New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It!

Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Seems to only affect a vast Majority of areas controlled by DemonRATS....LA, SF. NYC, BALT, CHIC. DET. ETC.

areyou saying that nobody is living under those circumstances that come from red states? are you kidding? lol.............. just look at the meth labs & the OPIOID crisis alone is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge problem in hillbilly country.
Most people I know are better off now than under Obama-if not then someone else will be elected in 2020.

Live in California?

Do you really want to say we've never seen an economy like this when all over the country people are having to donate school supplies for kids returning to school and people are living in tents because they can't pay the rent?
It wasn't like this when I was a kid; that's when people had some money. This "fantastic economy" stuff is propaganda, I think. Yes, it's fine but it's not all it is being made out to be, and people seem to be struggling more....
Seems to only affect a vast Majority of areas controlled by DemonRATS....LA, SF. NYC, BALT, CHIC. DET. ETC.

areyou saying that nobody is living under those circumstances that come from red states? are you kidding? lol.............. just look at the meth labs & the OPIOID crisis alone is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge problem in hillbilly country.
Most people I know are better off now than under Obama-if not then someone else will be elected in 2020.

Live in California?
No, Florida
Well the polls are doing something right because they accurately predicted Hillary would win the popular vote in 2016.
by 4 to 8 points, not the 2 she won by
only one pollster got it accurate and that was Rassmusan the pollster you ignorant liberals always want to dismiss because their result are more favorable to Trump

The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
no, it didn't why lie?
the RCP average had it at over 3% and if they only used the liberal newspaper and network polls it would have been 4%

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

you remove Rasmussen and IBD both polls you claim arent credible the average would have been 4%
I say let the Democrats think it is over and they will stay home.

2018 was just the beginning............
yah you sure got conservatives by the balls democrats control one half of one-third of the federal government
by 4 to 8 points, not the 2 she won by
only one pollster got it accurate and that was Rassmusan the pollster you ignorant liberals always want to dismiss because their result are more favorable to Trump

The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
no, it didn't why lie?
the RCP average had it at over 3% and if they only used the liberal newspaper and network polls it would have been 4%

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

you remove Rasmussen and IBD both polls you claim arent credible the average would have been 4%
I say let the Democrats think it is over and they will stay home.

2018 was just the beginning............
yah you sure got conservatives by the balls democrats control one half of one-third of the federal government

the dems have the house. that's a start. & they are keeping it. but now sooooooooooooo many more senator seats are up in 2020 than there were in 2018 & a boatload are (R).
The RCP average of polls had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1%, which is exactly what she won by.
no, it didn't why lie?
the RCP average had it at over 3% and if they only used the liberal newspaper and network polls it would have been 4%

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

you remove Rasmussen and IBD both polls you claim arent credible the average would have been 4%
I say let the Democrats think it is over and they will stay home.

2018 was just the beginning............
yah you sure got conservatives by the balls democrats control one half of one-third of the federal government

the dems have the house. that's a start. & they are keeping it. but now sooooooooooooo many more senator seats are up in 2020 than there were in 2018 & a boatload are (R).
Time for a change-vote EVERYBODY out
/—-/ Oh you can prove it by posting evidence that states tightly control voter registration against illegals. Now read this: New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

Nice try. If you read what they based the article on you will find that it's inconclusive and cannot be determined at this time. Your numbers and your article are just using made up numbers. Does your Heritage Foundation note that the highest number of votes that were defrauded was by a republican district? And that was caught by the State and a recount and a new election had to occur. Sounds to me like maybe we should place watchdogs in all Republican controlled districts.
His link isn't even about illegal aliens voting in our elections. These freaks are disconnected from reality.
You like freaks do you?

I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now

Rump Jan 20, 2021

Rump Jan 21, 2021

How do you like me now?


