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New Proposed Laws Threaten Obama's 2012 Re-Election Prospects

The idiot Governor of Hawaii is pretty funny. He guaranteed that he would produce an actual birth certificate for Barry and couldn't find it.

He did find it. But state law prohibits him from releasing it. Hawaii was considering a state law that would allow Obama's birth certificate to be released. In fact, it would have made it available to anyone requesting a copy for a fee of $100 I think. But as far as I know that bill did not go anywhere.

Back when Barry was born in Kenya, the affluent Grandparents just had to call the papers to announce his birth.

Yeah, because they had the foresight to say "Oh boy our newborn Grandson out of Kenya is going to run for President one day, so we better start lying now so that he can fool everyone into believing he's a natural born citizen!"

This kind of thinking is absolute insanity!

Then they went to get a certificate of live birth, similar to the crap that Barry had on his web site during his marathon campaign where he spent 730 million dollars in 2 years to buy the Presidency.

So your entire argument is that Obama's grandparents initiated a massive conspiracy when Obama was born, which has continued to perpetuate, up to 2007 when Obama obtained a "fake" birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, up to 2009 when the director of the Hawaii State Department of Health publicly attested that she held the thing with her own hands, to this very day, and beyond? How is this anything but the ramblings of a madman?

Is anyone really surprised that he is addicted to spending everyone else's money? Anyone that paid attention to his spending during the campaign knew what he was going to be like.:lol::lol::lol:

What does Obama's spending habits have to do with him being born in the USA? I, for one, dislike Obama as President altogether. But you birthers are doing nothing but strengthening him, because everyone who is against Obama is lumped together with your lunacy.

According to numerous articles, he hasn't found shit........ This is from the Uk's Mail Online, certainly not a conservative site.........

And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
He said efforts were still being made to track down definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii.
Abercrombie was asked: 'You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plan to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?'
He acknowledged the birth certificate issue would have 'political implications' for the next presidential election 'that we simply cannot have'.

Read more: Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it | Mail Online

Any parent or Grandparent that gave a shit about any kid would want him to be a citizen of the United States over that shit hole Kenya. Why would they care about dooping the American government, being communist they hated the United States anyway. What massive conspiracy, a few phone calls is all it would have taken. You do understand that his highness was born in 1961 don't you?

Barry is a low life liar and cheat who has the power to destroy the country that his mommy and baby-daddy hated. He has shown his hatred for this country and his white half for years, the waste during his campaign of other's money was just a continuation of his life time of ripping off the foolish that buy into his skam. He has no conscious, typical of a radical Afro Centric church member trying to hide his homosexuality, watch for more unexplained deaths in the gay community.:lol::lol::lol:
Cut the crap: They say it's missing vital information and all three people, matthews and his 2 liberal guests, wind up agreeing that obama should stop fighting the suits and release his long form. People should watch for themselves and not take your word for it, because your word is bullshit. Who are you talking to, anyway? me? i know the difference. I'm guessing you're purpose is to keep morale up, and that's good - they fall all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses to get around whichever states pass the laws.

It's a disgusting effort by you rolled up in a flag of liberal nobility, but it's still a losing argument on a giant scale.


You are an absolute moron, you know that? They all agree at the end of the clip that Obama was born in Hawaii and this is all nonsense.

Really, how fucking stupid are you? Or are you so blinded by hate that you twist anything you see on the Internet to support your bizarre twisted worldview? You take a clip of Michelle Obama saying Barack is a Kenyan and conclude that he must have been born in Kenya. You say that Matthews says the COLB isn't worth the ink it's printed on, the exact opposite of what he says! Good Lord!

Wholly crap, you make the twoofers look like rocket scientists.
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Cut the crap: They say it's missing vital information and all three people, matthews and his 2 liberal guests, wind up agreeing that obama should stop fighting the suits and release his long form. People should watch for themselves and not take your word for it, because your word is bullshit. Who are you talking to, anyway? me? i know the difference. I'm guessing you're purpose is to keep morale up, and that's good - they fall all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses to get around whichever states pass the laws.

