New Poll: 79% Of Biden Voters Want Him To Debate In The Primaries But Biden Won't Do It. What's He And The DNC Afraid Of?

Either way, if he won't, RFK Jr should slam him for being a weak coward afraid to debate the issues that plague America due to the Usurper's destructive policies.

Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged vegetable. He can't even fly to the UK for the coronation - a President who is too old to travel.

His handlers know he can't handle doing a live debate where he would have to THINK on his feet and respond on the fly. He can't even read a teleprompter or read cue cards in his hands. He has to have cheat notes consisti g of the media's questions in advance with a picture if the reporter.

Refusing to allow debates is the admission by Biden's team that he is mentally and physically unable to carry out his duties NOW as President, let alone do 4 more years ... in 2 years.
Sure. Keep a close eye on his butt. Not that you’re obsessed or creepy or anything.

Ok ok. You are obsessed and creepy.

Fat Donnie is like Jaba the Hut

Biden is at target body mass, watches what he eats and actually exercises.
Jabba the Hut just downs Cheeseburgers and Diet Cokes all day
You stupid idiot. Breitbart didn't do the poll. Redfield & Wilton Strategies polling did it. Breitbart even links to the Newsweek article reporting it you knee jerk reaction retard.

Did the same republic narrative pollsters ask same question of the former 1-term fuckup?

The unemployment rate dropped to 3.4 percent last month, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Friday.​

Now expect republicans to reply saying that number isn't real. They did that to Obama for 8 years. Suddenly Trump was president. He passed tax breaks to everyone and the unemployment number went down to 3.3%. Suddenly they believed the number and said Trump was greatest of all time. Better to blacks than the presidents who freed them or passed civil rights. No one has done more for all of us than Trump. But Trump does the most for himself. That's why Jared Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudi's right when Trump was thrown out of office. It was payback for Trump selling them nuclear technology and weapons and fighter planes.

No one has done more for the Saudi Royal Family than Trump.
The lowest unemployment rate under the former 1-term fuckup was 3.5% not 3.3%.

Also, black unemployment now is lower than what happened under him too.
Me neither. Even my landholdings are all paid off, vehicles too.

Try doing that with one or more service industry jobs since Clinton destroyed manufacturing.
Clinton didn’t. Google ford or gm record profits 1999, 1998, 1997 Bush tweeked nafta and gave corporations going overseas mass tax breaks.

Bush also stopped going after illegal employers, lied us into war and caused the Great Recession. Or did Clinton cause that too?
The similarity between the corrupt criminal fascists, communist, tyrants scum... is incredible! Poor America

Breitbart news.

Did you see where this POLL came from?

Breitbart News Network is an American far-right syndicated news, opinion, and commentary website

I wouldn't believe their poll
The Breitbart poll is probably accurate

They poll Republican voters and ask if Biden should have to debate RFK jr……..They say YES
The similarity between the corrupt criminal fascists, communist, tyrants scum... is incredible! Poor America

wow, fuckup stupid.

Hey, when is the QOP going to have a debate on national socialism?

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