New Orleans Mayor PURGING City’s Confederate History Because IT’S OFFENSIVE

Nice. You don't see any Hitler statues when you're walking around in Germany do you?

Robert E. Lee is Hitler?

Great sig line you got there...


It's a great sig line. And it will remain until Trump bows out.

As for Lee, what he fought for was as bad as what Hitler fought for. I wonder if they both felt they had good intentions.

What paves the road to hell again?
You believe that violence is great?

Yeah...sure...for a good cause ... of course.
Did you post that thinking it made some kind of point?

It must have made a bit of a replied.

Clearly I'm wondering what point you were trying to make. I have no idea.

Don't worry about it. If you didn't get it the first time, you will never get it.

You believe that violence is great?

Yeah...sure...for a good cause ... of course.
Did you post that thinking it made some kind of point?

It must have made a bit of a replied.

Clearly I'm wondering what point you were trying to make. I have no idea.

Don't worry about it. If you didn't get it the first time, you will never get it.

K. Nice conversation. Not.
Democrats will do anything to get the black vote.

as we from last night, they will use any group of people to get votes. last night they had trump hating Hispanics, Muslims I didn't notice if they got around to Homosexuals
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Perfect cautionary quote on why neocon economic policies always result in huge debt.

Moron's post what they wish, NOT what is REAL!...Thank you, moron!

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt ...
The Washington Times
Nov 1, 2015 - Mr. Obama's spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation's debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so ...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
So divide the debt up. Which came from Republicans, which came from Democrats.
Here, let me start.

Over three trillion from the deficit creating job killing Bush Tax Cuts.
The trillions the GOP spent when they used reconciliation three times under Bush.
Trillions lost from the millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008.
Trillions lost from the over 40,000 factories closed down here from 2001 to 2008.
The trillions Republicans spent on Iraq and Afghanistan.
The trillions into the future it will cost to take care of tens of thousands maimed in Iraq.
Another trillion from Medicare Part D (or as some call it - The Drugs for Votes bill).
The trillions lost when America was losing 750,000 jobs a month when Bush handed over the economy to Obama.

And that's just the big stuff.


Name the stuff Obama spent the money on.
And the debt increased by 50% from '08 to '14. Name another time in history that we've seen a 50% jump in total debt over six years

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
As for Lee, what he fought for was as bad as what Hitler fought for. I wonder if they both felt they had good intentions.

Wow... Illustrating your ignorance on several fronts. The Union actually lobbied Lee to lead their army against the South and he considered it. He was opposed to slavery. He was a Virginian and in the end, that was the only reason he joined the CSA instead. For some reason, people today have this vision of a nation that was sharply divided over the issue of slavery at the Mason-Dixon line. While there was more pro-slavery support in the South it was hardly universal and the same for abolition in the North. Lots of people in the North didn't give a shit about slavery and the Union had to downplay the whole "War to Free Slaves" angle to recruit soldiers and keep states from revolting.

Far more than the issue of slavery, the war from the Southern perspective was to protect their country.

You can make the comparison between Hitler and Slavery because there are some similarities but Hitler wanted to exterminate a race where slavery merely sought to exploit a race. Which is worse?
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
Would you just stop? You make yourself look more ignorant with each post.


Lincoln was a Republican, and 1860s Southern Democrats voted against him and supported slavery. That’s part of the historical record. Unfortunately for Fischer, so is everything that has happened since 1860.

That was a century-and-a-half ago. It’s almost as if, in Fischer’s mind, time has stood still. Did he miss the Republican Party’s own “Southern Strategy”? Did he miss all the racist white Democrats migrating over to the Republican Party in the 1960s?
Did he miss, as a result of that shift, 90 percent of all black voters being Democrats after 1965? A century-and-a-half after the Civil War, the Democratic Party was no longer the party of slavery.

Today’s Democrats are the 1860s Republicans in outlook, and today’s Republican Party has become the party of 1860s Southern Democrats. It is the GOP of the 21st century that looks fondly back on slavery, and tells blacks they were better off as slaves than under Democratic governance today.

It is the Republican Party that has become a white nationalist hate group, the party of neo-Confederates and secessionists.
Fischer’s own party, not to put too fine a point upon it. It is Republicans who are now calling Governor Nikki Haley a RINOfor calling for the Confederate flag to come down.

Not Democrats.

Bryan Fischer Claims Confederate Flag is a Democratic Problem


That's just the way it is. Go to school, you might learn something of value.