It's a disgusting effort by you rolled up in a flag of liberal nobility, but it's still a losing argument on a giant scale.


You are an absolute moron, you know that? They all agree at the end of the clip that Obama was born in Hawaii and this is all nonsense.

Really, how fucking stupid are you? Or are you so blinded by hate that you twist anything you see on the Internet to support your bizarre twisted worldview? You take a clip of Michelle Obama saying Barack is a Kenyan and conclude that he must have been born in Kenya. You say that Matthews says the COLB isn't worth the ink it's printed on, the exact opposite of what he says! Good Lord!

Wholly crap, you make the twoofers look like rocket scientists.
Yes they agree he was born in Hawaii but what they don't say is that even though he was born in Hawaii, he is still not a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency. He was born a dual citizen and that's what they keep from telling people. You never hear them bring THAT SUBJECT up. Certain circumstances do prevent people born in this country from being Natural Born Citizens. The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.
Cut the crap: They say it's missing vital information and all three people, matthews and his 2 liberal guests, wind up agreeing that obama should stop fighting the suits and release his long form. People should watch for themselves and not take your word for it, because your word is bullshit. Who are you talking to, anyway? me? i know the difference. I'm guessing you're purpose is to keep morale up, and that's good - they fall all the harder when Obama starts making up excuses to get around whichever states pass the laws.

It's a disgusting effort by you rolled up in a flag of liberal nobility, but it's still a losing argument on a giant scale.


You are an absolute moron, you know that? They all agree at the end of the clip that Obama was born in Hawaii and this is all nonsense.

Really, how fucking stupid are you? Or are you so blinded by hate that you twist anything you see on the Internet to support your bizarre twisted worldview? You take a clip of Michelle Obama saying Barack is a Kenyan and conclude that he must have been born in Kenya. You say that Matthews says the COLB isn't worth the ink it's printed on, the exact opposite of what he says! Good Lord!

Wholly crap, you make the twoofers look like rocket scientists.
Yes they agree he was born in Hawaii but what they don't say is that even though he was born in Hawaii, he is still not a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency. He was born a dual citizen and that's what they keep from telling people. You never hear them bring THAT SUBJECT up. Certain circumstances do prevent people born in this country from being Natural Born Citizens. The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.

it doesnt matter where he was born
The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.

Just to be picky, the phrase "natural-born citizen" appears 7 times in the Wong Kim Ark decision.

The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.

Just to be picky, the phrase "natural-born citizen" appears 7 times in the Wong Kim Ark decision.


It most certainly does not appear in the SCOTUS decision. Prove it please and show me where the terms 'natural born citizen' is in the case.
Why don't those states make it easy and just pass a law saying "no blacks allowed"

That is the way they used to do it
The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.

Just to be picky, the phrase "natural-born citizen" appears 7 times in the Wong Kim Ark decision.


It most certainly does not appear in the SCOTUS decision. Prove it please and show me where the terms 'natural born citizen' is in the case.

You asked...

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

The Constitution of the United States, as originally adopted, uses the words "citizen of the United States," and "natural-born citizen of the United States." By the original Constitution, every representative in Congress is required to have been "seven years a citizen of the United States," and every Senator to have been "nine years a citizen of the United States." and "no person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President." The Fourteenth Article of Amendment, besides declaring that


In Minor v. Happersett, Chief Justice Waite, when construing, in behalf of the court, the very provision of the Fourteenth Amendment now in question, said: "The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that." And he proceeded to resort to the common law as an aid in the construction of this provision. 21 Wall. 167.


Quoting Dred Scott v. Stanford: "The first section of the second article of the Constitution uses the language, "a natural-born citizen." It thus assumes that citizenship may be acquired by birth. Undoubtedly, this language of the Constitution was used in reference to that principle of public law, well understood in this country at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, which referred citizenship to the place of birth."


Quoting United States v. Rhodes: "All persons born in the allegiance of the King are natural-born subjects, and all persons born in the allegiance of the United States are natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together. Such is the rule of the common law, and it is the common law of this country, as well as of England. . . . We find no warrant for the opinion [p663] that this great principle of the common law has ever been changed in the United States. It has always obtained here with the same vigor, and subject only to the same exceptions, since as before the Revolution."


