New Poll - Obama 54% - Romney 43% - Conservatives begin to Panic

If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......
CNN poll, like they are really to be believed. What a joke.
Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.

First, Romney isn't the nominee yet.

Second, if he becomes the nominee it is because more people voted for him than the others.
Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.

First, Romney isn't the nominee yet.

Second, if he becomes the nominee it is because more people voted for him than the others.

No, it will be because Citizens United allowed Romney to receive tens of millions of dollars from billionaires for attack ads.
Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.

First, Romney isn't the nominee yet.

Second, if he becomes the nominee it is because more people voted for him than the others.

No, it will be because Citizens United allowed Romney to receive tens of millions of dollars from billionaires for attack ads.

People dont vote for someone just because they spend money.
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

How about this 'poll'

"WASHINGTON – Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was it was unanimously defeated, 414-0."

Read more: House Easily Rejects Obama Budget In Tactical Vote | Fox News

Fox News??? Right.

I'm not too worried by those numbers, noting Rasmussen's sample is significantly whiter and older than the actual voting population.

If Rasmussen's sample is 'whiter and older' it is only because the majority of likely voters are 'whiter and older'. Rasmussen is the only pollster with an ongoing running poll average over three days of polling and polling likely voters only. Given his track record which has been pretty darn good in the last several elections, he is putting out credible poll numbers.
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

How about this 'poll'

"WASHINGTON – Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was it was unanimously defeated, 414-0."

Read more: House Easily Rejects Obama Budget In Tactical Vote | Fox News

Fox News??? Right.
Are you implying the story was fabricated?
Christ you libs are a miracle.
It's March...

A lot can and will happen between now and November...

There is no "panic"...

Polls in April 2008 showed Obama and McCain running evenly... with a slight edge to Obama. But this was two months before Obama locked down the nomination.

However, for most of the election cycle, Obama dominated McCain and most of the polls show him dominating Romney by an even larger margin.
It's March...

A lot can and will happen between now and November...

There is no "panic"...

Polls in April 2008 showed Obama and McCain running evenly... with a slight edge to Obama. But this was two months before Obama locked down the nomination.

However, for most of the election cycle, Obama dominated McCain and most of the polls show him dominating Romney by an even larger margin.

$krieger pic.gif Wow.. it is a very Exciting thing. Obumba (Horrible!) or Romney (Fucking idiot!) i just can't wait to see November.. :razz:
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.

FDIC is funded by the banks.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a United States government corporation created by the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933. It provides deposit insurance, which guarantees the safety of deposits in member banks, up to $250,000 per depositor per bank as of January 2012. As of November 18, 2010, the FDIC insured deposits at 7,723 institutions.[2] The FDIC also examines and supervises certain financial institutions for safety and soundness, performs certain consumer-protection functions, and manages banks in receiverships (failed banks).

Insured institutions are required to place signs at their place of business stating that "deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government."

That the banks fund FDIC is irrelevant to the fact that the US government backstops all of it.

In other words, if JP Morgan, BoA, Goldman Sux, etc go bankrupt due to stupid dirivative contracts like massive CDS, then the US government is responsible for honoring the debts incured by those bad contracts *if* the government lets them keep these CDS in the FDIC protected part of their business.
The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.

Lol, I hope libtards keep thinking that.

Crediting the "tea party" with Republican wins in 2010 makes as much sense as crediting Dennis Kuninich with Democrats wins in 2006 and 2008.

If I recall correctly 54% of GOP votes came from TPM in 2010.

If that doesnt qualify for 'credit' then I dont know what would.
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

How about this 'poll'

"WASHINGTON – Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was it was unanimously defeated, 414-0."

Read more: House Easily Rejects Obama Budget In Tactical Vote | Fox News

Fox News??? Right.

They can't lie ALL the time.
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How about this 'poll'

"WASHINGTON – Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was it was unanimously defeated, 414-0."

Read more: House Easily Rejects Obama Budget In Tactical Vote | Fox News

Fox News??? Right.

They can't lie ALL the time.

Sure they could. Half of your fellow progressives on this board do so all the time.

They dont though.
I expect that from a CNN poll. It's right out of media matters.

After listening to obama announce that he intends to take us from expensive gas to no gas at all because he wants everyone to buy new cars and new homes that's what puts me in a panic.

Don't really care what you GOPpers are panicking about since you're so cute when you do :lol
How about this 'poll'

"WASHINGTON – Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was it was unanimously defeated, 414-0."

Read more: House Easily Rejects Obama Budget In Tactical Vote | Fox News

Fox News??? Right.

They can't lie ALL the time.

No they don't lie all the time. Just when it behooves them. Remember that survey that revealed that Fox Viewers were the dumbest? They were even dumber than people who didn't watch any news at all.

But it was only on certain topics. Did Saddam have WMD's? Have your taxes gone down or up under Obama? Or facts about Obamacare. Consistently Fox viewers were wrong on these subjects.

But on every other subject, they are very well informed. When it behooves them. And no new information will change their minds. Like Bush, they believe on Wednesday what they believed on Monday regardless of what happens on Tuesday. LOL.

Fox tells you what they want to tell you. So does Rush. You are not uninformed or underinformed. You are misinformed.
Take a poll with only 40% Republicans and the Republican Candidate is losing by a wide margin.

Oh you mean the polling group represented close to the actual % makeup of the voting public.
I can see where that would be a problem. Think Mittens can get elected with only those that call themselves Repubs voting for him? I don't.

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