All you are doing is fomenting hate and trying to run away from the Democratic ties to racism and segregation. The reason you want to remove the history is because you can't revise it. So now, you all want to run around pretending the same people voting in 2016 were voting in 1964. In your fantasy, people don't die or age. Nor do they change.
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
Would you just stop? You make yourself look more ignorant with each post.


Lincoln was a Republican, and 1860s Southern Democrats voted against him and supported slavery. That’s part of the historical record. Unfortunately for Fischer, so is everything that has happened since 1860.

That was a century-and-a-half ago. It’s almost as if, in Fischer’s mind, time has stood still. Did he miss the Republican Party’s own “Southern Strategy”? Did he miss all the racist white Democrats migrating over to the Republican Party in the 1960s?
Did he miss, as a result of that shift, 90 percent of all black voters being Democrats after 1965? A century-and-a-half after the Civil War, the Democratic Party was no longer the party of slavery.

Today’s Democrats are the 1860s Republicans in outlook, and today’s Republican Party has become the party of 1860s Southern Democrats. It is the GOP of the 21st century that looks fondly back on slavery, and tells blacks they were better off as slaves than under Democratic governance today.

It is the Republican Party that has become a white nationalist hate group, the party of neo-Confederates and secessionists.
Fischer’s own party, not to put too fine a point upon it. It is Republicans who are now calling Governor Nikki Haley a RINOfor calling for the Confederate flag to come down.

Not Democrats.

Bryan Fischer Claims Confederate Flag is a Democratic Problem


That's just the way it is. Go to school, you might learn something of value.

All you are doing is fomenting hate and trying to run away from the Democratic ties to racism and segregation. The reason you want to remove the history is because you can't revise it. So now, you all want to run around pretending the same people voting in 2016 were voting in 1964. In your fantasy, people don't die or age. Nor do they change.

Republicans are the only ones revising history. The democrats were the racist party up until it flipped and the south went conservative and to the Republicans.

Today that honor is the Republicans. Spin it any way you like this is the reality TODAY. We aren't living in 1950 though that is where most cons live.
If democrats really wanted to rewrite history and remove racism, when will California's 21 missions be demolished?
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
Would you just stop? You make yourself look more ignorant with each post.


Lincoln was a Republican, and 1860s Southern Democrats voted against him and supported slavery. That’s part of the historical record. Unfortunately for Fischer, so is everything that has happened since 1860.

That was a century-and-a-half ago. It’s almost as if, in Fischer’s mind, time has stood still. Did he miss the Republican Party’s own “Southern Strategy”? Did he miss all the racist white Democrats migrating over to the Republican Party in the 1960s?
Did he miss, as a result of that shift, 90 percent of all black voters being Democrats after 1965? A century-and-a-half after the Civil War, the Democratic Party was no longer the party of slavery.

Today’s Democrats are the 1860s Republicans in outlook, and today’s Republican Party has become the party of 1860s Southern Democrats. It is the GOP of the 21st century that looks fondly back on slavery, and tells blacks they were better off as slaves than under Democratic governance today.

It is the Republican Party that has become a white nationalist hate group, the party of neo-Confederates and secessionists.
Fischer’s own party, not to put too fine a point upon it. It is Republicans who are now calling Governor Nikki Haley a RINOfor calling for the Confederate flag to come down.

Not Democrats.

Bryan Fischer Claims Confederate Flag is a Democratic Problem


That's just the way it is. Go to school, you might learn something of value.

All you are doing is fomenting hate and trying to run away from the Democratic ties to racism and segregation. The reason you want to remove the history is because you can't revise it. So now, you all want to run around pretending the same people voting in 2016 were voting in 1964. In your fantasy, people don't die or age. Nor do they change.

Republicans are the only ones revising history. The democrats were the racist party up until it flipped and the south went conservative and to the Republicans.

Today that honor is the Republicans. Spin it any way you like this is the reality TODAY. We aren't living in 1950 though that is where most cons live.

LMAO... No, there was no sudden "FLIP" of the political parties, dimwit. Of all your attempts to try and remove the tarnish of your party's past, this one takes the cake. Sometime between 68 and 72 there was supposedly some kind of cosmic event that happened and it switched both the parties around! But it didn't effect any politicians except Strom Thurmond and Richard Nixon! Thurmond changed to a Republican and Nixon changed into a racist... everyone else remained as they were and received some mystical and undocumented absolution. ...Probably a UFO!


