New Poland partition?

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Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
Polish political scientist Konrad Renkas, in an article for Konserwatyzm, expressed the opinion that Poland's entry into an alliance with Ukraine and simultaneous withdrawal from the European Union under the auspices of Britain will give Germany the opportunity to raise the issue of the appropriation of former German lands.

"One signature on the document on the alliance with Ukraine, one step towards the British-Polish-Ukrainian alliance — and they will take away from Poland everything that we won in 1945, or more," the journalist believes

Economically, Poland is already part of Germany's sphere of influence, Renkas stressed. However, as long as Warsaw is a member of the European Union, Berlin cannot take measures.

At the same time, the merger with the "Anglo—Saxon colony" - Ukraine can untie the hands of the Germans, the political scientist believes.

The remaining regions of Poland "will eventually undergo Ukrainization," he claims.
According to the author, "the next section of the republic" is already "in the process of implementation."

Politico columnist Mujtaba Rahman wrote earlier that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are opposing the Baltic states, Scandinavia and Poland on the issue of settlement in Ukraine.

In all this absolutely magnificent stream of consciousness, the most beautiful thing is this: "... everything that we won in 1945..."
It was you poles, who stubbornly unleashed the war all the 1930s, kissing Hitler on the lips and being the first to sign a non-aggression treaty with him, and then joyfully shared Czechoslovakia together.
Poland is one of the aggressors, who unleashed the Second World War, a country that stubbornly stood in the way of an agreement between the USSR on the one hand and France and England on the other, absolutely preventing the possibility of the Red Army's access to the borders of Germany to fight Hitler and this is a concrete fact.
And then, when Hitler disdained such "allies", it was you, an abomination, who surrendered to him like cowardly rats in 1939, 3 weeks after the start of hostilities!
And, as always, you supported the aggressors, who came to the soviet land to kill and plunder, more than 60,000 Poles were captured by the Red Army during the war, which is more than the Italians, who officially fought against the USSR.
But they forgave you that, and 600,000 Soviet soldiers fell into polish soil, so that you could exist at all now, and you, vile creatures, defecate on their graves!
And those German lands that you allegedly "won" were given to you by comrade Stalin, so that you, ungrateful freaks, could compensate for Western Belarus and Western Ukraine (that didn't belong to you in the first place (though the latter should have been left to you, you and Bandera are twin brothers).
Well, just some incredible scum... Churchill said this, speaking of Poland, that the bravest there are always led by the meanest.
Polish political scientist Konrad Renkas, in an article for Konserwatyzm, expressed the opinion that Poland's entry into an alliance with Ukraine and simultaneous withdrawal from the European Union under the auspices of Britain will give Germany the opportunity to raise the issue of the appropriation of former German lands.

"One signature on the document on the alliance with Ukraine, one step towards the British-Polish-Ukrainian alliance — and they will take away from Poland everything that we won in 1945, or more," the journalist believes

Economically, Poland is already part of Germany's sphere of influence, Renkas stressed. However, as long as Warsaw is a member of the European Union, Berlin cannot take measures.

At the same time, the merger with the "Anglo—Saxon colony" - Ukraine can untie the hands of the Germans, the political scientist believes.

The remaining regions of Poland "will eventually undergo Ukrainization," he claims.
According to the author, "the next section of the republic" is already "in the process of implementation."

Politico columnist Mujtaba Rahman wrote earlier that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are opposing the Baltic states, Scandinavia and Poland on the issue of settlement in Ukraine.

In all this absolutely magnificent stream of consciousness, the most beautiful thing is this: "... everything that we won in 1945..."
It was you poles, who stubbornly unleashed the war all the 1930s, kissing Hitler on the lips and being the first to sign a non-aggression treaty with him, and then joyfully shared Czechoslovakia together.
Poland is one of the aggressors, who unleashed the Second World War, a country that stubbornly stood in the way of an agreement between the USSR on the one hand and France and England on the other, absolutely preventing the possibility of the Red Army's access to the borders of Germany to fight Hitler and this is a concrete fact.
And then, when Hitler disdained such "allies", it was you, an abomination, who surrendered to him like cowardly rats in 1939, 3 weeks after the start of hostilities!
And, as always, you supported the aggressors, who came to the soviet land to kill and plunder, more than 60,000 Poles were captured by the Red Army during the war, which is more than the Italians, who officially fought against the USSR.
But they forgave you that, and 600,000 Soviet soldiers fell into polish soil, so that you could exist at all now, and you, vile creatures, defecate on their graves!
And those German lands that you allegedly "won" were given to you by comrade Stalin, so that you, ungrateful freaks, could compensate for Western Belarus and Western Ukraine (that didn't belong to you in the first place (though the latter should have been left to you, you and Bandera are twin brothers).
Well, just some incredible scum... Churchill said this, speaking of Poland, that the bravest there are always led by the meanest.

Poland should get their land back from Russia.
Polish political scientist Konrad Renkas, in an article for Konserwatyzm, expressed the opinion that Poland's entry into an alliance with Ukraine and simultaneous withdrawal from the European Union under the auspices of Britain will give Germany the opportunity to raise the issue of the appropriation of former German lands.

"One signature on the document on the alliance with Ukraine, one step towards the British-Polish-Ukrainian alliance — and they will take away from Poland everything that we won in 1945, or more," the journalist believes

Economically, Poland is already part of Germany's sphere of influence, Renkas stressed. However, as long as Warsaw is a member of the European Union, Berlin cannot take measures.

At the same time, the merger with the "Anglo—Saxon colony" - Ukraine can untie the hands of the Germans, the political scientist believes.

The remaining regions of Poland "will eventually undergo Ukrainization," he claims.
According to the author, "the next section of the republic" is already "in the process of implementation."

Politico columnist Mujtaba Rahman wrote earlier that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are opposing the Baltic states, Scandinavia and Poland on the issue of settlement in Ukraine.

In all this absolutely magnificent stream of consciousness, the most beautiful thing is this: "... everything that we won in 1945..."
It was you poles, who stubbornly unleashed the war all the 1930s, kissing Hitler on the lips and being the first to sign a non-aggression treaty with him, and then joyfully shared Czechoslovakia together.
Poland is one of the aggressors, who unleashed the Second World War, a country that stubbornly stood in the way of an agreement between the USSR on the one hand and France and England on the other, absolutely preventing the possibility of the Red Army's access to the borders of Germany to fight Hitler and this is a concrete fact.
And then, when Hitler disdained such "allies", it was you, an abomination, who surrendered to him like cowardly rats in 1939, 3 weeks after the start of hostilities!
And, as always, you supported the aggressors, who came to the soviet land to kill and plunder, more than 60,000 Poles were captured by the Red Army during the war, which is more than the Italians, who officially fought against the USSR.
But they forgave you that, and 600,000 Soviet soldiers fell into polish soil, so that you could exist at all now, and you, vile creatures, defecate on their graves!
And those German lands that you allegedly "won" were given to you by comrade Stalin, so that you, ungrateful freaks, could compensate for Western Belarus and Western Ukraine (that didn't belong to you in the first place (though the latter should have been left to you, you and Bandera are twin brothers).
Well, just some incredible scum... Churchill said this, speaking of Poland, that the bravest there are always led by the meanest.

Poland is one of the aggressors, who unleashed the Second World War,

Dude, I know you're Russian, but you're hitting the vodka a little hard today.
Poland is one of the aggressors, who unleashed the Second World War,

Dude, I know you're Russian, but you're hitting the vodka a little hard today.

and muslim dicks, ivans love it this way


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