New Orleans Mayor PURGING City’s Confederate History Because IT’S OFFENSIVE

Democrats will do anything to get the black vote.
They already have the black vote.

And the Latino vote.

And the LGBT vote.

And the young vote.


Good luck :lol:

Hell ya---screw the white folk. Minorities are suddenly less important.
Just because Republicans want to screw over minorities doesn't mean minorities want to do the same.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Perfect cautionary quote on why neocon economic policies always result in huge debt.

Moron's post what they wish, NOT what is REAL!...Thank you, moron!

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt ...
The Washington Times
Nov 1, 2015 - Mr. Obama's spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation's debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so ...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today

Collectivists around the globe are in a desperate battle to destroy history. This is why you see ISIS blow up historical artifacts in Iraq and the left is doing this in the US and it is the same reason the Nazis burned books.

To read history and understand history is to oppose collectivism in any form.
Excellent explanation.....

The reason Republicans always seem to use cartoons to explain their policies and ideology is because their minds seem to have stopped developing at "comic book". That's as far as education took them. To Republicans, if it doesn't have cartoon pictures, it's not a real book.
Byrds been dead for years and he was 92 when he died. And if the Democrats are today's Confederates, which you keep suggesting, then confederate monuments are Democratic Monuments. Double fucking DUH!

You're the one that believes the people who freed the slaves were liberal Republicans just like the Republicans of today. And today's confederates in the Deep South are conservative Democrats. Don't pussy out now. Don't go changing your narrative. You'll end up confusing yourself.

You need to talk to Stephanie. I truly believe teaching you is something she surely can do. While me and her may agree on nothing, I have no doubt she could straighten you out. She may believe much different than me, but she's not stupid.

No... YOU shut the fuck up, racist PUNK! The CSA was dissolved in 1865! There is no Confederacy... as much as you racist pieces of shit may wish there were so you could don your white sheets again like the good old days.

I have NO doubt that Stephanie is 110% on MY side with this, and has probably schooled your racist ass up one side and down the other... which is why you are now trying to divert the conversation and drag me into some fucked up confrontation of your own making. That's how racist pieces of shit like you operate.

I know not a damn thing about any monument to the Confederacy but I am willing to bet you any amount of money you want to put up that the monument in question was placed there by DEMOCRATS. So are you a pussy or a man? Put up or shut up, punk!
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Perfect cautionary quote on why neocon economic policies always result in huge debt.

Moron's post what they wish, NOT what is REAL!...Thank you, moron!

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt ...
The Washington Times
Nov 1, 2015 - Mr. Obama's spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation's debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so ...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Shh, adults speaking. You go get your juice cup.
Excellent explanation.....

The reason Republicans always seem to use cartoons to explain their policies and ideology is because their minds seem to have stopped developing at "comic book". That's as far as education took them. To Republicans, if it doesn't have cartoon pictures, it's not a real book.

That is an astute observation and hits the nail on the head. They never get past the 8th grade level. Their world is perpetually black and white, us vs them, either/or. They only understand something if it is put in such simplistic childish terms.

They have a very hard time understanding complexity. Witness their lack of ability to understand Global Warming and their need to reject that which they don't understand and therefore fear.
That is an astute observation and hits the nail on the head. They never get past the 8th grade level. Their world is perpetually black and white, us vs them, either/or. They only understand something if it is put in such simplistic childish terms.

They have a very hard time understanding complexity. Witness their lack of ability to understand Global Warming and their need to reject that which they don't understand and therefore fear.

I understand about global warming, I learned about it in kindergarten. Back then it was called The Story of Chicken Little! Liberals probably had it expunged because it wasn't PC and made fun of retards who panic over silliness. :dunno:
That is an astute observation and hits the nail on the head. They never get past the 8th grade level. Their world is perpetually black and white, us vs them, either/or. They only understand something if it is put in such simplistic childish terms.

They have a very hard time understanding complexity. Witness their lack of ability to understand Global Warming and their need to reject that which they don't understand and therefore fear.

I understand about global warming, I learned about it in kindergarten. Back then it was called The Story of Chicken Little! Liberals probably had it expunged because it wasn't PC and made fun of retards who panic over silliness. :dunno:

I know, its too scary for you like most everything in life. Its ok, go hide. The adults are handling it.
I know, its too scary for you like most everything in life. Its ok, go hide. The adults are handling it.