And I think it's hilarious that you think Republicans are living in 1950, given the amount of rhetoric being churned out by Democrats with regards to equal pay, equality in the workforce, etc. Even the status of race relations and politics.. you think we are stuck in 1950. Same people voting and everything. They're all just voting for Republicans now instead of Dixiecrats. smdh
You really think Stephanie believes today's Southern Confederates are liberal democrats? Really? You sure about that? Like I said, me and Stephanie don't agree on just about everything. But that doesn't mean she's stupid. You on the other hand.......................

There's not any Southern Confederates today. Who the hell are you talking about? The Confederacy ended in 1865! It hasn't existed since! The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. The Democrat Party existed... they are the ones who put up the monuments and established the Jim Crow laws, stood in the schoolhouse door and defied desegregation, hung the Rebel flag all over their statehouses in protest, turned the fire-hoses and police dogs on protesters, fomented violence against MLK marching from Selma to Montgomery, had the justice department investigate him extensively, banned colored people from lunch counters, killed Emmett Till, made Rosa sit on the back of the bus, mentored Bill Clinton, re-elected Robert Byrd, George Wallace and Lester Maddox... on and on and on. It's a long storied legacy that modern liberals want to expunge as they attempt to insinuate it's all the fault of racist republicans.

It was because of Republicans the Civil War ended slavery in America. It was because of Republicans that Jim Crow laws were struck down... that the Civil Rights Act passed... that the Voting Rights Act passed... that desegregation was enforced... without their support NONE of it would have happened.

I have tremendous respect for Stephanie, don't bring her into this. You're just trying to stir up some shit and cause controversy because you're on a mission. It's not going to work on me or Stephanie, we're WAY too smart for the likes of YOU!
Would you just stop? You make yourself look more ignorant with each post.


Lincoln was a Republican, and 1860s Southern Democrats voted against him and supported slavery. That’s part of the historical record. Unfortunately for Fischer, so is everything that has happened since 1860.

That was a century-and-a-half ago. It’s almost as if, in Fischer’s mind, time has stood still. Did he miss the Republican Party’s own “Southern Strategy”? Did he miss all the racist white Democrats migrating over to the Republican Party in the 1960s?
Did he miss, as a result of that shift, 90 percent of all black voters being Democrats after 1965? A century-and-a-half after the Civil War, the Democratic Party was no longer the party of slavery.

Today’s Democrats are the 1860s Republicans in outlook, and today’s Republican Party has become the party of 1860s Southern Democrats. It is the GOP of the 21st century that looks fondly back on slavery, and tells blacks they were better off as slaves than under Democratic governance today.

It is the Republican Party that has become a white nationalist hate group, the party of neo-Confederates and secessionists.
Fischer’s own party, not to put too fine a point upon it. It is Republicans who are now calling Governor Nikki Haley a RINOfor calling for the Confederate flag to come down.

Not Democrats.

Bryan Fischer Claims Confederate Flag is a Democratic Problem


That's just the way it is. Go to school, you might learn something of value.

All you are doing is fomenting hate and trying to run away from the Democratic ties to racism and segregation. The reason you want to remove the history is because you can't revise it. So now, you all want to run around pretending the same people voting in 2016 were voting in 1964. In your fantasy, people don't die or age. Nor do they change.

Republicans are the only ones revising history. The democrats were the racist party up until it flipped and the south went conservative and to the Republicans.

Today that honor is the Republicans. Spin it any way you like this is the reality TODAY. We aren't living in 1950 though that is where most cons live.

LMAO... No, there was no sudden "FLIP" of the political parties, dimwit. Of all your attempts to try and remove the tarnish of your party's past, this one takes the cake. Sometime between 68 and 72 there was supposedly some kind of cosmic event that happened and it switched both the parties around! But it didn't effect any politicians except Strom Thurmond and Richard Nixon! Thurmond changed to a Republican and Nixon changed into a racist... everyone else remained as they were and received some mystical and undocumented absolution. ...Probably a UFO!


And I think it's hilarious that you think Republicans are living in 1950, given the amount of rhetoric being churned out by Democrats with regards to equal pay, equality in the workforce, etc. Even the status of race relations and politics.. you think we are stuck in 1950. Same people voting and everything. They're all just voting for Republicans now instead of Dixiecrats. smdh

Sorry, if you don't know history its like talking to a pinecone.
We should create a holiday for destroying confederate bullshit and burning that hillbilly flag.
Sure go for it just some suggestions though
1.Do it on a Confederate flag owners property
2.Make sure said owner is AWARE of your presence and that he is armed
3.Do this DOWN SOUTH
4. PLEASE video tape it! Make sure to take a friend so once he owner blasts your yellowbellied ass your friend can post it on youtube so we can laugh to our hearts content.
I see some yellow bellied bastard step on my property with intent to harm MY PROPERTY I am well within my rights to shoot the son of a bitch and I will :)
The evil comes from the resolve to maintain the institution and the hatred with which it was administered during the period that it was waning here as well. They were our Nazi Reich, in fact the worst scourge the US has faced in our history.

