New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden

I agree with this ranking. Interesting take aways:

  • GOP “Party of Lincoln” historians voted Washington #1 while all other historians have Lincoln #1… Conservatives probably didnt like the freeing of slaves thing
  • Trump was pretty highly rated at dead last I thought. Even conservatives have him on the Mt Rushmore of terrible presidents in the bottom 4.
  • Biden was voted hardest to rate due to his recency and his administration not being over, Trump was rated as easy to rate.
  • Reagan and Obama seem to have the most volatility based on political ideology
How about this ranking ? :biggrin: >>

2024 General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polls | RealClearPolling

Explore poll data on the 2024 General Election between Trump and Biden with RealClearPolling. Uncover trends and gain insight into electoral dynamics for key races and decisive outcomes.

RCP Average1/22 - 2/1444.943.8Trump+1.1
Emerson2/13 - 2/141225 RV2.74544Trump+1
Economist/YouGov2/11 - 2/131470 RV3.14444Tie
Morning Consult2/9 - 2/116164 RV1.04342Trump+1
NPR/PBS/Marist1/29 - 2/11441 RV3.64748Biden+1
I&I/TIPP1/31 - 2/21266 RV2.84341Trump+2
NBC News1/26 - 1/301000 RV3.14742Trump+5
CNN1/25 - 1/301212 RV3.44945Trump+4
Quinnipiac1/25 - 1/291650 RV2.44450Biden+6
Yahoo News1/25 - 1/291069 RV4544Trump+1
Daily Kos/Civiqs1/27 - 1/301217 RV2.94444Tie
Reuters/Ipsos1/22 - 1/241028 RV4338Trump+5
No other President refused a peaceful transfer of power
Progs raised the ante by lowering the bar in many elections. Trump knows. All the lying politicians know also. There is no way that a man who did not run for office in 2020 won the election. And the traitorous media/entertainers deserve a fate worse than death for it.
You either don't know shit about the economy, or you don't know how to recognize a RINO when you see one.

Here's a clue:
Trump signed 12 CR's into law. Increased the debt ceiling twice. The suspended it for 2 years. He gave us 1 tax cut that obliterates by the loss in USD value from the $8 trillion he spent in 4 years.
Plus he didn't secure the border. And he assaulted our 2A.

If that's your idea of an awesome president, then you're no better than the democrats.
You must be one of these Never Trumpsters. I'll take Trump's sealing the border, increasing family income, creating energy independence, income tax cuts, strengthening the military, not getting us into another war, great employment, returning manufacturing jobs, decreasing regulations and not being sicko woke over other Presidents in my lifetime.

He didn't completely secure the border but he decreased the number of shitheads to the number that could be reasonably done in the short time he was President. Big difference than Potatohead or Queer Barry,

On the down side he increased the debt and cost of government but so have every other President.

The gun shit is something I hear from Never Trumpsters sometimes. What I think happen is that Trump doesn't know jackshit about guns. He took direction from the NRA. The things he supported were the same things the goddamn traitorous NRA supported like the ban on bump stocks. It was good ole Wayne that fucked us.
Not at all

No other President at that time could have saved the union

Your choice is Pierce, Filmore, Buchanan or Andrew Johnson
You do not want to discuss the invasion force Abe marched into VA? I don't blame you.
The prosecutors are being chased out of the courtrooms, and the cases are crumbling. This is being reported even on ABC, NBC, CBS. Maybe MSNBC isn't reporting it.. Could that be your problem ?

There is overwhelming evidence against Trump
Name a case and we can discuss

All Trump is doing is delaying…he is doing nothing to refute the evidence
Historians tend to be statist. Most rankings of presidents involve placing the most big government ones at the top. This is why they like Lincoln, for example.

Lincoln singlehandedly changed us from being a voluntary union to a mandatory one. That was the first big step to handing the feds most of the power in the American system. We were supposed to invest most power in the states, but that hasn't been the case ever since.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad Lincoln ended slavery, but I'm not sure if even that was worth the cost of giving the feds the ability to slowly erode states' rights.
No other President refused a peaceful transfer of power
Actually, Jefferson refused an offer to be a co-president and scurrilously undermined Adams' presidency. But I wouldn't expect you and your little fan club to know anything about that.

