New poll says Crazy Joe Biden leads President Trump by 11 points in potential 2020 matchup

Oh, no worries. Wait until Biden starts giving speeches and interviews again. And, if he chooses the economics-illiterate Stacey Abrams as his VP nominee, watch his numbers tank even more.
Are these same pollsters that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide?
Funny A new Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted April 19-21 among 1,992 registered voters shows Joe "The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden up by 8 points....but may I point out after doing a little reading that....

This poll is of registered voters, not likely voters

D-37% R-30% I-33%

A D+7 poll.......And since it supposedly has a ME of 2%, it is a statical dead heat.....waiting for Slow Joe videos and plagerism reported to show up MUCHLY IF he actually becomes the Douchebags favorite!
Trump is at 38% in the polls with little hope for improvement and no president has ever won a second term with an approval that low.

You're cause and effect challenged, lack a sense of timing and history. The election is three years away silly sally, and your "polls" promised you Hillary would run away with the last one.

If you can envision a scenario and circumstances that would 'cause' Trump's approval to get anywhere near or over 50%,

by all means, entertain us with that.
That's not gonna happen
with the deep state rigging public opinion polls
Just curious, who were the polls saying would win the 2016 presidential election in April of 2015?
In other news, President Hillary Clinton today signed a new Man Made Climate Change Tax and Surcharges on any and all products and services that have a fossil fuel component or use electricity generated, or transported by fossil fuels.

The DOW plunged 8,000 points, and several companies have announced drastic layoffs in an attempt to curtail...………..
Funny A new Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted April 19-21 among 1,992 registered voters shows Joe "The Worlds Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden up by 8 points....but may I point out after doing a little reading that....

This poll is of registered voters, not likely voters

D-37% R-30% I-33%

A D+7 poll.......And since it supposedly has a ME of 2%, it is a statical dead heat.....waiting for Slow Joe videos and plagerism reported to show up MUCHLY IF he actually becomes the Douchebags favorite!
And the hypocrites the left are, would start whining about negative ads. While running orangemanbad. Can't make it up.
Sleepy Joe said that he didn't ask Obama to endorse him.

Can you blame him? Why would anybody want an endorsement from the worst President in US history?

I doubt he will make it through the Moon Bat Primary but if he does Trump will cram that Obama Administration's record of failure up ole Sleep Joe's ass. Since Sleepy Joe was VP he will have a hard time running away from that disastrous record.
Sleepy Joe said that he didn't ask Obama to endorse him.

Can you blame him? Why would anybody want an endorsement from the worst President in US history?

I doubt he will make it through the Moon Bat Primary but if he does Trump will cram that Obama Administration's record of failure up ole Sleep Joe's ass. Since Sleepy Joe was VP he will have a hard time running away from that disastrous record.
and creepy joe
Sleepy Joe said that he didn't ask Obama to endorse him.

Can you blame him? Why would anybody want an endorsement from the worst President in US history?

I doubt he will make it through the Moon Bat Primary but if he does Trump will cram that Obama Administration's record of failure up ole Sleep Joe's ass. Since Sleepy Joe was VP he will have a hard time running away from that disastrous record.

Yeah, like didn't want the endorsement from failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Sleepy Joe will have a tough time running from his own record as well as from Obama's.
Sleepy Joe said that he didn't ask Obama to endorse him.

Can you blame him? Why would anybody want an endorsement from the worst President in US history?

I doubt he will make it through the Moon Bat Primary but if he does Trump will cram that Obama Administration's record of failure up ole Sleep Joe's ass. Since Sleepy Joe was VP he will have a hard time running away from that disastrous record.

Yeah, like didn't want the endorsement from failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Sleepy Joe will have a tough time running from his own record as well as from Obama's.

Actually Sleepy Joe has almost as much corruption baggage as Crooked Hillary.

He hid his corruption behind Obama as VP but if he becomes a serious candidate I am sure Trump will expose him pretty good.
And an old poll said Hitlery was a shoe in.

Polls are about as worthy of acknowledgement as a fart in a wind storm.

Actually, the polls on the day before the election were very accurate. Many forget that Comey re-opened the Clinton investigation eleven days before the election, and she slipped badly in that final week.
There are some who consider themselves intelligent when they say they are anti-establishment. When it comes to politics, more specifically, the Presidency, I dearly would like to ask these people a question.

Despite the fantasies some people have as to how terrible the establishment is, I would ask, what is wrong with the establishment? Let me put it a different way. What do you have against experience?

Would you take your children to someone for medical care who never attended medical school or practiced medicine? Would you hire a plumber who had absolutely no experience in plumbing? Would you ask someone with no experience in automotive care to fix the engine of your car?

Why in the world would you vote for a President who had no experience in government?

Someone experienced in medical care, an experienced plumber, and an experienced auto mechanic are, in the real world, the establishment. The establishment is what a person wants in their daily lives, but somehow the establishment is wrong if it pertains to the governing of our nation? That makes no sense!

The most compelling argument for an experienced executive in the Oval Office is Donald J. Trump. Those who voted for him voted for anti-establishment, voted against experience. Trump is so bad his own supporters can't defend him. They don't even want to talk about him. The Trump administration is so tied up in alleged crimes and litigation, it can't govern.

Trump is what happens when one votes with anti-establishment principles in mind. For 25 years we have voted for a President with little or no experience to run our country. We have paid the price for that mistake ...

Over and over again. One was impeached for sexual promiscuity. Another launched an aggressive war that killed 5,000 Americans. Another was an inexperienced black President and that caused irreconcilable racial differences, and he was followed by the idiot we have now.

That is the record of the anti-establishment or inexperience executive. Sad, isn't it?

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