Confederates were nowhere NEAR as bad as the Nazis. The Nazis exterminated an entire religous/ethnic group in their borders, they starved slavs for economic gain, they made people "disappear" to create fear in occupied territories (Nacht und Nebel), they had plans for a Europe ruled by Germans, with slavic serfs.

STOP IT. The Confederates were backwards by our standards, and they were fighting for a terrible cause, but they were not as bad as Nazis. Stop. It.
Do you know how analogies are used?

Yes. Confederates had grey uniforms and nazis went with black or tan. We had a group of racist ideologues whose resolve on matters of racial subjugation was so intense that they were willing to die for it. They affected the Nazi serfdom you describe right here in the United States... as I describe.

You went as far as "as bad as". My statement is more like "our version of". A confederate US is far worse than a Nazi Europe. Maybe that's why more of our blood and treasure was poured into eradicating your southern heroes than was spent on Hitler.

The comparison is not valid, and only trivializes what the Nazi's actually did. We forgave the South as part of the process of getting the country back together, and you idiots want to re-open old wounds just to make your stupid political points.

And fuck you about the whole "southern heroes" thing.
The country should never have come back together. The historical error was that the South lost. Had the South won, the split in the country would have happened then instead of bungling through it now. The central issue of the civil war was whether states had the right to leave the union. The issue was settled but on the wrong side.

I disagree. When you enter into a contract, it can only be negated if both sides agree to it. The South threw a temper tantrum over the imaginary threat of Republicans banning slavery (they didn't have the votes in the legislature to pull that off) and they paid for it. Ironically their failure after seceding is what made the federal government of today possible, if they had not resorted to it, I think you would have a much different balance between federal and state power than today.
Alright then its time for the US to return to British rule as a colony. It was never agreed upon.
Sorry, if you don't know history its like talking to a pinecone.

Seems we now have TWO threads devoted to the fairy tale of the mysterious flip-flopping parties. That must have been on the DailyKOS or MoveON talking points memo for today or something?

We've all heard this bullshit for YEARS. Democrats win over the black vote by pandering to them and brainwashing them into believing all those racist people of the past who hated them are still alive and well and voting for the Republican. They have exploited black people for their vote by parsing out a few crumbs here and there, like LBJ and others taught them to do.

I know history better than you do, pine cone.
Unbelievable, looks like the lib/dem/blacks are taking after ISIS in this day age. really they should tear down the whole city. and look who the mayor is. These city councils are stepping over their bounds as elected officials of a city. that should be voted on by the people living there. first Portland, now this. shameful

Since the AME Charleston Church shooting, liberals have been going after history that they deem ‘racist.’ The latest instance is New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu who is officially removing historical monuments.

The Hayride reports:

The New Orleans City Council voted 6-1 today to remove four historical monuments in the city: Robert E Lee Circle, PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue, the Jefferson Davis monument and the Liberty Place monument.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu first requested the proposal back in June after the AME Charleson Church shooting. At the time, Landrieu said he wanted to hold a “60-day discussion period” so that residents could converse about the four monuments on the chopping block.

Update: Here’s a photo Mayor Mitch Landrieu tweeted out showing him signing the ordinance to officially remove four historical monuments in the city. Councilwoman Stacy Head, the lone ‘no’ vote on removal is the only New Orleans City Council member not standing beside Landrieu.

all of it here:
New Orleans Mayor PURGING City's Confederate History Because IT'S OFFENSIVE - Progressives Today

Why does removing various statues 'purge' history? Are these things not written down? You think statues are the only way people learn about history? That is like needing a picture book, rather than a history book, to learn and know history.

OP is a fail. Where is the Plymouth rock? Which rock is it? How are people supposed to know the history of the Pilgrims?

Laughable nonsense. Its way past time to get rid of these SYMBOLS of racism and hatred that the south has taken comfort in since they lost the Civil War. The south lost, get over it.

And we welcomed them back into the country, and let them keep their symbols and memories of the "lost cause". Now we are washing over that part of the healing process, because "people in the past were bad compared to our morals now".

Again, when should I expect all those "Malcolm X Blvd" signs to be taken down?

That was a huge mistake.


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