P.S. Surveys are like polls, but without random selection. Utterly worthless.
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Historians tend to be statist. Most rankings of presidents involve placing the most big government ones at the top. This is why they like Lincoln, for example.

Lincoln singlehandedly changed us from being a voluntary union to a mandatory one. That was the first big step to handing the feds most of the power in the American system. We were supposed to invest most power in the states, but that hasn't been the case ever since.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad Lincoln ended slavery, but I'm not sure if even that was worth the cost of giving the feds the ability to slowly erode states' rights.
Historians rate on several factors

What you were given
What you left
Long lasting accomplishments
How you handled crisis and challenges
The South would have become South Africa

No they wouldn't have. They would've done like Texas and rejoined the USA. Or may have been better than the USA.
None the less, the south had ever right to secede. They tried to do it without war. But you yankee politicians wouldn't have it. They infringed.

You need to reread the Bill of Rights

This part
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

The whole thing was about Slavery……always was

That's like saying the "Patriot Act" is about patriotism. Or the war on poverty was about the rich.
If the South hadn’t seceded, slavery would have been phased out and they would have been paid
But they listened to the Hotheads

There wasn't enough southerners to give a shit about slavery. 95% of them didn't own a slave. Many, because they couldn't afford one. And many because they didn't like the idea of owning another human being.
So it wasn't slavery the south was fighting for. It was the yankee government telling them how to live their lives, in a free country.

Regardless of what the north was doing, slavery was on it's way out, naturally.
Actually, Jefferson refused an offer to be a co-president and scurrilously undermined Adams' presidency. But I wouldn't expect you and your little fan club to know anything about that.

P.S. Surveys are like polls, but without random selection. Utterly worthless.

President back then was elected
Vice President was the guy who came in second

Hard for them to agree on things
The experts got this wrong, Biden received more black votes than Obama! 81M+. The greatest administration ever!

A bit harsh for Trump no? Last place. No wars, good economy, protected the border, last place?

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks last.

Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey.

According to a release from the Presidential Greatness Project, the 154 respondents to the survey included "current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."


The respondents were asked to rank presidents on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being a failure, 50 being average, and 100 being great. Rounding out the top five in the rankings were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at number two, George Washington at three, Theodore Roosevelt at four, and Thomas Jefferson at five.

Trump was ranked in last place in the survey, being ranked worse than James Buchanan at 44, Andrew Johnson at 43, Franklin Peirce at 42, and William Henry Harrison at 41.

Respondents were also tracked by their political affiliation and ideology, which the release argues did not "tend to make a major difference overall" in the rankings, though there were some outliers, mainly with recent presidents.
People are so stupid they vote for names they know. Frankly, I'm surprised they remember Abraham Lincoln. There were many years Reagan won the #1 spot but as people can only look back so far, they have forgotten Reagan. Hell, they even forgot George Washington and FDR, a president so popular he won 4 terms.
This part
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

You are confusing the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence
Historians rate on several factors

What you were given
What you left
Long lasting accomplishments
How you handled crisis and challenges
This is all predicated on the assumption that a president must take an active role in the various events of a country.

The original intention of the presidency was to fulfill a very limited list of duties that were specifically outlined for the feds. Everything else was to be handled by the states.

By modern standards, one of the few presidents that followed this example was Calvin Coolidge. He's not ranked very highly despite a good economy during his time in office.

Historians seem to favor presidents that expanded federal power and went to great extents to shift society more towards a system where government attends to every perceived need. That was never how things were intended to work here, and a nation doesn't stay free for very long in that trajectory.

They were leases that hadn't been used in a decade. If they were, they would've been being used. Not one oil company in all those millions of acres had even done geological studies on them. It takes years to those studies. Then another 3 to 5 years to get a well drilled there. So even if Biden hadn't cancelled those leases, there'd still not be one well drilled in all those leases. Oil companies only bother with geological studies when they're needing more oil
They didn't need to do studies on those leases because they already had over 1500 drilling permits they weren't even using.

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