in WW2 for example.

Rememberance and celebration aren't the same thing.

Robert E. Lee is almost a god to Southern people. If it wasn't for his brilliance on the field, the Civil War would have ended much sooner.

And saved tens of thousands of northers and southern lives if it had ended sooner. Again, Lee waged war against the United States. He led armies that killed our soldiers. I would no more expect to see a monument to Lee in our territory than I would a monument to Romell or Yamamoto.

Part of the healing process was the recognition of the bravery of the SOuthern soldiers and the acceptance of Southern Pride in their martial showing and pre civil war culture.

Are you aware there is a Confederate Memorial in Arlington? And that Obama has sent a wreath to it at least one Memorial Day?
Do you have a credible link for that claim? If so thats a white mark against Obama.
Oh please. I'm not on your team. Your team is the team of dismembering babies and selling body parts. Your team is the team of peddling perversion to children, assassinating police officers, letting illegal aliens kill innocent people. Your team promotes and supports drug addicts. Your team shits in the streets and burns cities down. You really imagine that I would be on such a team? No.
First you claimed people were being separated now you are claiming you are not on a someones team. Make up your mind.

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