Supreme Court Plummets To All Time Low. Poll Shows Americans Have No Confidence In Conservatives.

Public confidence in the Supreme Court is at an all-time low as the court continues to come under fire over what critics argue has been a pattern of legislating from the bench.

Damn. Lowest rating in history of Gallup with Democrats. Can’t even muster 40% with Republicans.
Raw sewage? Excuse me as I laugh. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:
One can still get a morning after pill in states that outlaw liberty.

You can still get an abortion under the table on the black market as well.

The point is that this isn't the "crisis" libtards are making it out to be.

Lobby your state legislators is the key right now- whether you are Pro-Life or Anti-Life.

its in their hands.
They been legislating from the bench around two hundred years and you think they are gonna stop?

It Took The Supreme Court Just 10 Days To Change America As We Know It​

The conservative majority seems out of step with the public's values, in a way we haven’t seen in decades.

Supreme Court has taken attacks on personal liberties
More to come

But they do not care about the will of the people. They have an agenda and nothing will stop them
"they do not care about the will of the people."
What the hell does the "will of the people" have to do with Supreme Court decisions.
Their job is to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by legislators - NOTHING more.
"they do not care about the will of the people."
What the hell does the "will of the people" have to do with Supreme Court decisions.
Their job is to rule on the constitutionality of laws passed by legislators - NOTHING more.
They don’t care about the Will of previous court decisions either
Public confidence in the Supreme Court is at an all-time low as the court continues to come under fire over what critics argue has been a pattern of legislating from the bench.

Damn. Lowest rating in history of Gallup with Democrats. Can’t even muster 40% with Republicans.
Oh NOEZ! How will the Supreme Court Justices get re-elected this November!
I almost threw up, you lying ass, no good republicans don't care about the Constitution. We saw they when you elected Donald Trump.
haha funny no modern president had their admin policies overturned by the court then obama

he was a walking talking wanna be dictator that had no regard for the rule of law and the us constitution
The best characteristic of any person is being able to accept defeat. We need that in our politicians. Accept defeat graciously.
haha funny no modern president had their admin policies overturned by the court then obama

he was a walking talking wanna be dictator that had no regard for the rule of law and the us constitution
Yea that is why he was elected TWICE as compared to you ONE and DONE savior. I know you hated the first black POTUS, you have been trained well.
Yea that is why he was elected TWICE as compared to you ONE and DONE savior. I know you hated the first black POTUS, you have been trained well.
i don’t think that’s why he was elected twice…but it’s nonetheless a fact

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