I am an adult, shit stain... probably older than you. Because, I can remember as a child, the Chicken Littles were squawking about how we were heading for an ice age if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals. When that proved to be WRONG and there was no cooling trend... the Chicken Littles started squawking about Global Warming if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals. When that proved to be WRONG and there was no warming trend... the Chicken Littles began squawking about Climate Change if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals.

Climate Change is JUST RIGHT... because no matter what happens, it's still happening! And the solution is still to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals.
Byrds been dead for years and he was 92 when he died. And if the Democrats are today's Confederates, which you keep suggesting, then confederate monuments are Democratic Monuments. Double fucking DUH!

You're the one that believes the people who freed the slaves were liberal Republicans just like the Republicans of today. And today's confederates in the Deep South are conservative Democrats. Don't pussy out now. Don't go changing your narrative. You'll end up confusing yourself.

You need to talk to Stephanie. I truly believe teaching you is something she surely can do. While me and her may agree on nothing, I have no doubt she could straighten you out. She may believe much different than me, but she's not stupid.

No... YOU shut the fuck up, racist PUNK! The CSA was dissolved in 1865! There is no Confederacy... as much as you racist pieces of shit may wish there were so you could don your white sheets again like the good old days.

I have NO doubt that Stephanie is 110% on MY side with this, and has probably schooled your racist ass up one side and down the other... which is why you are now trying to divert the conversation and drag me into some fucked up confrontation of your own making. That's how racist pieces of shit like you operate.

I know not a damn thing about any monument to the Confederacy but I am willing to bet you any amount of money you want to put up that the monument in question was placed there by DEMOCRATS. So are you a pussy or a man? Put up or shut up, punk!
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Perfect cautionary quote on why neocon economic policies always result in huge debt.

Moron's post what they wish, NOT what is REAL!...Thank you, moron!

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt ...
The Washington Times
Nov 1, 2015 - Mr. Obama's spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation's debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so ...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
So divide the debt up. Which came from Republicans, which came from Democrats.
Here, let me start.

Over three trillion from the deficit creating job killing Bush Tax Cuts.
The trillions the GOP spent when they used reconciliation three times under Bush.
Trillions lost from the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008.
Trillions lost from the over 40,000 factories closed down here from 2001 to 2008.
The trillions Republicans spent on Iraq and Afghanistan.
The trillions into the future it will cost to take care of tens of thousands maimed in Iraq.
Another trillion from Medicare Part D (or as some call it - The Drugs for Votes bill).
The trillions lost when America was losing 750,000 jobs a month when Bush handed over the economy to Obama.

And that's just the big stuff.


Name the stuff Obama spent the money on.
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
I know, its too scary for you like most everything in life. Its ok, go hide. The adults are handling it.

I am an adult, shit stain... probably older than you. Because, I can remember as a child, the Chicken Littles were squawking about how we were heading for an ice age if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals. When that proved to be WRONG and there was no cooling trend... the Chicken Littles started squawking about Global Warming if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals. When that proved to be WRONG and there was no warming trend... the Chicken Littles began squawking about Climate Change if we didn't "do something" ...which was to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals.

Climate Change is JUST RIGHT... because no matter what happens, it's still happening! And the solution is still to hand more power to government and take more freedom from individuals.

You are scared and ignorant, I get it. Go hide.
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
Would you just stop? You make yourself look more ignorant with each post.


Lincoln was a Republican, and 1860s Southern Democrats voted against him and supported slavery. That’s part of the historical record. Unfortunately for Fischer, so is everything that has happened since 1860.

That was a century-and-a-half ago. It’s almost as if, in Fischer’s mind, time has stood still. Did he miss the Republican Party’s own “Southern Strategy”? Did he miss all the racist white Democrats migrating over to the Republican Party in the 1960s?
Did he miss, as a result of that shift, 90 percent of all black voters being Democrats after 1965? A century-and-a-half after the Civil War, the Democratic Party was no longer the party of slavery.

Today’s Democrats are the 1860s Republicans in outlook, and today’s Republican Party has become the party of 1860s Southern Democrats. It is the GOP of the 21st century that looks fondly back on slavery, and tells blacks they were better off as slaves than under Democratic governance today.

It is the Republican Party that has become a white nationalist hate group, the party of neo-Confederates and secessionists.
Fischer’s own party, not to put too fine a point upon it. It is Republicans who are now calling Governor Nikki Haley a RINOfor calling for the Confederate flag to come down.

Not Democrats.

Bryan Fischer Claims Confederate Flag is a Democratic Problem


That's just the way it is. Go to school, you might learn something of value.

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