Zone1 New poll shows Americans' confidence and belief in the Bible is at all-time low

Now ask yourself, is there any metric of positive topics that are trending better? How many things that we see as positives in society are trending worse?

Liberal playbook:
Push atheism and Marxism.
Conduct a biased poll to see how well they're doing.
Use the fake poll to further push atheism and Marxism.
Rinse and repeat.
Now ask yourself, is there any metric of positive topics that are trending better? How many things that we see as positives in society are trending worse?

What you mean less people have faith in the veracity of a book with talking snakes and giants in it?

Okay, that was a bit snarky, so let's try again.

If EDUCATED Americans are less inclined to believe in the Bible as the literal word of God, it's because they now know that stuff in the bible isn't true. We know we evolved from primates, not created from clay. We've done the archeology, and we know that Hebrews never lived in Egypt under the Pharaohs, that the Philistines were part of an invasion of the Sea Peoples in the 13th century BCE, and that Yahweh was just one of many gods worshipped in the ancient Levant.

Sadly, backwards Bronze Age superstitions won't go away because people are terrified of death, and live in fear of the end of their linear existence.

Now, one can look at the bible as what it is, a bit of historical fiction, with maybe some real characters in it, and still draw positive messages from it.
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What you mean less people have faith in the veracity of a book with talking snakes and giants in it?

Okay, that was a bit snarky, so let's try again.

If EDUCATED Americans are less inclined to believe in the Bible as the literal word of God, it's because they now know that stuff in the bible isn't true. We know we evolved from primates, not created from clay. We've done the archeology, and we know that Hebrews never lived in Egypt under the Pharaohs, that the Philistines were part of an invasion of the Sea Peoples in the 13th century BCE, and that Yahweh was just one of many gods worshipped in the ancient Levant.

Sadly, backwards Bronze Age superstitions won't go away because people are terrified of death, and live in fear of the end of their linear existence.

Now, one can look at the bible as what it is, a bit of historical fiction, with maybe some real characters in it, and still draw positive messages from it.
And society is paying the price.
And society is paying the price.

Is it?
I would say society is paying a price right now because we've failed to address poverty, racism, addiction, gun proliferation and a bunch of real problems the bible really doesn't give us any guidance for. (BUt if it did, it would be more liberal than conservative... Jesus was a liberal.)
Now ask yourself, is there any metric of positive topics that are trending better? How many things that we see as positives in society are trending worse?

Maybe because those polled were never properly taught the Bible. Pastors and preachers may be too busy on other subjects instead of making disciples of God's word.
Is it?
I would say society is paying a price right now because we've failed to address poverty, racism, addiction, gun proliferation and a bunch of real problems the bible really doesn't give us any guidance for. (BUt if it did, it would be more liberal than conservative... Jesus was a liberal.)
But it does give guidance if properly taught.
The bible says it would happen, so I see it as a weird kind of plus.

Matthew 24:9-12.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

2nd Peter 3:2-3
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Well, then you should address your fellow believers with such comment. I don't think "confidence and belief in the bible" is a positive in society. In my view, it's trending better.
Then stop babbling and answer the OP.
The bible says it would happen, so I see it as a weird kind of plus.

Matthew 24:9-12.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

2nd Peter 3:2-3
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Now ask yourself, is there any metric of positive topics that are trending better? How many things that we see as positives in society are trending worse?

Interesting point of data here.

Libs say they want to end school shootings. Maybe encouraging belief in Almighty God might help?

Notice how school shootings have risen since the School Prayer decision was rendered in 1962? Maybe if the court were to overturn it, the problem would be resolved without stripping people of their rights.

In my school, we had school prayer and NO shootings. The nuns were trained in extreme violence, so the pupils knew that this kind of bovine excrement wouldn't be tolerated.
OK. Seven,

Now, your OP presumes that belief in the bible is a good thing. It's not. You're starting with a broken premise.

How is it a bad thing?

If we're wrong, at least we tried to live a moral life.

If we're right, we get to go to heaven.

There is no bad in it, unless someone uses it for bad (which goes against the bibles teachings anyway).

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