New poll: Americans want feds to let states decide pot policy


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Marijuana Policy Project: New polling ‘makes it clear’ Americans want feds to let states decide pot policy

The polling firm Gallup said Monday that for the first time ever, a super-majority of the American public wants the federal government to let individual states decide how to regulate marijuana, if they so choose.

A whopping 64 percent told Gallup and USA Today that the federal government should not move to intervene in Colorado and Washington’s forthcoming marijuana regulations, which voters approved by wide margins on Election Day. Just 34 percent told pollsters they think the federal government should take action.

“This isn’t the first poll that shows voters want the government to let the states move forward,” Mason Tvert, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project, told Raw Story. “We’re talking about multiple polls now, and they’re making it clear that most Americans do not want the federal government interfering in the implementation of state laws making marijuana illegal for adults.”

I agree, states police cigs and booze, pot is the same in my mind.

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