New Poll - Obama 54% - Romney 43% - Conservatives begin to Panic

Wait till gas hit 5 bucks a gallon.

Can hardly wait for that poll to come out. LOL

That will never happen.

Trust me on that. Not in an election year.
Wanna bet....from Congratulations!
a list of the more expensive gas prices in and around San Francisco..
Add this list of current gas prices to your website
Highest Regular Gas Prices in the Last 36 hours
These range between $4.59 to $4.79 per gallon.....
Prices will continue to rise with no end in sight.
Obama has a problem.
He can try to spin this or explain it away. At the end of the day motorists are spending ten to twenty dollars more per tank. And that is all people will care about.
Obama is in trouble. Other Dems are keeping their distance from anything with his name on it, but the damage has already been done. The mid terms of '10 was half the job (you didn't believe the polls then did you?) the tea party is far from dead and as working folk know, the job is only half done (you didn't believe the press about the 'non factor' tea party before the last midterm did you?)

Obama is going to loose in epic proportion, the Dems are moving away from him, but they can't move away far enough or fast enough

The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.
One statement during the Obama / Romney
"Remember GWB Great Works?" Game Over! Jeb be smart! just that name.
Oops Game Over already back 2/12 have you seen the GOP feild? hahahahahahaha

Jeb change last name to reagen before 2016 you may have a chance GOP! Find new people, please we can do better...
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......
Romney's problem is he lacks charisma and the ability to inspire voters. Obama has proved he has both. Reagan had it. Clinton had it. Bush certain didn't have the charisma but he did have the ability to connect with voters. We like to think that voters examine the candidate's record, his stand on the issues, his accomplishments and failures, but IMHO voters vote for people they like and they don't seem to like Romney. He comes across as a rich guy trying to prove he's just like the guy next door and it doesn't work.

I noticed during the earlier part of the primaries, he had one message about Obamacare, "I will repeal Obamacare" which of course he can't. Now it's changed to Repeal and Replace as he tries to connect with independents and Democrats. Looking at his plan, I seriously doubt that he has any plan whatsoever to either repeal or replace Obamacare.
Romney is leading by 2 points in the latest Rasmussen tracking poll.

Still way, way, way too early though.
[ame=]Barney Fife - Nip It - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is in trouble. Other Dems are keeping their distance from anything with his name on it, but the damage has already been done. The mid terms of '10 was half the job (you didn't believe the polls then did you?) the tea party is far from dead and as working folk know, the job is only half done (you didn't believe the press about the 'non factor' tea party before the last midterm did you?)

Obama is going to loose in epic proportion, the Dems are moving away from him, but they can't move away far enough or fast enough

The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.

Yea it was the most seats any party has gained in like 70 years. But the tea party made no difference. You keep telling yourself that.
Pretty good numbers, but it's still too far out to take it seriously.
totally agreed, although if this poll was the other way around, conservative would have started 10 threads and be in 100% agreement that Obama is gone. now they have to face reality

Like you just did you asswipe? LOL

"lets the conservative panic begin....... "
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.
Obama is in trouble. Other Dems are keeping their distance from anything with his name on it, but the damage has already been done. The mid terms of '10 was half the job (you didn't believe the polls then did you?) the tea party is far from dead and as working folk know, the job is only half done (you didn't believe the press about the 'non factor' tea party before the last midterm did you?)

Obama is going to loose in epic proportion, the Dems are moving away from him, but they can't move away far enough or fast enough

The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.

Lol, I hope libtards keep thinking that.
If the general election were held today instead of in early November, 54% of registered voters say they would back Obama, with 43% supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP nomination battle. That's up from a five-point 51%-46% advantage the president held over Romney in February.

CNN Poll: Obama leads Romney and Santorum in November showdowns – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Wednesday also indicates that the president's approval rating has inched over the 50% mark in CNN surveys for the first time since last May, when the polls were still registering the after effects of the death of Osama bin Laden. The number of Americans who say the economy's in good shape has jumped 13 points since January, though the survey shows a majority still think it is in poor shape.

And Obama would have a 55%-42% lead over Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who's Romney's main rival right now for the nomination. The president led Santorum by a seven-point 52%-45% margin last month.

lets the conservative panic begin.......

Romney was PICKED to lose by the bankers who can buy any nomination that they want because people in this country have gone bat-shit stupid.

The Wall Street bankers want another 4 years of Obama and they got Romney in there to make sure they get another HUGE bail out when the time comes, via FDIC for TRILLIONS of USD.

FDIC is funded by the banks.
I expect that from a CNN poll. It's right out of media matters.

After listening to obama announce that he intends to take us from expensive gas to no gas at all because he wants everyone to buy new cars and new homes that's what puts me in a panic.

Proof that he said that?

I'm sure he is parroting FOX, limbaugh, hannity, colter...or savage. I've had little luck getting any of the reactionaries to prove anything. They don't even have enough self awareness to be embarrassed.
Obama is in trouble. Other Dems are keeping their distance from anything with his name on it, but the damage has already been done. The mid terms of '10 was half the job (you didn't believe the polls then did you?) the tea party is far from dead and as working folk know, the job is only half done (you didn't believe the press about the 'non factor' tea party before the last midterm did you?)

Obama is going to loose in epic proportion, the Dems are moving away from him, but they can't move away far enough or fast enough

The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.

Yea it was the most seats any party has gained in like 70 years. But the tea party made no difference. You keep telling yourself that.

The Democrats had won two wave elections in a row. 2006 was the only election in the modern era where a party did not lose any of its seats, and only 5 Democrats lost in 2008 (three of which were in heavily Republican districts, and the other two were caught up in massive scandals). So yeah, it's not exactly shocking the Democrats lost a bunch of seats in a midterm year were a lot of their voters didn't turn out.
Obama is in trouble. Other Dems are keeping their distance from anything with his name on it, but the damage has already been done. The mid terms of '10 was half the job (you didn't believe the polls then did you?) the tea party is far from dead and as working folk know, the job is only half done (you didn't believe the press about the 'non factor' tea party before the last midterm did you?)

Obama is going to loose in epic proportion, the Dems are moving away from him, but they can't move away far enough or fast enough

The "tea party" was not a factor in 2010. The ultra-conservatives that make up the "tea party" movement were never going to vote for the Democrats in the first place.

Lol, I hope libtards keep thinking that.

Crediting the "tea party" with Republican wins in 2010 makes as much sense as crediting Dennis Kuninich with Democrats wins in 2006 and 2008.
Romney is leading by 2 points in the latest Rasmussen tracking poll.

Still way, way, way too early though.
Link please

In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, it’s Mitt Romney 46% and President Obama 44%.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™


RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

I'm not too worried by those numbers, noting Rasmussen's sample is significantly whiter and older than the actual voting population.

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