  • upload_2019-8-28_16-39-30.jpeg
    14.9 KB · Views: 16
Nice try. If you read what they based the article on you will find that it's inconclusive and cannot be determined at this time. Your numbers and your article are just using made up numbers. Does your Heritage Foundation note that the highest number of votes that were defrauded was by a republican district? And that was caught by the State and a recount and a new election had to occur. Sounds to me like maybe we should place watchdogs in all Republican controlled districts.
His link isn't even about illegal aliens voting in our elections. These freaks are disconnected from reality.
You like freaks do you?

I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.
His link isn't even about illegal aliens voting in our elections. These freaks are disconnected from reality.
You like freaks do you?

I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.

What's the matter, you need to go rent a sense of humor? Actually, with all your blustering, the more you bluster the higher the turnout. And the higher turnout the higher the percentage of Democratic votes since Registered Democrats outnumber Registered Republicans by quite a large margin. Sorry, but the states won't allow your Republicans to lose votes or find more votes in garages this time around either. That didn't work out so well in 2018.
His link isn't even about illegal aliens voting in our elections. These freaks are disconnected from reality.
You like freaks do you?

I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.

Besides, those aren't memes. Those are my own personal jpegs. It took me all of about 3 minutes to make them. Enjoy. More on the way.
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Zogby? We really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Trump's trade war with China began March 22, 2018.–United_States_trade_war

This chart shows how serious the problem is, the problem being Trump's trade war with China. Readers should take a close look at this chart and use the scanning tool provided. It will show the stock market has been treading water for the past twenty months because of his trade war.

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

Since Trump started his trade war with China, the Dow has actually lost ground.

On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow hit its 2018 high of 26,439. Today, the stock market rallied (hooray!). The Dow soared 258 points to reach 26,036.

That is only 403 points shy of where we were on Jan. 29, 2018.
Trump's trade war with China began March 22, 2018.–United_States_trade_war

This chart shows how serious the problem is, the problem being Trump's trade war with China. Readers should take a close look at this chart and use the scanning tool provided. It will show the stock market has been treading water for the past twenty months because of his trade war.

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

Since Trump started his trade war with China, the Dow has actually lost ground.

On Jan. 29, 2018, the Dow hit its 2018 high of 26,439. Today, the stock market rallied (hooray!). The Dow soared 258 points to reach 26,036.

That is only 403 points shy of where we were on Jan. 29, 2018.

Smoot-Hawley trade wars are so easy to win......
You like freaks do you?

I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.

What's the matter, you need to go rent a sense of humor? Actually, with all your blustering, the more you bluster the higher the turnout. And the higher turnout the higher the percentage of Democratic votes since Registered Democrats outnumber Registered Republicans by quite a large margin. Sorry, but the states won't allow your Republicans to lose votes or find more votes in garages this time around either. That didn't work out so well in 2018.
Without the 4 million illegal votes in CA, the state is in play.
Hurricane Dorian, meet Hurricane Trump.

Earlier this week, Trump tweeted, “Will it ever end?” Apparently hoping Somebody will stop the hurricanes. Only one Fella can do that, and I doubt He will.

Seemingly cursing his bad luck Trump lamented, “We are tracking closely tropical storm Dorian as it heads, as usual, to Puerto Rico.”

He pledged that “FEMA and all others are ready, and will do a great job. When they do,” he continued, “let them know it, and give them a big Thank You — Not like last time. That includes from the incompetent Mayor of San Juan!”

"Puerto Rico is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Their political system is broken and their politicians are either Incompetent or Corrupt. Congress approved Billions of Dollars last time, more than anyplace else has ever gotten (that's a lie), and it is sent to Crooked Pols. No good!" he wrote, adding, "And by the way, I'm the best thing that's ever happened to Puerto Rico!" That certainly is a lie.

Trump tweeted, "Congress approved 92 Billion Dollars for Puerto Rico last year, an all time record of its kind for 'anywhere.'" Trump was off by $78B and he lied about the record.

So, here is my question, a two part-er. Perhaps, his many fans can answer.

Does Trump think it is advantageous to act like a complete jerk?

