New poll says Crazy Joe Biden leads President Trump by 11 points in potential 2020 matchup

Funny A new Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted April 19-21 among 1,992 registered voters shows Joe "The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden up by 8 points....but may I point out after doing a little reading that....

This poll is of registered voters, not likely voters

D-37% R-30% I-33%

A D+7 poll.......And since it supposedly has a ME of 2%, it is a statical dead heat.....waiting for Slow Joe videos and plagerism reported to show up MUCHLY IF he actually becomes the Douchebags favorite!
WHY are self-soothing over a D+7 poll while you completely ignore the 33% of Independents polled. Will their votes mean nothing? You'd better start looking at them.
Because it is skewed almost ALWAYS in favor of You DeathRATS... your people are the ones who lost the independents last time...or did you conveniently forget?
You completely ignored 1/3 of those polled. Call me silly for pointing that out.
You're silly....what was the spread between Reps and Dims?....7 points!
Donald is back to childish name calling. Trump is the worlds oldest teenager. How can anyone respect a guy who acts like that?

Well, if you don't like "Slow Biden", how about "Gropin' Biden"?
Pelosi does want bi-partisan bills passed but her caucus is a clown car that she cannot deliver even for infrastructure because the most pressing need in infrastructure is the wall.
Well, that does it. Don't even bother with the election. Trump should just resign and admit defeat.
[QThis is it. Pelosi actually wants to accomplish things too.

The only thing that filthy ass bitch wants to accomplish is making America a socialist shithole.
Why would she want to do that? That is nuts. I see why you like Trump.

With a response like that I can understand why you are a confused Moon Bat.

Everything the stupid does bitch is directed towards making this country a socialist shithole.

She is part of the filthy Left Wing ruling elite and she needs to be promising the welfare queens their free stuff in order to stay in power. Free stuff that is delivered by a socialist leaning welfare state government. Always a disaster.

The agenda of the Democrat Party is despicable in every way imaginable. Pelosi represents the worse of America. Liberals in general and Democrats specifically are the scum of America.

By the way, Moon Bat. To further expose your confusion I didn't vote for Trump so go bark up another tree.
There are some who consider themselves intelligent when they say they are anti-establishment. When it comes to politics, more specifically, the Presidency, I dearly would like to ask these people a question.

Despite the fantasies some people have as to how terrible the establishment is, I would ask, what is wrong with the establishment? Let me put it a different way. What do you have against experience?

Would you take your children to someone for medical care who never attended medical school or practiced medicine? Would you hire a plumber who had absolutely no experience in plumbing? Would you ask someone with no experience in automotive care to fix the engine of your car?

Why in the world would you vote for a President who had no experience in government?

Someone experienced in medical care, an experienced plumber, and an experienced auto mechanic are, in the real world, the establishment. The establishment is what a person wants in their daily lives, but somehow the establishment is wrong if it pertains to the governing of our nation? That makes no sense!

The most compelling argument for an experienced executive in the Oval Office is Donald J. Trump. Those who voted for him voted for anti-establishment, voted against experience. Trump is so bad his own supporters can't defend him. They don't even want to talk about him. The Trump administration is so tied up in alleged crimes and litigation, it can't govern.

Trump is what happens when one votes with anti-establishment principles in mind. For 25 years we have voted for a President with little or no experience to run our country. We have paid the price for that mistake ...

Over and over again. One was impeached for sexual promiscuity. Another launched an aggressive war that killed 5,000 Americans. Another was an inexperienced black President and that caused irreconcilable racial differences, and he was followed by the idiot we have now.

That is the record of the anti-establishment or inexperience executive. Sad, isn't it?

I wrote earlier, "Speaking of Sanders, it can be argued that progressive is responsible for Trump. In 2016, Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, ran against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Sanders promised a lot of free stuff, free medical care, free college tuition. guaranteed income for all, and so on. As a consequence, he attracted a lot of young, naive voters facing life's uncertainties.

"As we all know the Democratic National Convention chose a Democrat, Clinton. Sanders cried foul, accusing the DNC of preferential treatment toward Clinton. His young, wide-eyed followers believed him, and many of them expressed their anger by either refusing to vote or, incredible as it may seem, voted for Sanders' direct political opposite, Donald J. Trump.

"Clinton lost the election by less than 80,000 votes in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. It is logical to assume Trump became our President because of a progressive named Sanders. Sanders won the Wisconsin and Michigan primaries in 2016, and received nearly 732,000 votes in Pennsylvania."

Are progressives going to elect Trump again? Two leading progressives running for President are trying as they attack the leading Democratic contender, Joe Biden, providing ammunition for Trump's machine.

Bernie Sanders, the self-described Independent socialist wrote: “It’s a big day in the Democratic primary and we’re hoping to end it strong. Not with a fundraiser in the home of a corporate lobbyist, but with an overwhelming number of individual donations.” Envy? With $6.3 million Biden topped the one day total for all Democratic candidates on just his first day.

“Joe Biden was on the side of credit card companies,” Elizabeth Warren said Thursday at an event in Iowa.

Her disagreement with Biden over bankruptcy legislation “is a matter of public record,” she said.

Can't these two progressives win on their own merits? Do they have to attack a fellow Democrat? Do they have to provide arguments to Trump when he is attacking Biden?

Put a different way, if one is a Democrat, or an Independent running as a Democrat, how stupid can you get?
Donald is back to childish name calling. Trump is the worlds oldest teenager. How can anyone respect a guy who acts like that?
It’s who he is. You weren’t expecting that? I was just waiting
Yeah, like didn't want the endorsement from failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Sleepy Joe will have a tough time running from his own record as well as from Obama's.
didn't he work for an administration that pushed american jobs overseas and agrees with obammy on most everything? that would mean no new manufacturing would be possible. And yet Trump managed to bring them back, who in a right mind would prefer no manufacturing jobs? vote Demoloser Sleepy, Creepy Joe.

While your point is valid there are multiple other problems

The grope videos

the rapid decline in tax base on both coasts is getting worse fast.

The far left candidates he has to run against in the primaries will paint Biden as Trump lite.

Pelosi's dismal legislative agenda and a caucus that wants impeachment.will not help either.
Suddenly Nancy now wants to meet with Trump to "discuss infrastructure".
Any sentient ten year old can figure out that Nancy's back room boys have run the numbers and figured out the potential voters are getting very pissed off at the DEMs for accomplishing fuck all in their 100+ days controlling Congress.
Trump is very aware of what Nancy is up to.

That's fine but with her caucus in mutiny can she deliver the votes?
Absolutely. Infrastructure is a big deal. The Repubs have shut improving it down for many years. Trump needs something to show voters . This is it. Pelosi actually wants to accomplish things too.
Then why hasn’t the demolosers been creating ideas on funding it?
Funny A new Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted April 19-21 among 1,992 registered voters shows Joe "The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden up by 8 points....but may I point out after doing a little reading that....

This poll is of registered voters, not likely voters

D-37% R-30% I-33%

A D+7 poll.......And since it supposedly has a ME of 2%, it is a statical dead heat.....waiting for Slow Joe videos and plagerism reported to show up MUCHLY IF he actually becomes the Douchebags favorite!
WHY are self-soothing over a D+7 poll while you completely ignore the 33% of Independents polled. Will their votes mean nothing? You'd better start looking at them.
Polls are useless!

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