New poll on does Obama love America

I wouldn't expect any less from the ODS stricken rightwingers of this country. The shocking thing is that, in a Rasmussen poll, only 35% said he doesn't love his country.

Half of America isn't convinced their President loves his country and you consider that a victory? Seriously?
No 35% of ODS stricken rubes polled by a right wing puppet organization think Obama doesn't love America.

I have never heard Obama say that he loves his country, and I wouldn't believe him if he did say it.

There you go. See? The question is not only irrelevant but pointless.
Exactly what obama is doing when he refuses to identify the enemy as radical muslim terrorists.

While bombing and leading a coalition against them with the goal of destroying them/ That's some comfort.
How many conservatives, in any poll about Obama are going to reply favorably?

You could have a poll "Is Obama worse than Hitler?" and 35 % conservatives will agree

... And 25% of Americans may answer the "sun revolves around the earth."
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

But that's not what the question was.

If people don't have confidence the President loves, understands, INCLUDES and represents
what they love about America, that's how many don't have faith in this government.

He can love America all he can, but if he has failed relations with half the country, that's a problem.
You voted for him......and we're the ones that are stupid!!!

mudwhistle I assume you are replying to rightwinger
I am a Democrat but certainly knew better than to vote for Obama.

He would have made a good VP to set up his microlending and educational ideas
first by working with the various States through the Senate and Judiciary Committees,
and then run for President later once he proved his ideas worked in practice. But I guess
Obama was needed as Chief to be in charge to get rid of Bin Laden so there was no backlash
as there would have been if McCain or any other Bush like Conservative Christian had been in charge.

We need a better system of training people first before running for President later,
instead of experimenting for 4-8 years at taxpayer expense, with war going on.

I vote Green in Texas where the electoral votes already go to the Republicans.

My views align closest with Nader on Constitutional education, but the Greens can't carry an election.
McCain and Romney are the stronger Constitutionalists, so I support that leadership style for President.
I believe Democrats are better suited for social/domestic issues that really belong to the states,
which I think should be handled by an internal position, either VP (or we need to create a position for Internal President) while keeping the main office focused on External issues and foreign relations and defense.

I think we need a Presidential Team with Republicans handling Executive/Military,
Democrats as VP working with States and the Senate to shift the ACA and other social legislation
back to the States and to the People, A Libertarian Secretary of State,
a Green Treasurer and a Constitutionalist to reform the Justice Dept.

We should delegate the work to reform Govt by the Constitution
to the various parties and work in Teams. Instead of billions wasted on
campaigning for the same offices, resources could be invested directly in solutions
to prove leadership and run for office based on actual track records and reforms accomplished.

There would be no distortions or backbiting if we appoint and elect people who are
focused on govt performance and corrections, not on beating each other on media points by making the other look bad.

We should reward people by making things right, not making each other wrong.
I believe we are heading towards a collaborative agreement on how to use our
existing govt, media, and parties to work in teams instead of wasting resources fighting each other.
I know what it is, and I wouldn't eat that shit.
Pertinent to the actual thread here, I also know what wrong is. And I just demonstrated it.

Hi Pogo would you say that the "President's support for the ACA mandates" is more from
* love of party and political beliefs in "right to health care" through govt shared by liberals ABOVE Constitutional equality for all
* love and inclusion of all Americans including those who believe the tax mandates violate Constitutional rights and beliefs

Would you honestly say he is "protecting and including" the beliefs and interests of all Americans equally? Or putting the beliefs and values of himself and his Party ABOVE Americans of other parties and beliefs protected equally by law under the Constitution?
I know what it is, and I wouldn't eat that shit.
Pertinent to the actual thread here, I also know what wrong is. And I just demonstrated it.

Hi Pogo would you say that the "President's support for the ACA mandates" is more from
* love of party and political beliefs in "right to health care" through govt shared by liberals ABOVE Constitutional equality for all
* love and inclusion of all Americans including those who believe the tax mandates violate Constitutional rights and beliefs

I wouldn't say that. I can't even begin to navigate that sentence.
"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Well that, the NY Times, Boston Globe, LA Times, CNN, MSNBABCBS.....
Uncensored2008 what you consider left
is rightwing to the people on the left.

Why do you think both sides are crying out the media is sold out to the other side?
It doesn't represent either side, but just stirs enough angst to generate ratings and votes.
The media is commercially biased, and profits off conflicts, not solutions.
That is why the left and right get painted in the worst possible light to trigger public outroar.
I know what it is, and I wouldn't eat that shit.
Pertinent to the actual thread here, I also know what wrong is. And I just demonstrated it.

Hi Pogo would you say that the "President's support for the ACA mandates" is more from
* love of party and political beliefs in "right to health care" through govt shared by liberals ABOVE Constitutional equality for all
* love and inclusion of all Americans including those who believe the tax mandates violate Constitutional rights and beliefs

I wouldn't say that. I can't even begin to navigate that sentence.

Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50 by PARTY
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5
"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Well that, the NY Times, Boston Globe, LA Times, CNN, MSNBABCBS.....
Uncensored2008 what you consider left
is rightwing to the people on the left.