Quoting United States Code from 1790: "The children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been [p673] resident in the United States."


Referencing I believe Cohens v. Virginia: "reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other: allegiance for protection, and protection for allegiance. . . . At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of [p680] parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class, there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens."​

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Jim Crow laws were put in place by democrats

Can you point out all the Southern Republicans who voted against Jim Crow laws?
can you point out the ones that voted for it?

Southern Republicans were as racist as their Democratic brethren. No southern politician could run on a platform of equal rights for blacks

Both northern Democrats and Republicans fought for civil rights. It was a southern Democrat who signed the Civil Rights act into law
Can you point out all the Southern Republicans who voted against Jim Crow laws?
can you point out the ones that voted for it?

Southern Republicans were as racist as their Democratic brethren. No southern politician could run on a platform of equal rights for blacks

Both northern Democrats and Republicans fought for civil rights. It was a southern Democrat who signed the Civil Rights act into law
which has absolutly NOTHING to do with Jim Crow laws

thanks for the concession
can you point out the ones that voted for it?

Southern Republicans were as racist as their Democratic brethren. No southern politician could run on a platform of equal rights for blacks

Both northern Democrats and Republicans fought for civil rights. It was a southern Democrat who signed the Civil Rights act into law
which has absolutly NOTHING to do with Jim Crow laws

thanks for the concession

Sure it didn't

Show me a list of Southern Republicans who protested Jim Crow laws

Yes they agree he was born in Hawaii but what they don't say is that even though he was born in Hawaii, he is still not a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency. He was born a dual citizen and that's what they keep from telling people. You never hear them bring THAT SUBJECT up. Certain circumstances do prevent people born in this country from being Natural Born Citizens. The 14th Amendment defines just citizens but not natural born citizens which by the way is not even mentioned in the 14th nor in Wong Kim Ark which had nothing to do with Article 2 Section 1.

Complete lie. Did you not see the court decisions I referenced and quoted?
It most certainly does not appear in the SCOTUS decision. Prove it please and show me where the terms 'natural born citizen' is in the case.

Aside from the fact that, yes it does appear in that decision, you're committing what I call the "tomato/tomahto" fallacy. You're playing semantics games. The courts have not tied special importance to the phrase "natural born citizen" such that they cannot discuss what it means unless employing exactly those three words. The decisions by the court often use the phrases "citizenship at birth" or "native-born citizen" and things of the like. These are synonymous with the phrase "natural born citizen." The courts, unfortunately, have been kind enough to presume a basic intelligence level of people, that they will not find such semantics confusing. I guess they've given you too much credit.
Just to be picky, the phrase "natural-born citizen" appears 7 times in the Wong Kim Ark decision.


It most certainly does not appear in the SCOTUS decision. Prove it please and show me where the terms 'natural born citizen' is in the case.

You asked...

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

I had cause to go back in another thread for something else and stumpled across some "Red Font" text. The interesting thing is that it was USArmyRetired quoting and responding to, with his response including that fact that WKA included "natural born citizen".


This was before he declaired that NBC wasn't mentioned in WKA. :eusa_whistle:

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It most certainly does not appear in the SCOTUS decision. Prove it please and show me where the terms 'natural born citizen' is in the case.

You asked...

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

I had cause to go back in another thread for something else and stumpled across some "Red Font" text. The interesting thing is that it was USArmyRetired quoting and responding to, with his response including that fact that WKA included "natural born citizen".


This was before he declaired that NBC wasn't mentioned in WKA. :eusa_whistle:


I've been monitoring this issue for three years since it began and to be blunt, that thread you mention has been put together and endlessly spun by Toro, who is a rabidly anti-conservative, lying prick. If you want the real deal, go to World Net Daily's archive on the subject - and they have something these liberal scum do not have: a reserved seat at all White House press briefings, with lots of solid, well-known, conservative contributors, who very much support the eligibility issue. Toro's thread is so full of shit it's low ball even by liberal standards.

Go to World Net Daily and you can read over 300 articles on the subject. No joke.

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