Or is he an idiot?

There are some who think he is a sick man.
I must. I like you.
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.

What's the matter, you need to go rent a sense of humor? Actually, with all your blustering, the more you bluster the higher the turnout. And the higher turnout the higher the percentage of Democratic votes since Registered Democrats outnumber Registered Republicans by quite a large margin. Sorry, but the states won't allow your Republicans to lose votes or find more votes in garages this time around either. That didn't work out so well in 2018.
Without the 4 million illegal votes in CA, the state is in play.

This shit again??

Have you forgotten already ... ? You couldn't prove that the first time you idiotically claimed it. :eusa_naughty:
Do you want into this pissing contest? I liked you up till now. The other guy gets nuts about winning an argument, so be careful.

I think it's time to change that.

Rump Now
View attachment 276414

Rump Jan 20, 2021
View attachment 276416

Rump Jan 21, 2021
View attachment 276421

How do you like me now?
/—-/ Yeah, those memes will get Republicans to vote for whoever wins the DNC clown show.

What's the matter, you need to go rent a sense of humor? Actually, with all your blustering, the more you bluster the higher the turnout. And the higher turnout the higher the percentage of Democratic votes since Registered Democrats outnumber Registered Republicans by quite a large margin. Sorry, but the states won't allow your Republicans to lose votes or find more votes in garages this time around either. That didn't work out so well in 2018.
Without the 4 million illegal votes in CA, the state is in play.

This shit again??

Have you forgotten already ... ? You couldn't prove that the first time you idiotically claimed it. :eusa_naughty:
Its fun because NOBODY can disprove it-besides YOUR PRESIDENT said it
Geller Report ^ | May 16, 2019

As he should be. The economy is booming, wages are up, unemployment is down, and America is respected once again, specifically by China, Russia, and Iran. Life is great in America, contrary to what the fake news media says.

According to the poll, Trump’s approval rating is at 51%, despite the fact that over 90% of the media coverage of the President is viciously hostile and bias. His numbers among millennial’s, women, and suburban voters are trending up steadily as well. These numbers should make the Democrats and the mainstream media very nervous.

However, these numbers are they are likely inaccurate. Americans have never seen an economy like this, and this poll is actually saying that only a little more than half of American voters approve of the job that President Trump is doing? BULLSHIT and impossible!

Like the polls for the 2016 presidential election that predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide, these polls are terribly bias and flawed. Trump’s approval rating is likely closer to 60 percent.

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is killing it. His job approval has climbed over 50%, (51%) the highest of his tenure as president, higher than Barack Obama’s (48%) was at the same time in his presidency.

Additionally, the majority of millennial’s (18-29) approve of the president (51%); even more of the age group from 25-34 approves of him (53%), and even more of those aged 35-54 (59%). 58% of men approved of Trump, a slim minority of women (48%) approved of him.

48% of suburban voters approved of Trump and a whopping 60% of rural voters approved.

Zogby wrote, “President Trump’s job approval rating has seen a post Mueller report boost! We called it a few weeks ago. But that’s not the complete story as to why the president has reached a peak in his job approval rating. Trump is also riding high on positive economic news-a record high stock market, low unemployment, and solid GDP growth at home.”


The “Trump” positive handwriting is on the wall for all Americans to see and hear. It’s simple, Trump Rally, 32,000 supporters, Biden Rally, 250 people. Case closed, BUT you will never hear the lapdog DemonRAT media spend any appreciable time pon the fact that the only place a DemmonRAT candidate can draw any sizable crowd is in an area populated by a large DemonRAT union or huge minority group!

Cracks me up how the cultists cherry pick whichever poll has the most favorable numbers for trump. What now, zombie? Rasmussen is out and Zogby is in?


That’s what all the douche bag experts said in 2016. Are they still considered experts?Kinda like losing the World Series, and trash talking the winning team for the next year. Keep your sense of humor. You’re gonna need it. Trump can’t win! Best YouTube video ever!

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