Why do you think both sides are crying out the media is sold out to the other side?
It doesn't represent either side, but just stirs enough angst to generate ratings and votes.
The media is commercially biased, and profits off conflicts, not solutions.
That is why the left and right get painted in the worst possible light to trigger public outroar.

Now that I understand. And absolutely agree. Commercial media thrives on conflict. Ideology don't pay nobody's bills; advertising does.
Yo, he is a imposter, period! This boy Obama has that Muslim blood running through his veins!!! If you can get a live feed of him say Taliban, this will tell you everything you need to know!


I wouldn't expect any less from the ODS stricken rightwingers of this country. The shocking thing is that, in a Rasmussen poll, only 35% said he doesn't love his country.

I'm amazed that anyone but a brainless assclown would say Obama does love the USA.
Yes I'm sure someone crippled with ODS would think that.
I know what it is, and I wouldn't eat that shit.
Pertinent to the actual thread here, I also know what wrong is. And I just demonstrated it.

Hi Pogo would you say that the "President's support for the ACA mandates" is more from
* love of party and political beliefs in "right to health care" through govt shared by liberals ABOVE Constitutional equality for all
* love and inclusion of all Americans including those who believe the tax mandates violate Constitutional rights and beliefs

I wouldn't say that. I can't even begin to navigate that sentence.

Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".
Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.
Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.

"Duty" is not "love". Neither is "ethics". You don't have to "love" an action you take because it's the ethical thing to do; you do it because it's ethical. You don't do your duty because you "love" it--- sometimes you may actually hate it. You do it because it's your duty.

"Love" is irrelevant to these. As it is to governing -- or for that matter doing most jobs that aren't volunteer positions.
Thanks Pogo let me try again
Given that President Obama keeps pushing ACA mandates as law
which exclude the Constitutional beliefs of half the nation*,
who do you think he loves more:
1. his own Party and political beliefs OVER those of other Americans
2. the equal beliefs and values of ALL AMERICANS under the Constitution

* as represented in the vote split in Congress almost 50/50
and the vote split in the Supreme Court 4/5

Ah, that's better. I am forced to recall the words of a pop singer who's name eludes me for the moment:
"What's 'love' got to do with it?"
-- Literally. It's not in the job description, it's not part of passing (or opposing) legislation; it's entirely irrelevant. That's why I keep pointing out the whole poll question is completely illegitimate.

I'd say he's more interested in number 1. And his ego wants to have a legacy and this is the one he went for. But that's got zero to do with "love".

Thanks for answering honestly Pogo.
What love has to do with it is love for Constitution and Country.
That you don't put your 'self love' and 'self interest'
over the interest of the country, and the DUTY to represent ALL people, not just "one party's" political interests.

How this affects public policy and public trust:
if officials put their self-interest before public duty
it DEGRADES and demeans public trust in govt.

If people don't have respect for govt, then crime and corruption don't matter.
If the President doesn't care about selfish conflicts, what about the person who would
rather steal your car than earn their own?

This sets a bad precedent for not respecting the rights of others "equally under law"
It does not enforce consistent ETHICS so it ENDANGERS the public trust, safety and SECURITY.

See opening intro of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:

"Any person in Government service should:

"I. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

"II. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion. posted at

Since by pushing the ACA mandates against the Constitutional objections of half the nation,
Obama alienated entire parties of people. And continues to give this impression those beliefs DON'T COUNT.

I happen to believe in equal protection of the laws for ALL creeds and ALL beliefs,
prochoice equally as prolife, gun rights equally as gun control, and right to health care equally as state rights.

Cutting out and excluding half the nation for their beliefs
comes across as "evading" Constitutional duties to protect ALL citizens from discrimination [by creed].

If you can understand how Bush was seen this way,
surely you can see how Obama is seen as violating Constitutional laws.

So violating laws and shirking duties for one's own personal or political interest
is NOT loving and respecting the country and the Constitution.

And trying to play down the opposition as racist or hateful is even more inciteful.

"Duty" is not "love". Neither is "ethics". You don't have to "love" an action you take because it's the ethical thing to do; you do it because it's ethical.

"Love" is irrelevant to these. As it is to governing -- or for that matter doing most jobs that aren't volunteer positions.

OK, hop stick. lets change the question.

which president in recent history has never said the words. "I love the USA" ?
How many conservatives, in any poll about Obama are going to reply favorably?

You could have a poll "Is Obama worse than Hitler?" and 35 % conservatives will agree

... And 25% of Americans may answer the "sun revolves around the earth."
1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

But that's not what the question was.

If people don't have confidence the President loves, understands, INCLUDES and represents
what they love about America, that's how many don't have faith in this government.

He can love America all he can, but if he has failed relations with half the country, that's a problem.

He deals with a rightwing media tha has convinced 35% of the population that Obama is the devil

They will reply as such to any question

Fox is the #1 news network, but I don't think even they could pull that off with the rest of the news media being dominated by leftists

"Leftist media" is Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now. If you can even find them.
You have a kinky definition of "dominate".

Oh I know where they are. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek, ...

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