New Orleans Mayor PURGING City’s Confederate History Because IT’S OFFENSIVE

This could actually be a precedent setting situation. ISIS defacing ancient ruins is the first thing I thought of, too, although they are destroying relics of a civilization that had NOTHING to do with them. So, on second thought, maybe it's not a good analogy. If the majority of residents in New Orleans want the statues out of public spaces, that's their right, of course. I worry, though, about erasing parts of history that don't fit in with our current politics. It's way too 1984. Or actual USSR, for that matter. We just need to be careful, is all.
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today
That is just fucking hilarious because



Believes those are all liberal Democratic monuments. Go ahead. ASK HIM!
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today
That is just fucking hilarious because



Believes those are all liberal Democratic monuments. Go ahead. ASK HIM!

Why do you feel the need to run over here and LIE about me? I never said one goddamn word about monuments. Don't know about the monuments. All I said was the Confederate States of America was formed by DEMOCRATS. That's a fact of history, dimwit.

It was also DEMOCRATS who put the rebel flag all over the statehouses back during desegregation in protest... they called themselves "Dixiecrats" back then. They were led by the likes of George Wallace and Lester Maddox who were life-long Democrats. They didn't change parties, just as Robert KKK Byrd never changed parties.
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today

Why does removing various statues 'purge' history? Are these things not written down? You think statues are the only way people learn about history? That is like needing a picture book, rather than a history book, to learn and know history.

OP is a fail. Where is the Plymouth rock? Which rock is it? How are people supposed to know the history of the Pilgrims?

Laughable nonsense. Its way past time to get rid of these SYMBOLS of racism and hatred that the south has taken comfort in since they lost the Civil War. The south lost, get over it.
Your post is what's wrong with history lessons. The Spanish settled in Florida almost a hundred years before the pilgrims of Plymouth rock
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today

Why does removing various statues 'purge' history? Are these things not written down? You think statues are the only way people learn about history? That is like needing a picture book, rather than a history book, to learn and know history.

OP is a fail. Where is the Plymouth rock? Which rock is it? How are people supposed to know the history of the Pilgrims?

Laughable nonsense. Its way past time to get rid of these SYMBOLS of racism and hatred that the south has taken comfort in since they lost the Civil War. The south lost, get over it.
Your post is what's wrong with history lessons. The Spanish settled in Florida almost a hundred years before the pilgrims of Plymouth rock
Your post has no connection to the comment you replied to - it only would if he claimed the Pilgrims were the first to inhabit America, which it didn't/

Pay attention!

"Why does removing various statues 'purge' history? Are these things not written down? You think statues are the only way people learn about history? That is like needing a picture book, rather than a history book, to learn and know history."
Democrats will do anything to get the black vote.
They already have the black vote.

And the Latino vote.

And the LGBT vote.

And the young vote.


Good luck :lol:

Hell ya---screw the white folk. Minorities are suddenly less important.

Need some ointment for your butthurt?

Hey--I'm not the bozo that thinks banning words, tearing down monuments and burning flags will fix the nation. I'm curious if there is any science behind this strategy. Same as AGW prolly. :lmao:
That's what they used to do in 3rd world nations. Chairman Mao tried to strip China of it's "corrupt" history when communism swept the country.
this is all that Louisiana State University has to say about its first president....

The institution’s main building is completed near Pineville, Louisiana. Col. W.T. Sherman accepts position as superintendent.
That is all she wrote..
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today
That is just fucking hilarious because



Believes those are all liberal Democratic monuments. Go ahead. ASK HIM!

Why do you feel the need to run over here and LIE about me? I never said one goddamn word about monuments. Don't know about the monuments. All I said was the Confederate States of America was formed by DEMOCRATS. That's a fact of history, dimwit.

It was also DEMOCRATS who put the rebel flag all over the statehouses back during desegregation in protest... they called themselves "Dixiecrats" back then. They were led by the likes of George Wallace and Lester Maddox who were life-long Democrats. They didn't change parties, just as Robert KKK Byrd never changed parties.
Byrds been dead for years and he was 92 when he died. And if the Democrats are today's Confederates, which you keep suggesting, then confederate monuments are Democratic Monuments. Double fucking DUH!

You're the one that believes the people who freed the slaves were liberal Republicans just like the Republicans of today. And today's confederates in the Deep South are conservative Democrats. Don't pussy out now. Don't go changing your narrative. You'll end up confusing yourself.

You need to talk to Stephanie. I truly believe teaching you is something she surely can do. While me and her may agree on nothing, I have no doubt she could straighten you out. She may believe much different than me, but she's not stupid.

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